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Posts posted by varunone

  1. The Reason I am posting this here is to let the people know how the moderators behave at this forum. Very polite as you can see.


    I have decided to leave Xisto ... anyways the hosting was not that great either ... there are many other better hosts out there. It is the way people behave that counts


    There is a way explaining something to someone. And no need of being rude !


    You can delete my forum account and hosting account.


    Thank You.



    The entire conversation is saved in my indox (forum control panel) in case the admin wants to verify.


    Here is the 100% unedited conversation ...


    Your posting rights are now disabled for two days for posting http://forums.xisto.com/topic/23113-real-reason-behind-apples-move-intels-dominance-in-the-digital-world/ without using quotes.

    Next offense will be a complete ban from Xisto.


    Hi Snlildude,


    You just gave me a warning Yesterday at 08:40 PM and now you are again giving me a warning for a post that I posted even before the one you earlier gave me warning for.



    It doesn't matter what time you posted a topic. What matters is that the topic must follow Xisto rules, and Xisto rules are no plagiarism. Apparently, you didn't read Xisto rules, so you are complaining.


    I think you are being unfair. Anyways I am not worried about the 2 ban ... but if tomorrow you find another post that is again under the same violation ( dont 4get angain posted much before the warnings ) then you'll permanently ban me.


    How am I being unfair? I am doing my job as a moderator to make sure that members don't cheat the hosting credit system and that members follow Xisto rules.


    I did not give you two bans. I gave you one warning and one 2 days without post. A ban is permanent. What you have isn't permanent. You'll be able to post again in two days.


    Like I said before, it doesn't matter when your posts were made. It matters that you follow the rules and that you don't steal other people's work.


    Please let me know, in that case ill not waste time in uploading my site on you servers and move to another hosting.


    A warning is ment to be for the crime not to be repeated, but penalizing for history is wrong.


    I hope you understand


    Thank You



    You're wasting your own time by not following Xisto rules. If you follow the rules and use quote tags for every article that you copied, then I wouldn't be typing you this PM, and you wouldn't have the two warnings.


    I did not penalize you for history. I penalized you because you did not follow Xisto rules.


    I believe you dont understand the meaning of a warning. Both my posts were in a time gap of only 13minutes. And your first warning came only the next day.


    A warning is suppose to be so that the mistake is not repeated. When i have not repeated it since the warning i am not guilty.


    I spoke to BuffoloHelp yesterday and I came to the conclusion that you over looked the timestamps and just initiated the ban.


    What is done is done but it will be nice if you would be a little more supportive in the future. I really dont care about the ban, nor about the hosting credits which you might think. I just dont want to create bad relationships in the first week of me being here.


    This is the first time I am posting any where in my life .. dont make it a bad experience. I did not know about the quote feature and after your warning have made and attempt to sort it out. The second warning was unjustified.


    First of all, don't tell me what I don't and do understand.


    Second, I don't think you understand the meaning of rules. You broke the rules, so you deserve the consequences. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHEN YOUR POSTS WERE MADE. WHAT MATTERS IS THAT YOU DID NOT FOLLOW Xisto RULES. Do you understand that?? You did not follow Xisto rules, so I punished you for it. Yes, the warns were separate, but I HAD to give them to you since you did NOT read the rules.


    Rules are there for a reason, and the reason is so that you don't gain more credits than you deserve. By STEALING someone else's work, you are gaining unnecessary hosting credits, and thus, you have to be punished. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHEN; IT MATTERS THAT YOU DID NOT FOLLOW Xisto RULES. Got it?


  2. Frankly Reminds me of a movie i saw once in which a company becomes the only component provider in the world and want to take over as a Super Power ... then a bunch of kids kick *bottom* and want everything ... even hardware to be open sourced ... they bring the culprits to the open... Can't remember the name of the movie.Anyways ...wonder where intel is heading ... but still AMD 3200+ with HT is better than current intel processors ...

  3. Well just a guess but you posted back to back here: http://forums.xisto.com/topic/23114-zonealarm-firewall-bugged-bug-in-zonealarm-causes-50000-pc-to-crash/

    with 5, 10, 15 minutes apart. Which is not a good thing but it does happen, when it does you could kindly notify a mod to have your posts merged.


    But this is just a guess so maybe an admin can help us out!


    How do i do that ? ... please let me know ... its either that by the time i finish some one has added something or that i 4get to add something that i think should be told.


    Your post also i had missed, it was just that while i was repling to "cse-icons" i saw the post.


    But i am for the idea ... please let me know whom do i contact for the same ?


    Or can we merge the posts on our own specially the topics that we create on our own ? We should be having more privileges there.


    I have worked on a couple of forums for websites ... but have not been into posting ... just developing. Such kind of features have always been there.


    Will anyways take caution in the future ... thanks

  4. I use ZoneAlarm, glad I didn't get hit. I thinka good firewall is, suprisingly, Microsoft's Anti-Spyware, although it's still in the beta stages, it's very good!


    I second that ... Microsot Anti-Spyware is very good. I have used it and found it better than mcafee and norton. It was able to detect more virus threats and it even warns you of many things that others over look, like changing settings in MSCONFIG. Though its normally I who is using the feature but it is a little reassuring that if something is going wrong it will be prompted.


    Thought its still in beta phase, i am waiting was the final version to come out. It will really be something.

  5. Now, the best firewall out of the options you gave me


    They were not options they were simply what was suggested by "alperuzi"


    If You feel there is a better free firewall out there, above Kerio, has you mentioned then please suggest me.


    I have been using Zone Alarm for quite sometime now. I am not sure, may be 3 yrs or more, just can't remember.


    I have never had any problems with it. Thought the new happening was very weird as i did not hear about any updates available in the first place. Even now the updater shows that the software is upto date. It's set not to update automatically and i do it manually. I really find this weird that it did not detect any new updates and still it is not detecting after the new patches came up.


    The only reason i could think of is that i dont use the feature of Zone Alarm. I have set everything to the highest level of security and allow permision on a need basis whenever the software prompts me.


    Anyways ill give Kerio a shot today and checkout outputs website, in the mean time let me know which is the best ... in free and paid category.



  6. Come to think of it there really nothing special about G-mail, besides the huge amount of space it gives.The intire interface is downloaded onto your computer by the browser. This itself makes the entire thing very unsafe. Fine today it might seem very secure and it is. But tomorrow some one is surely going to figure some way of hacking it. Since everything is lying there on you harddisk any virus in your computer can surely attack the codes that gets downloaded. Its just a matter of time till some one thinks about it and then does something to exploit this !Now that yahoo is also giving 1gb i prefer using yahoo, it seems more secure and in cyber cafes or public access computers, where they delete the cookies and other offline content, yahoo opens faster than g-mail. I know many will have alternate experiences but this is the case for me here on a dial-up connection.And seriously are we ever going to use 1gb of space. The only way we do so is if we never delete any mail that we ever get. But is this not a way of increasing Junk on the internet ?Also tomorrow if someone really hacks in to our g-mail account he'll know what we have been doing or planning by reading the history of mails that we never deleted. I believe that one should never leave mails for too long on any public or private servers.As far as messenger is concerned i think MSN people are very nice and considerate, they have allowed people to use msn as well as microsoft messengers with any email account now, even gmail.My msm messenger id is @gmail.com and not hotmail.Windows messenger has always been better than MSN messenger, simply because of the fact that MSN has lot of ads which might slow down the connection specially on dialup. But the good thing is that Windows Messenger is still available and updated regularly.There are lot of other options though, like trillian but then its always a matter of opinion, Like for me, i think yahoo is the best ... it allows offliners as well as the interface is small and nice. Though yahoo if also moving in steps of msn when it comes to adverts ... but still it allows them to be optional in the new version.

  7. I am so tired of all the hosting/domain nonsense in my life.For over 4 weeks now my site has been down. Initially i changed hosts cause my old provider was putting to many advertisments. Ever since my problems have grown exponentially !I have changed 3 hosts in the last 4 weeks and finally settled down at Xisto. But this was not the end.I had to change hosts cause they either were providing less then what they promised or they shut down like spotquick.I having been using uni.cc domain for so long now ever since they launched. Now for some reason even after pointing my site to Xisto's name servers nothing seems to be working. I am not complaining about Xisto, i feel the problem might be at uni.cc's end only. But it was working fine with spotquick.But to my unluck they dont provide support !!! ... And our admin has very sweetly posted for all uni.cc queries that he cannot do anything.Now i am thinking about buying my own domain but this only means more wait.I am so tired ! Now i know why companies out source their websites :-(

  8. Hi,The only reason I am going to use this feature is to flaunt my school/college snaps with with friends and family. :PI cheched the demos for all three and "Gallery" seemed best to me. I am not too sure about Coppermine cause it looks like a forum and not really a gallery.Ok ill take your suggestion and wait for some reviews. Anyways i have lot of time at hand since my domain name providers uni.cc have screwed up and the domain is pointing god knows where !!!ThanksCheers

  9. As we all must have noticed that the Fantastico section of our Xisto website admin accounts have 3 options for Picture Galleries.1... 4Images Gallery 2... Coppermine Photo Gallery 3... Gallery I would like to use one of these, but i am very confused which one to select.Primary selection criteria would be The Looksand then safety of image files.also ease of adding images (last)So what do you think which one should I go for ?Cheers

  10. A second Blue Gene/L supercomputer has posted speed results that lift it to the high ranks of supercomputing


    The system, called Blue Gene Watson and located at IBM's Thomas Watson Research Center, performed 91.3 trillion calculations per second, or 91.3 teraflops. That means it's second only to IBM's original Blue Gene/L system, the fastest supercomputer in the world, located at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory and clocked at 135 teraflops.

    The higher speed, measured with an algebraic calculation test called Linpack, puts IBM another notch ahead of Silicon Graphics, whose Columbia system at NASA reached 51.9 teraflops last fall.


    Big Blue has a healthy lead in the list and expects to stay on top. The Livermore machine is in line for another doubling in size and, roughly, performance.


    IBM sells the Blue Gene systems for about $2 million per rack each rack has 1,024 processors, and Blue Gene Watson has 20 racks. IBM also rents out access to the machines. Blue Gene Watson has been used for protein simulations that tie into biology and drug development research.

  11. Virus writers have adopted a new tactic to try to make sure their malicious programs reach as many victims as possible. Instead of releasing viruses intermittently, many creators of worms and trojans are pumping them out with increasing frequency.

    For a while new variants of one virus, called Mytob, were appearing every hour. Some viruses appear in hundreds of different guises. The variants are appearing far faster than firms can analyse them and update their scanners to spot the malicious code.

    The tactic seems to be paying off. Currently, Mytob variants are filling 14 of the positions in the Top 20 threats

    Most Dangerous Variant : W32/Mytob.ch@MM
    More Details : https://home.mcafee.com/virusinfo/default.aspx?culture=en-US

  12. A Windows e-mail virus is trying to attack victims by claiming that Michael Jackson has attempted suicide.


    The message hopes to catch people's attention because of the huge interest in the on-going child abuse trial. The fake message contains a web link that supposedly links to Michael Jackson's suicide note. But anyone clicking on the link will have their PC invaded by a virus that gives others access to that machine.


    Malicious message does not use a technical trick or loophole to infect machines. Instead it relies on tricking users into infecting themselves.


    Those who click on the link in the fake e-mail to see the supposed suicide note will get a message suggesting that the site hosting it is busy.


    The virus downloaded is a variant of the Borobt-Gen trojan which gives the virus' creator a backdoor into infected machines.

  13. A bug in a Zone Labs update caused firewall crashes late Thursday for about 50,000 users of the popular ZoneAlarm Pro and ZoneAlarm Security Suite products.


    The crashes happened after people downloaded the daily Program Advisor update, said Gregor Freund, general manager of Zone Labs, which is part of Check Point Software. Thursday's update contained a bug that had slipped by Zone Labs' quality checks.


    "There was somewhat of a process breakdown," Freund said on Friday.


    The Program Advisor update is a list of trusted programs that tells the firewall which applications should be allowed to connect to the Internet without user interaction. A new version of the list is produced daily. By default, ZoneAlarm products check on start-up for a new version and download and install it, Freund said.


    Most customers who experienced the crashes were in Asia, because it was morning there when the update was first made available and users were starting up their PCs. About 3 million people use ZoneAlarm Pro and ZoneAlarm Security Suite worldwide, according to ZoneLabs's figures.


    The faulty update was made available around 4 p.m. Pacific Time on Thursday. Zone Labs discovered the issue after customers began reporting crashes. The problem was replicated in the software maker's security lab and resolved within five hours, according to a posting on Zone Labs' Web site.


    The company late Thursday posted a corrected Program Advisor update.


    The free ZoneAlarm firewall does not include the Program Advisor feature and was thus not affected.

    NOTE : This was not a virus threat only a programming error





    Notice from snlildude87:
    Did you write this? Google doesn't think so.

  14. According to Steven P Jobs, he had promised both a 3-gigahertz Macintosh as well as a more powerful PowerPC-based portable computer, promises that he had not been able to deliver. Jobs was given no choice but to move his business to Intel.


    IBM executives said that without additional Apple investment they were unwilling to pursue the faster and lowerpower chips he badly needs for his laptop business.Technical issues were secondary to the business issues, Because the business was not profitable, IBM, decided not to continue to go ahead with the product road map.


    But Jobs disputed this assessment, simply stating that IBM had failed to meet its technology road map. The issues in the end, he said, came down to speed and the absence of a chip that consumed less electricity than traditional processors designed for PCs.

    Now I am wondering whether Jobs is really moving to INTEL for designing better machines (which they realised quite late) or is it that he is trying to SAVE his falling company ?


    Now that Jobs has broken up with IBM, Apple is free to pursue a potentially intriguing consumer electronics strategy with Intel. Intel has been looking for ways to get its chips into devices that can compete with game consoles as living-room entertainment hubs. In fact, all three video game machines made by Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony are based on IBM chips.


    And analysts say that both Microsofts Xbox 360 and the Sony PlayStation 3, scheduled to arrive next spring, will be positioned as home media hubs in addition to being video game machines and priced far lower than the Intel-powered, Windows Media Centre PCs that are also aimed at the living room. Should the new consoles find wide acceptance as broad-based entertainment engines, Intel will need to respond.

    This is only leading to INTEL's dominance in the digital world... Which seems a little scary !




    Notice from snlildude87:
    Copied from https://gen.xyz/
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