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Posts posted by Xboxgamer1200

  1. goldeneye for n64 ... great game|||


    It is sad that The World is Not Enough never lived up to anything close to what Goldeneye was...


    But my favorite games are as follows...


    Halo 1 + 2

    Doom 3

    Crimson Skies

    Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic

    Return to Castle Wolfenstein




    Wolfenstein 3D (Gotta love that game)

  2. This is a tough one and a topic that has made the feature presentation of many a current affair shows. Especially after Columbine.


    I do agree though that it's not healthy that such a ridiculously large portion of entertainment revolves around violence. Why does everything have to be that way? It's strange isn't it. An emotional response that most people would do anything to avoid is the primary form of entertainment. Sorry to say it, but the USA has a big role to play in this arena.


    Yes, I have heard, although I have never looked into it, that some people believe that Columbine was caused by the Shooters playing a violent computer game (possibly Doom?). I do belive this could have been a "catalyst" for the violence, however I really do not believe the video game itself cause them to do it.


    A very large portion of video games, movies, and the media in general shows violence constantly. Maybe it does affect younger kids when they are still being greatly influenced by their environment. I have noticed that there is a different/more violent wave of kids in my own community. The amount of violence in everything could be the cause of this change.

  3. Alright, well I am a cashier for a Culver's in my city. One day I took an order and took the money. I dropped a few of the coins on the ground. I hit the button that opens the register and dent over to pick up the change. Unfortunately, since I bent over right as the register drawer poped out, I got conked in the head. It was not all that painful, but it was pretty stupid.

  4. Well this is funny because both of my accidents occured this year. I believe it was New Year's Day when I had a massive Xbox gathering at my house. It was extremely icy out that day. After playing Xbox for a long period of time, we decided to head out to fast food places to get some food. We all went outside and started slidding into people's cars. When I was done messing around I realised that I had forgot my wallet, so I then started walking back to my house. While walking to my house, I slipped on the ice and had a good sized gash that went right along my eyebrow. I find it ironic that I slipped when I was not being a fool. One of my friends who was there had a dad for a doctor, so he soon came over with some of that surgical super glue and fixed me up. Unfortunately, they had to shave off most of my eyebrow, so that took a while to obtain again.Well this is weird, but this last week I was feeling a little ill, and thus I had not eaten a lot and was more tired that usual. I was asked to come over to a friend's house, so I did. He lives right next to a playground, so at about 4:00 in the morning I was monkeying around on the monkey bars. I soon grew tired of this and started head back for more Halo 2. On the way back I blacked out due to the lack of sleep, the lack of appetite, and the lack of energy. Unfortunately, I feel right on a concrete patio and cut the same eyebrow, but this time instead of being right along the eyebrow, it is vertical and thus almost perpendicular to my previous incident. I am lucky, the stitches come out today for that.

  5. Hardware wise from what I have read the Xbox 360 is superior to the PS3. But then it will all come down to the games and the extra things you can do with them. The Xbox 360 still has the xbox live and their server is more powerful for the 360. Now they have also made it free on the weekends. So the one thing that I am wondering about is the games...will they live up to their names...or will they just look the same. I will be getting both of them...


    I agree, Xbox Live is one of the reasons Xbox 360 will be way better than Playstation 3. Otherwise, I love all the games that come out on Xbox currently, so I too hope that the games are as good as they should be.

  6. Hello all,


    I need some sound advice.


    Ok so my problem is...


    There's this girl right? And I really, really like her. But, Idon't know what to do.


    What should I do???


    Well i am not a pro with girls by any mean, but I think you should do that AmeriBass said. It looks like he knows how to deal with the opposite sex.

  7. But I'm a pro at the kazoo


    The kazoo is quite possibly one of the greatest instruments known to man. I am a pro at playing the Happy Birthday song with those.


    I still play the piano off work. The instrument is really useful in birthday parties and social occasions. Perhaps this is the real purpose of music, right?


    I agree, music is usually used to entertain others, but sometimes it may even entertain yourself when you are alone.


    I play the piano with my feet and also with my hands.


    That is quite an interesting talent being able to play with your feet. I wonder if you would make money teaching others how to do that.

  8. I play piano and have done for about 5 years now. I like playing it but it can be a bit of a drag, I prefer to compose my own stuff instead of learning other peoples music, because if you compose your own music then you can express passion when you play, if you play other peoples compositions then your expressing someone elses emotion and passion.

    I'd like to start playing drums or guitar, much more fun than piano :D


    Piano is another instrument that I wish I could play. I can only play very basic things, but I do not really have a piano to practice on. I agree, composing your own music is a good way to express your own feelings.


    As for clarinet, lessons in the UK cost sooo much. I just have to play by myself now.But it's sometimes difficult to make big progress, when you don't have a poper teacher. :D


    In my experience, lessons really do further your ability to play an instrument. Once I started taking lessons for my trumpet/euphonium I learned rythems and skills a lot more quickly, since there was someone else to point out what I was doing well and what needed improvement. I hope that you continue to play the clarinet even without a teacher. I love music because I learn something new everytime I play a new piece.

  9. Wow, I must say that a lot of you guys would get pretty violent if you had only one hour to live. (But I guess I do not know how I would really act if I was put into that situation) I hope that if I had only one hour left that I would write out a will and a goodbye note. After these were completed, I would then play Xbox for the remaining approximate 55.2 minutes of my life. I know I could at least beat the first level of Halo 2 on legendary with that amount of time.

  10. I think Xbox360 is going to take everything that Nintendo and Sony has and stick it up there butt, There has been almost nothing big that's suppose to happen with the PS3, "OMG IT CAN PLAY PS2 GAMES THOUGH!!" we all heard that before.. PS2 only did as good as it did due to the fact that it had a year and 1/2 head start. If Xbox would of came out same day PS2 would be where Sega is. Nintendo's new system is going to let you go online and download ANY game that's ever been made for any nintendo system! Being a huge Zelda fan, that would make my day.

    I am still waiting to hear what the PS3 has to offer besides some sequel titles and a shiney console.. But for now I think Microsoft has the gaming industry in the palm of it's hand...


    I agree, I believe that the 360 will be a powerful console. The Xbox 360 will basically be a low-grade computer (not that the current xbox isn't). Most respectable computer games are also on Xbox, so there will not be any issues with the amount of actual good games there are. The one disadvantage that I am still not liking about the 360 is the fact that all controllers will be wireless. I personally would prefer a wired controller over a wireless one anyday.

  11. With the 9600pro the game just crashes with out warning there are no errors

    i have tryed ATIs drivers, the latest 5.5, Omega drivers, turned the AGP to X4

    turned smartwrite off , turned write combining off adjusted the bios accordingly, changed the AGP to CPU bridging to the via bridging .patched doom 3 with the 1.3 patch

    the game runs sweet but just crashes randomly anywhere through the game


    With the 5200, OK its not that great!! the screen flickers and looks like crap!!

    i have the lates drivers also


    Well I honestly do not know what to tell you. In my experiences, if a game crashes randomly it has always been a driver conflict.

  12. I highly reccomend getting an iPod if you have the money. I have a 20 gig one and I just love it. I originally thought it would be a complete waste of money to get one, but then I just decided to get it anyway. I currently use it with an FM transmitter for usage in my car, and with a Y-splitter to use with my sound system in my basement. I really like not having to carry around cds anymore.

  13. ...traditional values need to shift since it is traditionaly been men who have been religious leaders. In think this really has to come down to people's preceptions and how much change they are willing to accept. I hope that they will be able to accept more.


    I strongly believe that politics such as the presidency and religion are similar for this debate. If you would replace "religious" with "political" in your quote you have the reason as to why we have never had a female president before. Hopefully, it will be accepted in the near future. The foundation of both religion and politics does not change a whole lot because people are not willing to accept change of the basis of which they were formed.


    I still stongly believe that religion will change. Yes, it may be more slower moving than civilization in general, but it is my belief that religion will change to gain more followers and to reach out to more people.

  14. I own an acoustic guitar, but I can't say that I play it well. I'm actually a horrible guitar player, but I like to say I can play...


    Well sometimes it does not matter how good you are at an instrument. As long as you like to play it. I started out playing the trumpet in 5th grade, and I never was very good at the trumpet. Last year i started playing the euphonium (basically a baby tuba with a trombone mouthpiece and trumpet fingerings) and it was like a whole new world because it was much easier for me to play. Even though I am not very good at the trumpet, I still pull it out every now and then to jam.

  15. Personally I don't care what people do. Marriage is a man-made thing, based on everyone's own ideas of right and wrong. To say ones own opinion is wrong, that is an unfair comment. To say their opinion is right, that's just a matter of personal opinion again, and it may not be considered completely correct.


    That was a very reasonable way to put it Dark God. I like your logic behind this topic, and I fully agree with you.
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