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Posts posted by Rikiimaru

  1. They just a useless man.. Ok.. Although (maybe)odin take nexon 's code to make private server, but the first company who borned maple was KOREA...KOREA!!nvr even sueing odinms anything..Nexon so extra ..Act noob...Play real ms is just wasting your time..Why play maple..Juz can experience the skill and get your characters look nice..Not like nexon, juz a gachapon, waste so much money.. I very pity the people who gachaponed a power elixier or pet scroll..Nexon is cheating children's money.And ruined studen's study..If the children can juz play the skill.. Ya. You are right..Maybe they still will play very long..But they wont use much $ to buy the cashcard..Do you all know? some children got family problem.. But the children still wan to play maple..They don't eat their lunch..And save money just for a cashcard..Ya..Maybe is not nexon's problem..But nexon wont think that is cheating children's money?? if they can set the exp x10..Also enough..But they just don't want...AND I WANT TO SAY THIS.. HOW ODIN GET THE CODESOURCE? IS there any mistake then let odinms ACCIDENTALLY SEEN THE SOURCE AND TOOK IT.. OR I MAYBE CAN SAY NExon got spy who given out the code? that's not impossible ..Do you know that? I don't think odinms got superman's talent and stolen nexon's code...SO don't BE A FOOL AND LET OTHER MAPLER LAUGH AT you(MAPLE NEXON).. Dude Japan *BLEEP*ing Copied Korea anyway KOREA STARTED THE MAPLESTORY BUISNESS AND THEY GOT LEAFRE WHEN WE GOT V5?~V59 SO KOREA FTW! OK for all the people who dont know Korea was the one to Start The maplestory Buisness




    -reply by Mapler

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