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Posts posted by hfbvm

  1. T

    he next generation of DivX video! Enjoy true HD video with DivX® 7 for Windows. Play all DivX and DivX Plus™ HD video (MKV) with our free offering and purchase DivX Pro 7 to create your own HD videos.A Cinematic Video Experience! We're now introducing the next generation of DivX technology with DivX 7 — our new software that lets you create and play full HD H.264 (MKV) videos. H.264 is a new standard that is poised to power the high definition video revolution by offering incredible visual quality, performance and efficiency. DivX 7 gives you all the tools you need to take full advantage of H.264 for a truly cinematic video experience.

    DivX® is a digital video format that offers a high-quality viewing experience on any device or platform — from your PC to your phone to your living room TV. Over 100 million devices that support DivX video have shipped worldwide from major manufactures, including DVD players, gaming consoles, mobile phones and more. Look for the DivX logo when you buy your next device to ensure that you can enjoy your videos anywhere you choose.

  2. Now that you've created a website,

    how do you make money from it? There are at least two ways in which sites can make money:





    Advertising Revenue

    Selling Goods and Services

    I will address the issue of how your site can actually make money from advertising.






    Making Money From Advertising




    If you look at many websites, you will probably notice that there are banner advertisements

    displayed on most pages. If you are a newcomer to the scene, you might think that you must

    either be a company or that your site must be famous before you can get advertisers, just as it

    is the case in hardcopy publications.






    In reality, anyone with a website can get advertisers. While it is true that if your site is

    well-known, you may get companies contacting you to offer to advertise on your site,

    you can get advertising revenue even if you are just starting out and your site is

    relatively unknown.






    The way to do this is to join as an "affiliate" of various sites, either directly, or through an

    affiliate network. An affiliate network is simply an intermediary where you can select from a

    variety of advertisers.






    Payment Schemes




    Before joining any program, you should probably be aware of the different payment schemes






    Pay Per Impression (CPM)



    Here, you are paid according to the number of times the advertiser's banner is displayed

    on your site. The amount you earn is typically calculated based on the number of

    thousand impressions of the banner (impressions = number of times the banner is

    displayed), often abbreviated CPM (cost per thousand, with the M being the Latin numeral for

    thousand). That is, $5 CPM means that you get paid $5 for 1,000 displays of the banner.

    In general, the amount paid is usually small, but it is easy to earn since

    everytime a visitor loads the page, you earn. This is known as a "high conversion rate".

    Needless to say, this method will allow you to automatically earn more if your site attracts

    a lot of visitors.





    Pay Per Click (PPC)



    When you are paid per click, you are only paid when visitors click the advertiser's banner on

    your site. The amount paid is usually higher than the pay per impression scheme. Whether you get

    a high conversion rate here depends on the banner (whether it attracts people to click it),

    although in general, it has a higher conversion rate than the pay per sale method. A high

    traffic site will probably enjoy a higher click rate than a lower traffic site, although

    you will probably get better results if your banners are carefully selected to suit the

    target audience of your site.





    Pay Per Sale or Lead



    While you will probably get the highest payment rates with this method, it has the

    lowest conversion rate of the three schemes. You will only earn if your visitors click through

    the banner and either purchase an item from the advertiser or take some other prescribed action

    (eg, sign up for a service). Like the Pay Per Click method, you get much better

    results if you carefully select your advertisers to suit the target audience of your site.

    In general, to avoid wasting resources in issuing cheques for very small amounts,

    advertisers will usually accrue the amount owing to you until it reaches a certain level

    (such as $25) before they pay you.



    How To Choose An Affiliate Program




    How should you choose an affiliate program? My suggestion is not to choose a program according

    to the payment scheme, but rather according to the kind of people who are likely to visit your

    website. For example, if you are targeting parents on your site, links to affiliates with

    educational software, books and the like may generate more revenue than banners that link to

    web hosting companies. The most important rule of choosing an affiliate program is to know your

    target audience.






    Another point to consider is whether you really want to join every single affiliate program that

    comes your way. Some studies suggest that sites that make the most money from

    affiliate programs are affiliates of only a small handful of programs. Furthermore,

    concentrating your advertisements from one network may allow you to be paid faster.

    If you advertise for hundreds of different affiliate networks on your site,

    you may wind up earning only (say) a few dollars per month from each network. If your

    advertiser's minimum payment amount is higher than what you can earn each month, it may

    take you a long time before you accrue enough to be paid.






    On the other hand, that formula does not necessarily hold true for every site (or every page

    on your site, for that matter). For example, if your site has a particular theme, and an

    affiliate network only supports one or two suitable advertisers,

    you might want to sign up for a few affiliate networks so as to get a greater number of

    relevant advertisers. After all, advertisements that are relevant to

    your audience are more likely to be taken up than general advertisements. (What's the point of

    putting banners from only one affiliate if nobody is going to click them?)






    Automated Context-Sensitive Advertising




    One of the latest trends in website sponsorship is to

    sign up with an advertising network like Google AdSense

    The advertising network automatically checks your web page and determines the most relevant advertisement for the page.

    As a result, without much additional effort from you, you get advertisements targeted at the interests of your visitors.

    As mentioned earlier, targeted ads tend to result in better performance and returns.

    Please Do Not Reprint This Article


    This article is copyrighted. Please do not reproduce this article in whole or part, in any form, without obtaining my written permission.

    i loved this article so i poted it dont forget to leave a review and visit the site hope this helps you as it helped me.

    So best of luck.

  3. I like linkbucksLinkBucks is leader in social marketing and you make money very simple and easy way. You can make money by sharing of your favourite links. LinkBucks is an ad company that doesnt load you down with rules and restrictions, allows you to control your own placements, and pays out twice per month.With LinkBucks affiliate program is possible to make money also without any website - so here is the chance for those who do not believe in making money on internet (you just try it with no cost). You need just to submit there links that you would submit somewhere else (funny youtube videos, sites you like,...) and you collect linkbucks links which you post and show to your friends on forums, blogs,... Your friends you shared the link with will get to the page you wanted to show but first they will watch an AD and there you get paid!!! easy isnt it i am going to have these ads on my website......

  4. To change the icon for a website. Like the little icon next to the url bar in the browser or the bookmark Icon. Example Like the myspace group image that is next to the url bar when browsing Facebook.
    You need to add this code inside the head tags.

    <link rel="shortcut icon" href="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/;
    To convert an existing image to an .ico, use this link or google favicon generator for other available services. Some Image software is also able to save as ico, but not all of them do so.

  5. I find that using Windows 7 is very different from the last too, although it is easy to get used to. I'm not a fan of the new Libraries feature though. I have seen benchmarking done for Crysis [gaming], Windows 7 got 5% frame per second boost. While Vista took up way to much RAM.In performance for all the 3 OS's, Windows XP is the fastest, Windows 7 is now classified as mid range it can work better on my old laptop than Vista. And Vista as the worst and slowest.I have for multiple themes in the Final release, though.I recommend to try Windows 7 if your installing an OS as of now if not stick with your current one. Oh and some programs won't work, especially my codecs.

  6. I recently switched over to Hostmonster because my previous host, a small Singapore company can’t offer me the kind of space and bandwidth that Hostmonster offers.I give top marks to their customer service. I still cannot forget how tickets are responded to in under 30 minutes, and their LiveChat support response time is under 5 minutes. And, on the few occassions that I requested for support, the problems were generally fixed on the spot.So far, I had not experienced any downtime, although there were times when page loading seems a little slow. Overall, for the price that you pay ($3.95 a month if you pay upfront for at least 12 months, and they bundle in one free domain name as long as you stay with them), there really isn’t much to complain about.I love them but the point is they are not free.

  7. The best-selling PC game franchise of all time just got a bit more best-selling. EA announced today that The Sims series has now sold 100 million copies worldwide since it launched in 2000. Since the first game, the series has been translated into 22 different languages and sold in 60 countries around the world. According to the New York Times, the franchise has generated over $4 billion for its publisher, Electronic Arts--or around $500 million per year. The first Sims game was the brainchild of celebrated game developer Will Wright, and was released for the PC on EA's Maxis label just over eight years ago. Dozens of expansion packs, spin-offs, and console ports followed, and this trend continued after the launch of The Sims 2 in 2004. The launch of The Sims 3, recently announced for 2009, will let a new generation of virtual humans wander around their neighbourhoods freely for the first time. The virtual-life sim lets players customise a sim or group of sims and direct their day-to-day lives, including building and decorating their houses, choosing their career paths, and managing their relationships with others. Each month, The Sims 2 Web site has over 4.3 million unique visitors, who have downloaded more than 70 million user-created items, including furniture, outfits, and sims themselves. The game has also been a surprise hit on YouTube, where gamers have posted some 100,000 movies showing their sims. According to EA, "If 100 million boxes of The Sims were lined up end-to-end, they would stretch from New York city to Moscow. And, with 100 million sold, one out of seven homes in Europe and one out of three homes in America would have a product of The Sims franchise." Those who wish to celebrate The Sims' success can download some new duds for their Sims 2 characters on April 16 from the game's official Web site.

  8. did i say they dont????????????You'll probably end up at a local repair counter asking for help. They will (If they are honest) charge you around $12.50 to test things and let you know what is happening.That should take you about 30 minutes.I would remove the battery and clean the contacts. Then I would allow it to charge for 3 or 4 days without touching it.

  9. I know i's called Seach Engine Optimization, but what does it do? What SEO means, and how can we do it for our website? The internet is full with many tools for SEO and all the tools are only for meta tags, titles, descriptions. However nobody wants to share the most important thing .. the website! Exactly, most of all the SEO = website! The way the website is made from <div> to <table> and the content, it's very important for search engines like google to find the smallest letter in a page from the website. Meta tags, title and description are important, but google will look only for the specific pages have meta tags. If you have 5 pages with only meta tags, description, and title, google will find only 5 pages. The best website SEO is made only in <div> because google can parse the entire page without restriction, and the search results will show the content of the page not only the pages. If you have 5 pages made with <div> and a rich content, google can find more than 1000 results from your website, depending on what visitors is looking. 5 pages with 5 results or 5 pages with more than 1000 results? It's your choice!

  10. I and my friend was working on a transloader script for the last few weeks (actually worked on it for 3~4 days, then forgot all about it Posted Image).


    Some of us have really slow internet connections. Myne is only 248kbps. Downloading a large file and then re uploading to another server becomes a real pain if the file is too large. How many times have you asked yourself "i wish i could transfer files from server to server directly". Well, the answer to your questions is transloader scripts.


    We all have used rapidleech at some point in our life to transload files. Its a bulky script that gets you banned from almost any webhosting service cause its so resource intensive.


    Then there is Transloader.com which asks for your ftp login details. You can give it to them, but will you feel safe doing so?


    Then, there are 2 techniques to transfer files from one server to your server directly! They can be used on any web server. One of them is being used in a script i developed. It was for another server where they used protection against rapidleech. This script works flawlessly and best of all, its for free.


    This is brought to you by Somik.org Posted Image



    Transloader Script download

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