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Posts posted by Daehawk

  1. Star Wars Eps. 3 the GameMy Rating: 7/10Yet another star wars game...alright...the reason I gave it a 7 was for the following reasons...way too short...and a little choppy at times. I did like tons of things in it though. You got to play as a lot of the awesome players and the saber duels were awesome...in Versus mode me and a friend spent 30 minutes on 1 round of it....we got so good at the saber dueling that we were able to block mostly every attack with our saber and then also block the force powers used at us...we were elite....but they didn't make it XBox live play which sucked and dropped it another point.

  2. Soul Calibur 2My Rating: 10/10One of the truly best fighting games of the new generation. The styles the game play. Simply the best I do say. If you are after a good fighting game that you can play forever and has great replay value. I majorly suggest this game to any of the hardcore fighting gamers *nods*

  3. You know it knows when we are on a new line as it returns the line number that the error is on, yet it can't deduce that we ment to end the line, but then again when you do someting like:

    while(something = somethingelse){$whole bunch of stuff here;bunch more stuff}

    the first bunch of stuff could technicaly follow the { and I know most people don't do that, and if it assumed each line break was ; then it would return new errors!


    I always hit enter after the {'s and ;'s keeps everything organized so it's alot easier to read and you can tell where an error could be earlier...like if you had something wrong with the while statement and you had something else there as well...you might change the wrong thing and create a different error and just get more confused LoL.

  4. Knights of the Old RepublicMy Rating: 9/10It's a good game and an awesome story...but one thing that lacks against other rpgs...you have to stick to a path and can't just wander around and have a lot of fun to me...once you do something in an area...it's all destroyed and there is nothing more that you can do. I enjoyed the choice to be either light or dark side....which was good that they put that in. The Saber styles were fun to use as well...but sometimes if you use master speed in an area the game would lag flick a bit...which I didn't like....

  5. Final Fantasy 7My Rating: 10/10Alright, I loved the story of this game and the characters in it..Sephiroth is the best villian of the Final Fantasy Characters singled only to the dark angel Kefka :P. Final Fantasy Advent Children will be awesome when it comes out...can't wait. Any of you know when the Vincent game is comming out???????

  6. Fable would of been better than what it was if Microsoft hadn't rushed them. They had to release it and kill a few things since the deadline was comming up and they needed to get things out of the way to complete it. There was supposed to be a dragon that you fight and tons more adventures...but they couldn't get it done in time. I give the game and 8/10...not the best out there cause of how microsoft forced them to throw it together at the end.

  7. That and finish every line with ;, you know that is my least favorite thing about PHP.  Everytime I forget it.  What's even worse is that the error, unexpected something expected , or ;, well if you expected it, then put it there!


    LoL yeah, I know...I got used to it now though, and it doesn't have to be every line cause some lines you don't need them at the end. like the ones that start if (blah = blah) { and stuff like that LoL.....You get used to it over time.

  8. Your problem is that you missed either a } or a ; in one of your previous lines. Find what you edited and look there. I get this now and then and I just check what I did. If you use Word Pad....or something like that...I'm sorry....get Matrix Y2k Website Studios, works wonders on telling you which { is lined up with which }.

  9. PS2 came out before XBOX and yet they are competing. The PS3 has greater capabilities graphically than the XBOX360 as well as a greater lineup of exclusive games. The Halo3 release in line with the PS3's is a poor move by Mircosoft as if they wished it they could release it sooner than that but they end up screwing their current customers and supporters in order to hopefully win over some new ones with a release date in line with a console.


    Let the XBOX fans have the Halo and their 'Ring of Light', ps3 will have everything else.


    Oh and what about the capabilites of the games on each system, besides the superior graphics what about the space? XBOX360 in STILL using DVD Drive while the PS3 will be using Sony's new technology of the Blu-Ray disks which can hold up to 50GB insted of the inferior 9.


    First they both have custom graphics cards so, #1 you can't say that PS3 has greater capabilities graphically. #2 Halo 3 is MORE THAN LIKELY not going to be released the same day as PS3. As I said in my post earlier I read the article and the reply by a person from bungie. Bungie has denied the release date of Halo 3 to be the same day as the PS3. They will probably hold it off till Half-life 3 to compete with that again.


    Umm sorry PS3 doesn't have 'everything else.' I have both a PS2 and an Xbox. Right now I play Halo 2, Jade Empire and Morrowind on my Xbox....just cause I am a role-player and I have Halo 2 for lan parties and such. PS2 I have Final Fantasy(X,X-2), Champions of Norrath, and .hack//sign.


    I would rather use more than one disk then have to pay a higher price sorry. But still I am getting both the PS3 and Xbox 360.

  10. Hardware wise ps3 is superrior. Here is whats gonna make or break ps3 (in the beggining) PRICE. if it comes out at 500 dollars (hopefully it wont) noone is really gonna buy it. Another thing you haft to look at is xbox live service thats there main beauty. look for some good upgrades there. But what playstation has going for it is it's amazing superior graphics. Someone mentioned about them being pre-rendered yes most of them were but not the fight night or unreal clip.

    Another thing playstation ussually has going for it is its 3rd party support. Ps@ had the largest third party support, but now with the ps3 they might lose that because of the cost its gonna make to make the games.< Which is were nintendo comes in they are keeping everything cheap. Games will be cheap. And they will probably have the strongest third party support. look to pick up a revolution. You could go on and on about there advantages and disadvantages but really those are the main things.


    Actually, there has been some professionals that have analyzed both of the game systems and they rendered that the Xbox 360 is more superior. I know people that if a game comes out on both Xbox and PS2, they will always get the Xbox version for the graphics, so there is alot of people that will disagree with you on that part. And you saying that th PS3's graphics are going to be all that superior, have you see what the creator of final fantasy is making for the Xbox 360...it's ****ing awesome. Microsoft is branching out to third parties, I read somewhere that they are making a deal with Nintendo and Sony about their PSP and DX having some time of support for Microsoft games and can be run through the Xbox 360, something like since the controllers use USB ethernet adapters for charging the PSP could keep battery life from there or something. Also something about being able to play Xbox live games on the DX and PSP...dunno how the deal is going through right now. Microsoft doesn't feel like getting into the handheld business.

  11. be sure session_start() is the very first thing in your script





    if that's done be sure there are no blanc lines before <?php

    (this means no html codes and no empty lines)


    as a confirm i see that the error occurs on line 3, meaning your session_start(); is on line 3, should be line 2


    hope this helps


    ...wow that's all that was wrong with it >.> stupid session things. Right now I don't have any major bugs in the game...but was wondering if there was a good bug tester to find anything that could be abused or hacked into before I release the game to alpha.

  12. Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cookie - headers already sent by (output started at /home/daehawk/public_html/files/config.php:8) in /home/daehawk/public_html/head.php on line 3
    Warning: session_start(): Cannot send session cache limiter - headers already sent (output started at /home/daehawk/public_html/files/config.php:8) in /home/daehawk/public_html/head.php on line 3

    I am getting that atm...didn't have a problem when I was using cookies, so the question is. From what I have looked up and other responses to this problem, most of them say that the provider might not support sessions....I think sessions are supported here right?

  13. As HmmZ said, PHP is compatible with every browser. It is a server side script, which means that when you say on your browser http://www.yoursitehere.com/, the server which hosts your site will automatically make the php page into html, which is read by all browsers.


    The problem could be either with your coding, or with any Javascript you may be using (I had this same problem, I was coding a PHP rpg type game, and it used some javascript to open and close boxes, worked fine in Firefox but not in IE). Maybe you can post the code here so we can take a look?


    Yeah, it was the whole setcookies thing, But yeah, I am using Java + Php on the game >.>



    Have one new problem now that, I think I know why it is doing it...but just want to make sure, if I can't fix it myself...I will post it in here.

  14. Well it's nice to know that it's only 8 gigs, I'll let my buddy know


    As for filling up the Hdd, My buddy installed a mod chip with over 150 super nes, super nintendo, etc emulators on it, and it still had space, however, after adding a few more games, the Hdd wass full. So yes, it is easy to fill up an Hdd with the mod chip. However, I have about 31 CDs on my xbox, and it's still registering 50 000+, so you would need alot of CDs to fill it up.




    Yes it's easy when you put over 150 games on it LoL, That's alot of games to have sitting there on the xbox. The reason it filled it up cause of the fact that that's like taking all my games for NES, putting my SNES games, and Half my PS1 games and making them xbox readable and then saving them to the hard drive...after that, who needs games LOL

  15. Alright, I coded something the other day for the game I am working on making, and a few of my friends I allowed to get on it and test things out. Well....the ones that were on IE their characters were made but the User variable as in which account they were on just stayed blank, while with my friends that were on Firefox, everything worked fine and they could play perfectly...So I was wondering, with PHP sql codes being sent to the database, is there something special you have to do to make it work on both, or could it be a setting on the IE that was messing with it...Ideas?

  16. The program that I use to edit HTML and PHP and the likes is, Matrix Y2K Website Studios. It's a free trial that doesn't really end...I am over the days like...forever and can still use every feature on it. Very useful in checking things and it keeps things organized while you are typing it all up. I recommend it for most projects.

  17. those 3 first links, they all have same background just changed the pic in the middle. :P  the pics are nice but it doenst look like theres much work put into it. loks like you could do that in paint program to.


    Yes the first three are the same for a reason. I did it in Elements, I created a background using lens flares and wave motion to alter how it looks and then postioned a few things. It is a banned for the game I am making...the center was the only thing I was having problems with trying to find something good to put in the middle and that wouldn't get my members in trouble with some of their parents that monitor everything.

  18. Ooh, sounds interesting...what kinda extensions? Like, cyborg parts?


    YAY FOR SEMI-NUDITY WITH A GREAT STORY! Like Ninja Scroll, only that has full nudity. ^-^


    Not really Cyborgnetics, but psionics. The vectors can only work if they are not in severe pain. Like you'll see a few sections of the series were one of them gets shot and they can't even call the vectors to help them.


    Yeah...if I could find the site I got it fround I'd post it here for you to go download the series....hmm...

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