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Posts posted by jakakre

  1. Web design is the most important thing on our site - becase it's the first thing that visitor sees. I think that downloadable templates aren't suitable for creating good pages. That's for begginers only. Good web sites must have theyre own special design. If we use templates, it may happen that quite a few sites on the web will have the same look. And we certainly don't want that, do we? So keep of templates and spend one or two hours more in front of the computer and make an unique design. Trust me, it's worth of work.

  2. My cats have no breed but I think that i would like to have a persian chinchilla or a ragdoll. The forest norwegian and the maine coon are also beautiful cats. Do you have a favorite cat breed to?

    Why do people think about breeds? That's not so important! I prefer cats with no breeds - mongrels! Mongrels are really cool. They are so lovely, healthy and also very clever. Persian and such cats get spoiled easily, you have to comb them every day, keep them in the house... Mongrels are outdoor and indoor cats - great for all kinds of people. Children, adults and also elderly and lonely people. Mongrels rule!

  3. I totally agree. Kids and animals - two things that we think that get along with, but they don't. Children want to bring home all kinds of animals, but in the end the parents have to take care of them. Big animals are certainly not suitable for small kids - a big dog can run away during the walk because children aren't able to keep it on the leash. Agressive cats scratch and so on. In my opinion families should think that a dog means less free time and less holidays. About bringing wild animals home: wild animals should be kept in the forest and nowhere else. That's the place they're used to live and they often die because of inappropriate food. And that's called animal torture. So, think about everything before getting a pet, even buying a little hamster!

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