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Posts posted by Haricotcur

  1. In VLC player there is feature called Directx Wallpaper. You can find that in Video > Directx Wallpaper. Note that the wallper movie is only temporary. If you refresh the desktop it will vanish. BTW why do you need to set it as wallpaper? Is it for viewing purpose or something else? As per my experience the computer doesn't lag while playing movie on desktop.


    I was hoping there is something that can do this with one or preferably more than one file and rotate around some full-length video files?

    What do you mean by rotating movies? Something like 3d desktop?

  2. Good, atleast you tried to find that in DOS, but yes that file is a read only system file. So did you check the display of hidden system files too in folder options? Chek out this screenshot:


    Posted Image


    Now you should see boot.ini in C drive. Uncheck its read only attribute and edit it. You would better make backup of boot.ini in another drive just in case something odd happens.

  3. First enable the display of hidden folders and system files in Tools>Folder Options in Windows Explorer. Then go to C: drive and open the file boot.ini, you should see something like this (will be different on yours):


    [boot loader]



    [operating systems]

    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional Setup" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

    Now before I tell anything ahead, remember that a wrong edit on this file would make your xp useless. Ok, so now as you told you want to remove "Windows Xp Professional Setup", find this on the boot.ini file and delete the complete line of text. It would be something like:


    multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(2)\WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Professional Setup" /noexecute=optin /fastdetect

    Delete this and save the file. Now you wont see that option when you reboot.


    IMPORTANT NOTE: Also check that default OS to load is not "Windows Xp Professional Setup". If so then you need to edit the default OS too.That is you need to change the partition number to the one in which your working OS exists. If its onpartition 1 then change the text to this:



    Caution: If you didn't understand ask, and don't go ahead with the edit.

  4. Oh my bad, silliest mistake. I forgot to restart apache after uncommenting the mod rewrite load module line in http.conf and straight away went ahead with installing linux. I don't know what made me do so quickly without analyzing the problem. Thanks xpress for making me think back about the problem in windows. By the time you posted that I already went ahead with my linux expedition and got my uncle (not a web developer) to install kubuntu KDE over the Server Edition. Anyway I am happy that it works on windows and am back on it.


    Lessons learnt:

    1) Always restart Apache after modifying http.conf.

    2) Think about ways to solve the problem instead of finding alternate methods.


    My problem has been resolved and this topic may be closed.

  5. I want to use htaccess in my localhost testing server and unfortunately it can be used only on a linux system. The problem is that I don't know linux, its file system, etc. So, for time being I have installed Virtual Box. Now I am confused how to set this up on Ubuntu since I dont know how to use the command prompt in Server edition and also have no idea how to set up Apache and PHP on Ubuntu Desktop Edition. So please any ideas on how to move on. I have the version 8 of both the Editions and are both installed on virtual box. I don't want to upload my scripts on a remote server, as I am just learning to use htaccess for some basic url rewriting and wouldn't like to mess with others servers.Please explain in detail. I just want to run my scripts.

  6. Even though I haven't bought any domain from Xisto yet, but how is it possible that those assumed 6300+ students will resell the domains? I mean the person selling the domains will be the actual owner of the domain and so in this case who would buy a domain from the seller? Because even after getting the domain the buyer can't control his domain control panel, and has to contact the seller every time he needs to modify the domain settings. When a person is ready to pay the seller then he can instead get a complete control on domain by buying a cheap one from godaddy etc. May be the seller can earn some money by giving away them to his close relatives and friends where the other person can trust him very well. Although they too can get there own domain for free anyway.

  7. Well if it is so then I will stop telling the world that meaning. Anyway I liked the name, and someday a Google search for that name will result tons of links which I would have left throughout in various websites, blogs etc.Off to posting now, I am so interested in the tutorials section that am not feeling to post at all :mellow: .

  8. Hi all and welcome to my introduction post!Myself Haricotcur from India. Well, Haricotcur is just my nick. My referer to this site is Xisto which in turn found through google. I have always been interested in web development and designing. I am learning scripting in PHP, MySQL, AJAX and some layout designing using Photoshop and converting into XHTML-CSS designs. Recently I have started learning graphic arts and photo manipulations in Photoshop.I accidently bumped on to Xisto while searching for some tutorials on CMS scripting. After coming here I came to know that these two websites are offering lots of useful free services. I read through the rules and assure that I won't spam around. I am pretty comfortable posting as I have been posting in other forums. I am a bit formal though when it comes to writing, as I have never used any of the mobile lingo etc.So hoping to see you people around and make new friends. Good day.

  9. When I started to observe that my first email account (from Yahoo!) was getting too much of spam, one day I decided to create a new one and started googling for some random words which would get as few results as possible and the word being readable too. I gave some 15-20 tries and finally came up with "Haricotcur" which surprisingly had only one search result at that time. What is more interesting is that the word actually has a meaning in French, that is "Haricotcur" is a slang word meaning executioner (a person who is licensed to execute others). Those days I was writing and executing lots of small useful C programs. Hence thought this would make nice match with that word. Since then I have been using that nick. So that's about my nick.

  10. Hello all, my nick is Haricotcur (means executioner in french) and I am from India. I stumbled upon this website when I was searching for tutorials on building a basic php cms. These forums are very informative with tons of excellent articles. The "double-click any word" feature is very helpful, we can instantly know the meaning of any word. Well, I am a computer science student currently doing my first year. I am into website designing and coding although I spend more time in learning them. I am also into graphics and photo manipulations in photoshop. I am pretty average in these things. I would like to get this unique type of free hosting being offered here, the features are amazing. I read through all the rules and procedure and hope to get hosted soon. I would like to share my views and opinions and also ask any doubts or questions here in the coming days. Hope to see you around soon.

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