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Posts posted by stanny

  1. Cheat of Warcraft III also can be used in DotA, but if you just playin' with AI, (not network mode game)....and following are the Warcraft III Cheats list that i know:WHOSYOURDADDY = untouchable (can't be killed), and one hit killISEEDEADPEOPLE = reveals all mWARPTEN = speed up the building and unit trainingGREEDISGOOD xxx (change the xxx with some numbers) = to add you gold and lumber as much as xxx.

  2. place one in frame 1 and the secont in frame 10

    select any frame between then

    go to "propeties "tab

    and choose "shape" from the "tween" drop down list


    press ctrl+enter to export


    and there you have it

    i'm not sure if this method working for imported images.... i think this way only work for changing the shape of two shape objects that created with flash.... if you put imported images (jpt, gif and other), than it won't work... to make sure if it's work or not, after you set the tween property to any kind of tweening neither motion and shape, the tweening indication inside the timeline bars would appear dotted lines, which means the tweening would not working... to indicate the tweening is working is the arrowed line should appear inside the frames bars... instead of dotted lines....


    my trick i used is by crossfading the two images that put in different layers one on another, and i put motion tweening effect with manipulating the alpha value of both images... one of them should fade in, and the other one should fade out...


    i hope this helps

  3. initially i learned graphic design using photoshop... and for i am now familiar with its tool, than i choose photoshop... but if we want to design something from scratch, i think would be resulting fabulous work if we combine photoshop and adobe illustrator...

  4. One effective cheap way to boost your 802.11 signal is using Cantena which is an antenna created from a can... the can usually should be 10 to 12 cm diameter with 20 to 24 Cm tall.. you must use a N Connector cable that soldered properly with about 3mm bronze with 3cm length.. from the N connector, than you use a pigtail and connect it to your router connector... (remove the default detachable antenna accompanying the router)... this way is working well for me... for detail instruction, you can contact me and i'll give you the detail tutorial..... :)

  5. Great idea, and I'm on it too. but small suggestion from me that perhaps illustrator tool is better when you designing a logo... Photoshop is very powerful but its nature purpose is for raster image tools. However, anything about designing is just a matter of how expert we dealt with some tools. One of my friend very creative creating logos using powerpoint. :)

  6. i was planing on building my own portfolio site for two weeks.. i'm stucked with many technical theorem uncle google told me. i hope somebody here can help me work this thing out. main keys of my consideration is:1. What is the color scheme ??2. What should be in or not in the site ??3. should it be static or dynamic ?4. Should i use PHP, JSP, ASP, or ????Please post your opinion to help me (and perhaps other members) in designing portfolio site...Stanny

  7. i suggest you to identify what is the characteristic of the audience of your website when you deciding the color scheme.. are they young, old, women, men, etc.... that very important to give some psychological influence for your visitors.. my opinion about you design is, the color scheme is too "lazy". the combination of dark green and waned brown color give me (i don't know with others) a sad feeling... try to make it more "joyful" with adding some more bright collor.. such as pure white or light yellow.

  8. I'm a graphic designer that eager to enhance my skills in graphic designing. I use some tools such as Photoshop, CorelDraw, Adobe Illustrator, and Fireworks for designing. as one of my skill improvement effort, i would like to design for any project of graphic design FOR FREE.. if you want me to design anything, just posted it here, and i will prepare the mock up, upploade it for you, and we can review it untill you really satisfy. this is my real effort to get more improved my designing skill and once again its free..

  9. I think the main factor why running business with friend can result a disaster is lack of clear commitment and agreement made at the start of the business. and the reason of this is friendship itself.... if every right and responsibility is clearly stated on the business' agreement, then there should be no problem would ruin the business because of friendship status amongst the partnership.

  10. Many entrepreneurs suffers failure because they not clearly clarify whether the business they found is based on a GREAT BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY or just a GREAT BUSINESS IDEA... actually every great opportunity came from great ideas. But also have to know that not all great idea can become an opportunity. the main factor differentiating these two concept is the time frame. The great ideas always ever once become opportunities for business... some great ideas pop up too fast than it should be, and some other too late. the main concept we should consider is "IS MY BUSINESS IDEA IS TIMELY SUITABLE TO IMPLEMENT?" and if the answer is YES, than that idea is ultimately a GREAT OPPORTUNITY too.


    My Experience:

    I have once founding a business based on great ideas, but it ended as a big failure. $15.000 total I've spent to start a digital printing business. the reason is: there is no suppliers yet for my digital printing supplies nearby the region where i open the business therefore I've damaged my business brand image with a lot of delay when finishing jobs. one year after my business is closed, a digital printing supplies business opened nearby the region, just at the same time with local campaign of governor election. An entrepreneur just quickly open the business just the same as mine before. He do a great success. than i realized that what is once my idea is already became great opportunity at that time.

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