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Posts posted by pinchmips

  1. Well, I didn't expect my idea to be actually functional, just some of my thoughts. I am only one normal person.


    However, I want to know how the rich could affect the system.


    The rich couldn't corrupt all the people working on making the test.

    They could only corrupt one or two people, I assume. The rest of the staff would notice of one

    or two staffmembers started making suggestions that were stupid.


    Anybody can influence a vote, but in my idea, the vote isn't given the full power of decision.


    Corrupting the dictator would be difficult as he would be guarded. Also, portions of tests would try to

    find out the morals of a person. A person that passes the test and the votes in my idea would be

    difficult to corrupt.


    As for the difficulty for such an organizational structure, I think that most countries that have nuclear capability

    could have a system of government like this.


    But I think that in the end, there is no way to stop a determined bad person from taking power permanently.

    If the good side keeps trying and succeeds, the bad side will keep trying too.

    I know this is 2 years after the last post, but I came across this thread while researching for an English Comp II paper.


    Possible123, I think you may be a little naive to how well money talks and how far it can walk.


    There isn't anything to stop the dictator from corrupting himself.

    And one of the problems with any kind of dictatorship is: "Power corrupts, Absolute power corrupts absolutely."

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