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Posts posted by zuii

  1. Usually for a "n00b", I'd say "If you don't know how to build it on your own, just don't bother asking for a website." That would save the n00b, the web host, and the genius the n00b is probably paying to do the work for them a lot of time and effort. I've been to many web hosting sites and their number requirements is that you must have the knowledge to create your web pages from scratch.Honestly, it's not very hard. I learned how to do build pages from scratch since sixth grade. Later in seventh grade, my dad got me Dreamweaver and everything became almost effortless.Take some classes, read some more books, they really help.Making a website is just like doing math, and like math, you ought to learn how to do it with your brain, then you can later on use the computers to help when you get lazy, ahah.

  2. Ahah, this is hilarious!

    I can't tell ya how many websites I've seen with such great work but poorly built pages.

    What's even more frustrating is how people write out their messages. Usually they typ lyk dis cuz dey so beast lyk dat. Most of the time you could expect these kinds of sites on Freewebs, especially with their background music feature, which I hope they don't have anymore. :)

    Whenever I hit a Freewebs site, the first thing I notice myself doing is scrolling down to PAUSE the BG music, even if the music file hasn't loaded yet.

    It's like sometimes you wanna give them a big message saying "I have my own music to listen to, thank you very much. :)"

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