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  1. I'm currently doing game design in college, using UE3. Ever since the Pok?mon saga started, I had been hooked. I enjoyed every Saturday morning waking up to watch an episode of Pok?mon; although I was around 7 years old at the time. The Pok?mon games on the Nintendo 64 gave me great ideas for a Pok?mon game of my own. Unfortunately I had to let those ideas go, because I had no clue how to make games. Nevertheless the idea of creating a Pok?mon game always comes back up in the back of my mind. I still have a real kick *bottom* idea for a next-gen Pok?mon game using UE3 (Unreal 3 engine). I even wanted to add realistic textures and normal maps on the Pok?mon. I would like to make them as visually compelling as possible, as a person would see it within our dimension. A good example would be the scales on a Charizard, or the faces on an Executor. I even wanted to incorporate detailed animation for battle sequences and using the game's environment. An example would be a Pok?mon could attack by using a combination of fighting on the ground, to hopping on a tree limb, and striking the opponent. I also would redefine the entire map, and make it almost infinitely explorable, moreover allow online capability. The map would probably start out with the traditional old school red/ blue version region, and then proceed to the next following regions. Another Idea I had was the player walking around the environment and actually seeing wild Pok?mon wonder around. It would bring an awesome unique way of game play. Other ideas were pretty obvious ideas that weren't in any of the games, such as bringing your Pok?mon out from their poke balls and show them out for display. I also want the Pok?mon to have individual personalities, so it would be interesting to watch them. All these ideas mentioned are just the tip of the ice burg, there are many, many more.I do realize Pok?mon in the US is more for children, where in Japan it's more for everyone. If I could get an agreement with Game Freak or maybe Nintendo, I would probably dedicate every living moment of my life in creating probably the funest game in the world. Nevertheless Pok?mon dose have a big impact on the entertainment industry, so getting permission to make a next gen game without reliability would be really difficult. Money always doses the talking; meaning if it doesn't sell it goes to hell. In my opinion, it's not about the money; it's all about making fun games that'll last forever.
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