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Cascaded Tears

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Posts posted by Cascaded Tears

  1. 1st off you did the right thing of telling him of how you feel. If you had not have done this you would never really know what was happening. Secondly, Not knowing his or your ages, and how you said a huge crush makes me think both are young. You and him should get togther and sit down and have a talk together and see what is what. Yes he could be very busy, then he could just be a player. not really knowing what is what here any advice I could give would be moot. All I can tell you is this. People to play games and some don't. You did the right thing in being honest with him of your feelings. and that is something you need to worry of more than anything. how and what you feel.

    thanks alot for the reply. the thing is, we ain't young. i'm 20 and he's 22. does that help? anyways, thanks :P

  2. There is this guy i like with me in uni. we study different majors but often see each other on campus. i Have this huuuuuuuuge crush on him. and i did the biggest mistake of telling one of his friends. i'm not sure if he told him or not. but it wouldn't make much difference cuz i made it pretty obvious i like him from the start. the thing is, he asked me out on valentines to go have lunch with him. but something happened and we couldn't get on the actual date. he came and i wasn't there. and when i called him his fone was on silent so at the end we didn't get to go on that date. he later caled me and started apologizing sayin he came but didn't see me. it makes no sense that he would be the one to ask me out then not show up. so i decided to make a move and ask him out myself. he told me that he is pretty busy and can't make it. all his signals show he likes me. i see him starring at me, he seems very happy to see me and one of his friends started following me to see what i do and where i go and not becuz he likes me. cuz i never spoke to him before. i really dunno what to think anymore! does he like me or just like to play with emotions? i really need YOUR help! :P

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