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Posts posted by runeiq

  1. Anyone here a baseball fan?I know for sure, that there is at least one, that person is me...Whenever I get the chance to watch my team, I watch them...Some of you may be wondering what team I cheer for, and here's the answer: The Milwaukee Brewers!So far this season they're doing a decent job with a 2-2 record and a walk-off win against their rival, the Cubbies, on Friday.I'm hoping this year they do good, since they lost many of their good pitchers, CC Sabathia, Ben Sheets and numerous bullpen pitchers...Anyways! After all that...GO BREWERS!!!

  2. Hello everyone, this is runeiq, I'm new to the Xisto forum. I'm a student taking web design classes and hope to look for a future in business through web design. I came here hoping I could gather enough posts up to run a functional site, and get some hindsight at a career that I could be taking eventually. Other than that, I'm glad to be here and hope everyone else is too.

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