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Posts posted by gimli

  1. Yeah. He was her first high skool bf. We're in grade 10. I'm glad it's holidays, even if it is only 1 week. If she keeps going on about it he won't be friends with her so it will be the exact opposite of what he wants which will probly b bad 4 her 2. I know he was her first high skool bf but most girls don't get worked up about it after 1 day like that. I may seem unsympathetic (is that a word? oh well) but all of her friends feel the same way about it. im glad i could say all this here. thanks for your support guys.

  2. You know what really bugs me? Your friends that piss you off! Like I have this friend and she got asked out by a guy. They went out for 1 day then he dumped her because he didn't want to ruin their friendship. He's a really nice guy and me and all my friends (except my friends he asked out) agree with him. She had a cry about it as you do but she didn't stop there. She went on about it for ages. We were on holiday as a school at the time. We when shopping and she bought a bra. She said 'There's really no point in me getting this.' I said 'y?' and she goes 'Well now i've got no one to show it too.' As if he'd want to see her bra anyway, they only went out for a day! Geez! Anyway even after that she still went on about it. We were going on a bus and we were mean tto have designated seats but a guy took mine and hers to himself. I said we'll steal it back and she said i'm not sitting there because he ('her ex') sits behind it. So we had to try to find another seat again. I got one all to myslef so I finally could ahve a break from her whining about him. Then we were staying at a hotle and there was 6 of us in a room. All of us good friends. She went out onto the balconey to sook about him still. 2 of my other friends went out with her and my other 2 stayed inside with me. Us 3 were pissed of the most about but we kept quite. That was until one of us inside asked y she was on the balconey. One of them outside told us and my bestie inside yelled 'get over him, he doesn;t like you!' she marched through the room and said 'f*** u kristi' well kristi was upset too cause she didn't mean to sa6y it like that cause her mother was b****ing at her and she was confused and upset. So kristi and her were both crying about to different things. being my bestie i took kristis side. everyone was pissed off. the incadent calmed down we she found out kristis side of the story. the next day we were on the bus again and me and the two girls who went out onto the balconey with her were mucking around with him. she didnt say anything but i could tell she wanted to pull us away from him. he's really stupid but its really funny. she did manage to laugh a couple of times but her laughs were so fake that i felt like strangling her! anyway thats off my chest now thank god.


    so can you see where im coming from? it really did bug me for the whole time i was around her. i was kinda glad when kristi yelled at her cause it sort of shut her up a bit about him. and i think he didn't want a relationship because he had just broken up with his ex from a 2 year relationship. and beside she was looking very clingy when we went to the movies. she wouldn't let him go and didn't talk much to anyone else. if that happens to me i'll get over it straight away cause im not the type of girl to cry over a guy. you could say im 'tough on the inside'! laugh.gif i cant wait til i get back to school so i can see my crush and ask him out!


    Notice from Rejected:
    Merged your posts together, try not to double post :P

  3. :D Gday. I'm new to Xisto. Got any pointers for me? I'm trying to get my 10 credits quick so I'll talk to anyone about anything. But don't get mad at me if I give you the answer you weren't wanting to hear cause I'm a truthful person even if it hurts. A bit about me. I'm Australian, 15 and female. Not enough? Well I love animals and virtual pet games like Zetapets and Marapets. I love chocolate and lollies. I have 1cat, 1 dog, 2 rats and 6 rabbits and I live on a farm with other animals too. What I'd like to know is anything to help me with my website or posting on the forums easier.
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