Ok, I've got this friend. She has this boyfriend. Both have been my good friends (she more than him) for a long time. In fact, they were two of the only people that didn't turn thier back on me after the unpleasentness with my ex-girlfriend.Anyway, her name is Kayla, and her boyfriend is Kyle. Kyle cheats on her, treats her pretty crappy, and even recently broke up with her for his ex-girlfriend.When this happened, Kayla called me and cried the entire night. We stayed up from about 1 till about 8, just talking. I was trying to keep her positive and keep her mind off of Kyle. She really loves him.Anyway, through the day, sometime they talk and he convinces her to get back with him. Now, bear in mind I really like both people, I just hate the way Kyle treats her.Anyway, last night, she is complaining to me about how her family do nothing but complain about her being with him. I finally found my voice and told her what I thought. I told her basically that he treats her badly and she deserves so much better because she really is an awesome girl.Anyway, she gets super pissed at me thinking I'm trying to tear them apart and all that crap. Then she tells Kyle, and he thinks I am talking crap about him. Then he finds out she called me the other night and he assumes I am trying to steal his girlfriend.He calls me last night, at first having someone pretend to be him, then he gets on the phone all threatening me and crap (I know, its pathetic he is like 20 years old.).Anyway, I try to call him today because he had to go back to work last night because I want to settle things. I don't want to lose my friends (especially Kayla). He blows me off and says he is going to call me right back then never does.It pisses me off. I was just trying to help my best friend realize she is in the same place I was in a few months ago.I hate people.