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Posts posted by BlooDTake

  1. Actually,if you want to make 3d stuff just to be frustrated that you made something in 3d then yes.But in Google SketchUP the models are not very realistic,i mean you cant really use them in a game or something like the other 3d programs (3dsmax,maya)In GoogleSketchUP everything is easy for making,i was using it sometime ago and it was cool :lol: so it's up to you will you download it or not,but i suggest you to give it a try.And if you want profesonal 3d stuff then buy 3ds max or maya,and start learning from tutorials and you could also sell some of your work online for some nice money.

  2. Not today,but in feature maybe,for sure probably...The technology ain't that far these days but in the feature the computers will go way further,and there will be robots that can do almost everything and maybe even take the control over the earth,but anyway in feature maybe there will be aliens,some other cool(stronger or something) "animals" and other might come on the earth,or there will be some planet VERY good for our live and in feature we might move there.Nobody can't actually know what will happen,maybe we will dissapear like the dinosaurs or something.I found something on the internet that about in many ears the human brain will get stronger and it will be able to communicate with god.But also i believe that there will be MUCH better technology then now,even better then the one on the fantasy movies..Well,we cant know that now ;)

  3. well,it depends of the kind what your website you want to be ,but also do you want to use free template,CMS(Wordpress,Joomla,Drupal,Mambo and other..)
    If that then,when you are beginner (if you want to use cms) i suggest you to make account on some free hosting which got control panel with cms install thing,after that you can install your cms very easy and start editing your website,choosing templates,adding modules and other...
    Can i make my own CMS templates?
    Well,actually if you are familiar with php,css,html then yes.
    But also there is other way to make template without knowing programing languages ,search on google for the program Artisteer and if you want then you can buy the full version,you can make templates for wordpress,joomla and so on...
    The CMS is used for the websites that need many articles and stuff(news websites and stuff)
    Short text about what cms is:

    CMS or a 'Content Management System' quite literally allows you to control and manage the content within your web site - without technical training. Using this uncomplicated system you can very easily add, delete images and edit text in your web site on the fly. You can also have an unlimited number of pages and a full site-search engine.

    If you want to make your own website,but not editing/adding stuff everyday but just make it and have it on internet then i suggest you to download free or make template
    From where you can download free template? Well,just search on google there are bunch of freebies
    How i can make my own template?
    Photoshop is the best program for that!

    I made/download my template what to do now?
    Well,try Dreamweaver! It's great program for making websites.

    OK,so i made my website what now?
    Search for free hosting and upload your website there(well if you are new you can search on google)
    OK,I made my website,uploaded it on the net and now i want a domain like Xisto have ,how to get one?
    Buy it from the internet for ~ $9 or post on Xisto and get one for free!

    I hope i helped ;)
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