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Everything posted by AdJungleBrad

  1. Transparency would work if we did not anit-alias the text in a bid to make it look better than pixelated text. Once we do this, any transparency would look bad as our letters would fade to white, and the transparent color would end up making the letters look really bad. I guess if we had a version with no anti-aliasing, then we could have a transparent background...If there was a service that paid high CPMs with no pop-ups, we never would have created AdJungle! I've been through everything from FastClick to DoubleClick (with our EPage.com classifieds site) and have not had decent CPM rates since the late 90's. FastClick is OK, and you can choose what you show (no pops is you don't want them), but I see about 50 cent CPM from their banners. The only way I could figure to get real CPM numbers would be to sell my own space myself and not depend on a third party to do it for me. The selling is still the hard part, but at least we have ways to get the ads inserted and in rotation now.
  2. Great feeback. We have a few fonts to choose from, and I though that they were adequate for most people. The white background is a tough one. We are not serving text like Google, we are serving images. This makes it really hard to customize the colors and I agree that it makes it look bad on dark sites. That said, we allow you to manage 8 of 10 default ads, so you can use graphics or AdSense code that matches you site. Of course, if someone makes a buy with an ad that looks bad, we can't do anything about that... Would it be enough to have an inverse layout using black or a dark background a white or light text? I have see the issue you talk about, but you are the first to actually say that it is a problem. I can't make guarantees without having lots of complaints like this, but I can always see about getting an alternate look or two created.
  3. AdJungle does not serve pops. We've been offered better than $4 CPM to serve them, but we are not in that business.
  4. Hi all, this is Brad Waller from AdJungle. I have a Google Alert that finds posts like these and I saw our name mentioned. We do not have a minimum traffic requirement to join. The only minimum we have is that for you to sell ads, you need to have al least 10 page views per day. We are not a true CPM service. We make it simple for you to manage and sell your own banner advertising. You can set a CPM or cost per day rate for your site, and we do our best to find advertisers and get decent paying default ads. We are not like Burstmedia.com, FastClick.com, or AdSense where you put up the code and forget it. We want to you be as active as possible and try to sell your site. We make it easy for advertisers to make buys on your site at your rates. If people are looking for the best effective CPM, I have to say that AdSense has to be the best I have seen, with places like TribalFusion.com being great for high traffic niche sites. For lower traffic sites, FastClick.com can do pretty well. I have not used them, but Casalemedia.com is another to check out. I do not know if any of these have geographic considerations. AdJungle.com accepts all sites, but we do pay in US funds, either by check (cheque) or PayPal. I have heard that UK traffic is desired and that the rates are higher than for US traffic. I can talk to my sources if you have enough UK traffic and perhaps we can get some great default ads for your sites.
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