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Posts posted by georgebaileyster

  1. To reply to this question needs a little history lesson.The first discussion of a packet based network was in the early 1960's and the physical work began in 1969 with the birth of UNIX. This was ARPANET the US Military network and it was designed to be fully redundant and was using 56k leased lines, so in response to the earlier point that there is always a way back to point B is perfectly correct - providing the building still exists....Even what you call today as Voip was running in toll quality in 1973.That said, as things evolved into the true global network we have today it would theoreticaly be possible to bring it down as every network has its weakest link somewhere but we cannot go into detial here for obvious security reasons. Some RFC's are left unpublished for similar security reasons.The Internet itself is mearly the transport mechanism, the physical infrastrucutre if you like and there are many different networks running across it not http and ftp etc which you will be familiar with. ;)

  2. The whole point here is rather quite simple and complex in terms of the market. Current Windows still requires DOS behind the scenes to function. As well as this, both Windows, Linux and now MAC OS rely on either Intel or AMD processors which have to comply with x86 compatibility standards.The x86 is derived from the original 8086 Intel processor which was released 31 years ago and the OS's have to allow for backwards compatibility on the core of the processors.Now, the issue is, if you simply switch to something completely different, you must simply say 'everyone go and buy new computers and replace all your software you've ever bought'.Its a bit like the conundrum of switching off the analogue TV networks - watch your license fee revenues disappear over night....Torvalds did produce a processor some years back which would run pretty much anything with its built in emulation schemes; it was much quicker than most and used less energy, it was just too far ahead of its time and never really took off.On the subject of Vista, it was always just nothing more than ME, a short term taste of things to come.Time will tell which way they all jump....

  3. Heinz Zemanek has put it this way: "Software started with the translation of algebraic formulas into machine code." Thus, the Plankalkul of Konrad Zuse in 1945, the Formelubersetzung of Heinz Rutishauser and of Corrado Bohm in 1951, the Algebraic interpreter of Alick E. Glennie in 1953, the Programming Program of E. Z. Ljubimskii and Sergej Sergeevich Kamynin in 1954 and of Andrei Ershov in 1955 stood at the beginning of software, soon followed by Remington-Rand's Math-Matic (1955) and IBM's Fortran (1956). All these advances were made before the word 'software' came into wider use in 1960, 1961 or 1962. There are over 8,000 programming languages to date and really speaking each one was either designed to solve a particular, handle a particular task in a particular way, maybe created by an individual for one or more of these reasons or by by a committee in which case it was a compromise of many differing opinions.In recent times, it would appear that things are actually going backwards in terms of programming as everything now needs to be complicated and long winded not to mention trying to be all things to all people all of the time. In business for example, it was common place for an engineer to write a program to solve a particular work based task in minutes as opposed to spending days doing it by hand - therefore you didn't buy an off the shelf package which may or may not do the job for you to some degree. I can remeber writing short programs in basic to calculate and graph capicitor discharge cycles for instance, a very simple but effective solution to an otherwise laborious and time consuming task. Another was for calculating and graphing the very complex math for engineering fan design.The first electronic computers were built during world war two at bletchly park in the UK to crack the German Enigma code, one of which has just been re-built as the main attraction at the museum there.Hope this helps in some way..... :P

  4. Hello every one......i am curretly using ubuntu 8.xxxxx
    and i have installed ubuntu from xp as any another application (as written while installing)........and allocated it 10 gb sapce in one of my hard disk (e dreive)
    my e drive is already showing 10 gb fully used in ubuntu from xp.....
    but in ubintu its showing somewhat 2 gb free although i have removed every file from ubuntu which i have downloaded from internet.......
    i am screwed to see it all the time and dont know which file to delete.....
    i am afraid that deleting any important file make my os (ubuntu) ruined so i exactly dont know which files are system files although i have removed all the files which i have made or downloaded..........
    Hope you all can understand what i meant to say........
    and i am waiting for the answer.............
    thank you very much..............

    In simple terms, ignore what you see from windows - it cannot read the partition information. To access this drive and its files from Windows, you must install Wine or something similar.

    The Linux partition however should be able to read the Windows one acurately. Windows will say that it is full because it cannot 'see' the thing properly... In other words, when Ubuntu tells you its run out of space then start do do something about it.

  5. Hello everyone, I am in need of particular software or any idea related to my issue. Let me explain the scenario of my requirement and what I have done till now. There is a network with more than 5000 nodes in it. The network is basically split into two, one is wired and the other is wireless. The wired Ethernet is 100 Mbps and the wireless is 54 Mbps. Both the networks use Cisco intermediate devices.
    Now both the networks diverge from a Cisco Layer 3 Switch. The whole network is protected by a watch guard X5000 series firewall. Now the problem is separate logins have to be provided for each node (individual) for accessing the network. Each node is assigned an IP address by the DHCP server. As far as the wireless network is considered there is no problem, because all the wi-fi transmitting devices are well set, and the devices itself provide a Login system for each user who connects to the network through wifi. But the problem now is regarding the wired Lan in the network.

    There are more than 2000 nodes which are connected by the Ethernet wired LAN. And there has to be a system implemented which will help in providing a way where each user will have to login with a particular username and password and thereafter only he/she can use the internet. For this to be accomplished there had been already few solutions.

    The First solution is that each users can be provided separate logins in the firewall. Unfortunately WatchGuard X5000 series does not provide this facility for such large users, where as websense ( A product of Iron Port which is now owned by CISCO ) supports this. That is if Websense is deployed in the network as the firewall each user can be blocked in the firewall and an authentication system can be set over there. But now the problem is the Cost. The Cost is extremely high, such as they charge for each individual logins. So as the network grows the cost factor will be a major concern if the users are given an authentication in the websense firewall. So this solution is omitted.

    I thought of deploying another method for this, let me call it as the second method in my case. In the second method every user can be redirected through a proxy server (internal) and in this server a simple login (JSP login page) can be setup and from this proxy server after successful login the user can be redirected to the main server(DHCP Server where IP can be assigned). But here there still exists a problem, what if the user uses a static IP address instead of a dynamic IP address ?? So here if there is a way where static IP addresses can be disabled in the network please let me know.

    So leaving the above two ways there is a possibility to write an application (user end) with which the user has to login and directly it gets connected to the DHCP server and the username has will be already stored in the table in the DHCP server and the corresponding IP address for that username will be assigned, for this too the threat is, what if the user uses a static IP address, so what my requirement is that, Please some one let me know that while writing this particular client side application.

    Is there anyway where the "static IP" can be disabled in the users system, so that though he is in the administrator privilege , inorder to access the internet from the network he has to login, so inorder to login he has to install the client side application which connects him to the DHCP server and from which IP address is assigned to him, And what this application needs to do is that "Disable assigning static IP" . Can this be done ?? Is there anyway to accomplish this.

    Else if there is any other way where I can have a Login/Authentication system for a network using some open source or some other software which can fulfill this requirement please let me know. I am sure that there will be a way out for this, because in all the corporate sectors inside their LAN, when an employee wants to access the internet he logs in first with his unique ID and password, but im unaware of the application which is being used there, so please kindly guide me .Thanks in Advance  

    Take a look at A-Select it is an open source middleware authentication system for multiple application / resource access. You would link this through Radius / LDAP in your case scenario from what you have explained here. :)

  6. @truefusion: Thanks for the clarification through Wikipedia. I am now an expert on kernels. :P
    @georgebaileyster: I would imagine that a POSIX only exists on devices like an iPhone or a smartphone or PDA or something where manufacturers could afford to develop an operating system that tailors specifically to the device, unless an enthusiast or a coder would trudge through the toils of programming a personal operating system for a personal computer. However, looking on Wiki suggests otherwise... does this mean that as Leopard is considered a 100% POSIX-compliant OS that it is dynamic in what it loads for drivers for devices and components and leaves any extraneous junk out, as opposed to Windows by default which seems to have a large device library loaded and available to tailor to plug-and-play compatibility with no real hiccups? (Am I understanding this correctly?) Looking into the POSIX article already answers my question of whether Windows supports an ability to enable a POSIX environment, possibly to increase performance by purging unnecessary device drivers... but then again, I think I'm misinterpreting of what the POSIX standards are.

    @bluedragon: From what I'm reading, I'm understanding this in an opposite light. It seems that a monolithic kernel would be more efficient with the hardware presented because everything is interacted at a kernel level as opposed to going through two layers with a microkernel to get any messages to and from the hardware. Of course, any problems with the monolithic variant will cause issues at the kernel level, and I can see how stability is compromised, whereas microkernels address the issue by providing the layer buffer at a user mode to effectively sandbox the issue and keep the entire kernel (system) from crashing. (It's funny to me to know, however, that I've experienced more of a frequency for versions of Windows and earlier versions of OSX to lock up completely, as opposed to Ubuntu, which has yet to do the same.) I'm sure that OSX has come a long way from the 90's when I used to see the stupid bomb icon indicating a crash that, for the most part, I could never recover from, and I know that Windows has had its many issues, but both being hybrid microkernels in the attempt to benefit from the stability of a microkernel and the efficiency of a monolithic kernel structure, you would think that OSX and the Windows OS lines would be more stable, more efficient, and better than any Linux distribution. Would this be one of the reasons why the Tanebum/Torvald discussion came to be?

    With all of the reading that I've been doing, I'm rather confused as to why one operating system is favored over another. Theoretically-speaking, the Windows and OSX platforms with hybrid kernels should be better than the largely-monolithic kernel of a Linux distribution or the microkernels of other operating systems. However, the usage makes apparent that Linux seems to be on top of things with its kernel, not being restricted by a buffer as is with a hybrid kernel or a microkernel. Maybe I'm understanding a lot of this stuff incorrectly? If I'm not, why hasn't Linux come out of the woodwork to the consumer market as much as the Windows or OSX platforms? I know that marketing is a large factor, but if the concept of the hybrid kernel hasn't been perfected yet, why is Linux not announcing this sort of information to gather more of an audience? It was apparent that Vista was a resource hog, but with OSX based on the Mach kernel which apparently has some major performance issues concerning overhead, why isn't the Linux community spreading awareness about these shortcomings?

    Again, I would like to be corrected if I'm spewing out mumbo-jumbo. :D

    Sorry I should have said POSIX = any Linux / Unix OS - Many different flavours and variants but basically Berkley 5 compatible on the core. Apples' OSX is indeed POSIX and can therefore through away the junk it doesn't need at that time and will 'call' when it is needed. As for 'plug and play' POSIX systems are now catching up fast as manufacturers are producing drivers in real time along side those 4 Windows, many now also feature auto install just like Windows and self detect network settings etc. However, there should be no reason why you cannot run OSX on a PC provided it isn't loaded with those 'windows only devices' problem just as you can run windows on an x86 MAC. :)

  7. Indeed your math is OK, provided the voltage is fixed then amps x voltage = watts. Modern devices such as drives have come along way in a short time so far as power consumption is concerned with most now using high efficiency motors and CMOS.The other most important trick to efficiency is cooling in a balanced manner; the more amps a device draws, especialy processors etc the hotter they run and consequently the less efficient they become. Idealy, you should draw fresh air at the front bottom say, and draw the hot at the top rear as circulation is one of the key factors rather than just sucking hot air out. Efficient cooling will also reduce the curent draw for a given load...

  8. How does ultrasound keep mosquitoes away?
    Does anyone know the following:

    How does a mosquito react to ultrasound?

    At what frequency disturbs a mosquito the most? - maybe approximate or average

    As we have a serious mosquito problem where we live here in southern Botswana this topic is of particular interest. However, the most usefull site I ever found was this one https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef003

    I guess with any thing of this nature then it becomes subjective, for instance, in Colonial days it was noted that burning certain types of wood in the braziers outside at night kept the mosquitos at bay - try finding enough of stuff round here now......

    If there were an effective way of solving the outdoor problem I would be first to buy....

  9. Well, this is certainly a refreshing post, a few more like it please....Now just a few comments. Firstly, I noticed the reference to Hitler and the third Reich, it should, however, be clearly understood that this all stemmed from the first Reich of the 1860's with particular reference to Namibia and the first death camps. Hitler was indoctrinated by the generals of this period in his youth which is how the later atrocities came into being. In the interim, the Germans had re-written their history books to hide these earlier times of which they were ashammed.I cannot see the theory of the rise and fall of empires on a proportionate time scale to be correct as I can't think of any other which would match. The British Empire which was purely based upon economics and business in that developing the nations of the empire drove the industry at home as well as world markets in staple products such as tea, rubber and sugar. It only took less than fifty years to collapse due to the two world wars.....I am, however curios as to WHY the technology of ancient empires always died along side the empire itself though... Does anyone have theories as to why this is? After all, does ot make sense that the next civilisation doesn't need the same level of sanitation or water for instance?

  10. The best option I found by far was to scrap off Microsoft Office and change to Open Office suite. Simply click on the button and it will generate a PDF of the file your working on perfectly. Handles all MS files from all versions as well as save as such.You can also export powerpoint as flash to put them in your website which is most useful.

  11. I was talking to someone about Mac OSX the other day, and he was explaining why OSX was so much better than Windows thanks to the UNIX core. (I would imagine that OSX and Linux are pretty much interchangeable core-wise, so there's no comparison there.) One of the prime things that he was telling me about was that OSX directly "talks" to the hardware as opposed to utilizing drivers, which Windows primarily uses to communicate with hardware. Is this true? Do Tiger/Leopard/Snow Leopard as well as any Linux distribution make the most use out of the hardware you have thanks to this ability of direct communication?

    Every 'POSIX' O/S i.e. Linux, Unix, Mac OSX etc. have a complimentary 'heart' if you like which is to be Berkley 5 compatible - a bit like Windows is x86 compatible, which is its biggest problem but thats another story...

    'POSIX' have the ability to only load drivers which are needed at that moment in time and disguard them afterwards, unlike Windows which loads them all at boot time and keeps them (used or not) until you shut down. Also, with 'POSIX' systems, you have the ability to 'build' the kernal to yor own requirements and your specific system.

    An example of this would be, you have a fully featured processor with every concievable option built in - and more importantly - wired, but you only need your system for power 3d artwork; so, you re-build the kernal so that it maximises everything to do with YOUR processor AND 3d graphics and leave out the rest such as multimedia extensions etc. In other words, you can remove the clutter to gain maximum performance for what YOU need your system for.

  12. Suppressors in rifles and pistols reduces the some of the energy of the projectile being fired. Sound energy will be reduced greatly and some of the kinetic energy as well (and some other). After the projectile leaves the barrel and the suppressor a much more silent noise is heard.
    Now, the suppressor works effectively with low caliber rounds which are usually subsonic rounds. But when a supersonic round is used, there is still a loud bang after going through the suppressor. The reason is that the projectile breaks the sound barrier and creates a sonic boom which is a loud noise. This the energy of the supersonic round had not been reduced enough to prevent the sonic boom.

    The suppressor also does not work with revolvers as everyone knows why, the revolver has a gap between the cylinder and the barrel.

    In reality it is the other way around. The reason for the 'bang' is not the speed of the projectile but the fact of which on an automatic weapon the breach opens at the immediate point of firing, thus, although you have the suppressor (silencer) on one end, the sound will simply travel out the other as the case is ejected and the new round loaded. In a revolver, the breach is not open thus the suppressor (silencer) deadens the sound dramitcally.

  13. The quickest way to reset the BIOS password for any computer is to take out the BIO Chip on the motherboard and then place it back in. Of course, since you have a name brand computer your best bet is to get a hold of tech support for Gateway and tell them about your situation as they might provide for a better answer that doesn't require taking your computer apart.

    First of all you should determine 'which' password is being spoken about as there are several levels of password, bios itself and system for instance. On most all systems the BIOS password is simply reset by a jumper on the system board; however, the system password is not. Not only this, but it is NOT stored in the BIOS chip, this requires either the correct password or the master password applied at factory level.


    Too obtain the master password requires you have the original sales receipt or you have to have a re-placement chip which requires specialist equipment in the soldering dept......

  14. Not really no.



    That wouldn't work. Since as he installed Photoshop on his other PC he'd need to get the Registry entry from his other PC and export it, copy/save it to a Floppy/USB pen then go to his PC that he wants it shared on and import the registry entry in regedit.exe (Also known as Registry Editor).


    OR a simple way, would be to uninstall Photoshop from both PCs and download the Portable versions of Photoshop. Try using the Portable versions of Photoshop and copy/cut and paste them into any of your Directories in your C Drive. :D


    It's pretty simple and easy if you ask me. :D



    Not quite as the program would be 'running' from system A where it is installed and simply displayed and controlled from system B. If it were like you say then there would be no point to a network and servers as all systems would be running independent installations and no shared data - accounts packages for instance or databases like this forum......

  15. i have a photoshop 7.0 disk that is scratched beyond belief and wont install on my computer. But on my other computer which is on a home network i have the photoshop program installed. Does anyone know how to share that on my computer? Is it possible? If so how? I am using windows XP by the way.

    Basically it should be no different from sharing programs on any other network. You should make sure your drive and folder 'share' permissions are set correctly on each system. In particular the one containing the programn we will call this system A. You must ensure you are able to to access the main drive containing the program - an example would be c:\programfiles\photoshop - but only an example as your setup may be different. In simple terms you looking to share photoshop.exe or whatever it is called.

    You then create a shortcut to this on system B - the one you wish to run the program on in the same way you would create in normal circumstanes just on a different desktop. The only issue you may have here is setting the permissions in XP which can be a pain at the best of times. Also, check how you set the network up. In general it is better to do so manually than use the home network wizard especialy if you different versions of windows on each machine.

  16. It is in fact possible to read a screen via the radiation given off but not from that distance. In reality the maximum distance is generaly 50-100m dependant upon many contitions including building type, weather, type of antenna used etc...We used to use this technique to emphasise to city trading houses that having your trading systems on the outside rather than inside a secure room on the internals of the building was not the best idea. Similarly, you can record the keying from someone using the ATM and calculate the pin number before lifting their card but the trade off is for the visualy impaired.

  17. The whole issue in reality is caused by the 'Global' economy by which I mean everything is so tightly interwoven with each other thing - a bit like building a pyramid except for the fact of which if you pull one block from the bottom the rest must surely fall.The first primary issue is of Americas own doing by allowing the craze of day traders to uncontrolled. These are basically amature traders who work independently from home via the Internet and are totally un-regulated. When the craze really took off some few years back is when Gold went through the roof in terms of price and yet in the preseeding twelve months the demand had dropped by over 40% in industriial terms which is where most of it goes. Gold is and no doubt always will be, seen as a safe haven in times like this and always affects other commodity prices. So, when you have a million or so amature day traders on the markets each day around the planet, whether it be commodities llike Gold or FOREX (the foreign currency exchange market) things become very distorted but artificialy so. This in turn drives the greed of the corporate sector who, as you see now, will make millions of people redundant because they claim they cannot afford to mine the raw material or manufacture the products at the desired price etc; this is in reality to the position they have held for the past 3-4 years of artificialy hyper-inflated commodity prices - but did the share holdes or directors complain then....????The other issue, and a major one at that, is things like sub-prime and interconnect of the 'Global' financial markets. In this issue you have major international financial institutions who set up in the Cayman Islands for instance where they 'manufacture' financial instruments for any and every purpose imaginable so as to make even the most dodgy of dodgy deals look like the greatest thing on planet earth. These are then 'sold' in lots around the world to different investment banks who then sell lots of the lots - if you see what I mean - to other banks and investment houses such as pension funds etc around the world. So far so good...??Well yes, except for the food chain at the other end which, of course, nobody stops to even consider for a split second, the people on the ground selling these 'policies' to the end users. Now, because the sales people are on VERY high commissions - because the 'policies' which have been sold on the other side are such high value and return - they want to make as much money as they can as quickly as they can so, who can't afford a new home? Anybody can of course; then because everybody starts buying their dream home the real estate agents get greedy and push the prices up to un-real levels and so and so on.Now the end story is thus. If America took the example of UK which, although Gordon Brown is being slated for it, the Government take a controlling stake in return for bailing them out the situation then things will start to shake out and stabalize via nationalization. Nationalization is based upon a very sound and simple premise - it is far cheaper, no matter what the subsidy, to keep people in skilled and semi-skilled employment, than it is to keep them un-employed or in un-skilled employment and its true. But you also need to get these day traders out of the system or find some serious way of regulating them out.Also, watch for a few more major institutions to bight the dust in the next six months due the next, middle, market mortgages amongst other things.... All in all, if you have any entrepreneurial spirit, now is the time to get started and get in at the lowest point - the doors are always open when rats start running....

  18. Although it would help to provide more information about this threat such as how can people get it, what names does it go by and such stuff like that, of course it would be better to provide a better crediable removal website then the one you provided since all we know is your site could be booby trapped with it.
    So to help those understand this threat more check out the following sites:

    Site #1

    Site #2

    Alternate Removal Site

    Saint Michael,

    I appreciate your comments and understand why you say this. However, the whole point is this:-

    We were infected with this little problem some three weeks ago and, obviously, searched for all credible sites and answers to the problem. All we got was re-infection...... What happens is this. Some twit downloads something they shouldn't, then, the first section of the installer is the one writeing to the windows folders and registry as part of the program installation - following so far - As their is no virus at this point in time, their is no protection. Next, system reboots during which the cloned windows files are written just before power down and registry entries made - at this point in time ALL windows applications INCLUDING windows itself have already quit - so, when restarted, the registry and cloned files now exist in place of the originals and by the time windows has started - particularly if you have xDSL or similar, you have already downloaded and installed at least half a dozen trojens.... these also run un-discovered as they first one is registered as part of your anti-virus and firewall apps.

    Aside from that, you don't get viruses from PDF files (not yet at least). We have reported the issue to numerous AV majors as well as Adobe with no response. It took 7 days and 5 nights to get this all tracked, traced and debugged.

    The reason I cannot give a list of known files is simply we do not the full origins as yet, only the reader version of which i can tell you version 6 was released last week - am just analysing the files as I write this...

    I have attached the PDF to this post as at weekends the African xDSL actualy provides more than 400bytes per second...

    Warmest regards



  19. This is an urgent advisory to all of you out there. The issue is surrounding reader_s.exe and the false information on removal.


    This file is not the issue, it is the product of the issue..... In simple terms, reader_s.exe is not a virus upon initialization which is why your Anti-virus and firewall can't find it. I have taken the time to produce a full explanation in simple english and instructions on how to remove it as well as re-building the system safely without re-infection occuring.


    You can freely download the PDF file from our sub-site at http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ - this is not a joke but a genuine and serious responce to a genuine and serious threat. I will not be posting this info on any other forums or sites so leave it to the good people out there to pass the message on.


    This infection installs itself as part of your anti-virus and firewall and therefore, all other trojans, worms and viruses it downloads and installs are also invisable.....


    Suffice to say, if you choose to ignore and you catch a cold then so be it. Sorry for being cold on this one but am fed up with all AV companies and Adobe for ignoring information provided to them and leaving the Internet public blind.....


    Good Luck. :D

  20. In my short time as member of this community I have noticed that quite a few people are asking similar questions with regards older operating systems from Microsoft. The archives are still there if you know where to look. They cover everything from DOS - you can even get a copy of 6.22 - TCP/IP for Windows 3.x as well as he original OEM test software and full knowledge base for all products including patches etc.You simply need to go to their FTP site, but it may be an idea to to use a search engine program to index it unless you know specifically what you are looking for, this is a huge site and what you see on the surface is a small fraction of what is there including the FULL knowledge base.In days past we used to index this site as part of our tech support archive.Hope this helps resolve a few issues for people out there.....

  21. In reality pretty much anything you can get for one you can get for the others. Apple, however have an extensive of open source software available from their website and much of it is supplied when you buy the machine. Linux on the other hand probably has the most extensive range of open source i.e. free software available and much of this is now being supplied in windows format also.As always you must know what you want the computor for before you can really decide. But also consider the cost of windows itself, you may well ffind you can buy a much better machine for the extra money. At the end of the day it just comes down to personal preference.... Check sourceforge and the Apple website for details.

  22. The first question would be 'why do you need a dedicated VoIp router'? in essence, voice over internet protocol are nothing more than data packets, which in turn should be transmitted at a given speed for a given quality. Any network is only as fast as its slowest link. Thus you should first understand the nature of your connection.So called 'high speed internet over satellite' is made up from three main service providers two in europe and one in the USA. In turn, any one can be a re-seller for these companies and either rent space on the operators NOC (network operations centre aka ground station) or, buy their own and rent space onthe same satellite. How these operators configure the ground staion allocations is the main issue.People will argue that if you calculate the speed of light and then account for the distance traveled to the satellite and back again (they sit some 35,000 miles above the equator) then you have this inherent delay; well you have the same delay here on earth accounting for the number of routers, switches, servers et al you need to traverse to get the page you want not to mentiion thedistances involved on a cumulative basis.The dedicated voip router is just another delay in the system. If you were to use a softphone i.e one on your desktop and send straight to the modem, you take out one more set of processing along the way. Here in Botswana we run on DSL but we can NEVER get above 1k download during the and 35k at night even when we are paying for 512k, simply because they don't have a clue how to configure the thing.Start by going to http://www.mycooltools.com/ and using the tools there, test your connection and, regardless of what results are displayed, try skype, i-call and any others you come across at differing times, but also play with the ports you use. Their are many to choose from and most are never used in normal life, for instance try 119 or 463 which are common usage for usenet etc. but you may find your provider blocks all but the usual 60 and 25. Also, with satellite, your antenna (dish) to odu the thing that fits on the end of the arm, are a crucial balance in the math of satellite connections. Check what size dish you have, if it is just 90cm or 1.2m then consider changing to 2.4 (people will say you can't go this big on Ku band which is what you will be on but again not true. This in itself will make your link far more efficient and increase the allimportant gain which voip is dependant upon..... Gain, Gain, and Gain again......

  23. This is a simple turotial to keep those HP Laser Printers running for a few more years... The only reason most people upgrade or dispose of their old laser is the cost of the fuser replacement. However we start by telling you why this is.In basic terms, the page counter is linked to a large capacitor which, when it reaches a certain number, allows this capacitor to fire a (very) large charge into the fuser unit forcing you to spend more than the thing is worth in buying a new one.... or does it?The fuser is the part of the printer which 'bonds' the ink to the paper - think of it like a high pressure, very hot iron - In actual fact, all this capacitor does is too blow a fuse which renders your printer useless.BEFORE PROCEEDING, MAKE SURE YOU HAVE SWITCHED OFF AND REMOVED BOTH THE PLUG FROM THE WALL SOCKET AND CONNECTING CABLES..........To start, obviously all printers are not designed the same way so I avoid the particular method of access to unit itself else this will become a novel (in volumes); suffice to say the fuser is the unit located between the toner and the output rollers on the base of the (engine) internal unit. HP (used) to have the manuels online and I am sure with some patients and fortitude you will find them there still but even in the worst case it should only require removing four screws at most to remove the cover.Remove the fuser unit from the printer, another four screws in the average assembly. On one side of the fuser will be a plastic cover held by one screw, remove this and there you will see a component wired across the two heavey pins, this is the fuse.You need to cut this fuse out using small side cutter ensuring you leave about one centimeter either side i.e. don't cut up against the component itself but away from it. Either get a replacement from your local electronics or tv repair shop or use a piece of good old fashioned 5 (five) amp fuse wire and solder across the gap.Re-assemble and enjoy quality, low cost printing until the next '000 pages...Foot note:- HP used to use cannon engines as did most large scale manufacturers so you should be able to use the same method across a wide spectrum of laser printers but now you know how easy it is find out.... BEWARE TRYING ON TECHTRONIX THIS IS A LONG WINDED PROCESS TO UN_INSTALL AND RE_INSTALL A FUSER UNIT...

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