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  1. Cool I got your request, I'll talk to you about the details on there.
  2. As of right now we have CS:S on hold until summer. We cannot find a proper leader to run that part of the clan. However our server will still be running in the mean time. If someone thinks they have the qualification to be a leader for a cs:s division either post here or email me. Nihadm89@hotmail.com
  3. We do have a diablo 2 division. As I stated above we play all Battle.net games. Diablo warcraft and starcraft.
  4. Clan Name: Woon Clan Leader : Falcon Website: http://www.woongaming.com/ Ventrilo: Information available to all our members. Ranking: We use the Marines ranking system, how ever we have made the ranking process very unique to our clan. Divisions: We are mainly centered on Battle.net and Combat Arms. We have recently expanded to Counter Strike Source. Each of our divisions has a leader so the members can quickly contact one. (Division and Ranking information is found on our website ?Information? tab.) We have been around for over two years. We have members that play on a monthly basis to members who take gaming quite seriously. We prefer to have a diverse community because it allows for more fun and enjoyable gaming. One thing we have always taken pride in Clan Woon is our strict no hacking policy. Any members caught hacking are kicked out of the clan. If you are interested in joining visit our site and post on the forums or contact me through any of the following: Email: Falcon@woongaming.com AIM: Thecell316 PM here on forums
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