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Posts posted by ledabomber

  1. I wouldn't recommend downloading from the Demonoid site itself, as you can do it for free off other sites. Read my quick guide below.... As you know, downloading movies is not LEGAL, but I'll help you anyways, because I've pirated so many things it's not even funny :) . Funny thing is, I just got into the world of piracy about two months ago :) ....


    Notice from rvalkass:

    Removed content related to piracy.

  2. Have you ever seen a person that was so ugly that you'd kill yourself if you were them? Ok, I'm not talking about how people look different, and making fun of them. No, I'm talking about that SPECIAL UGLY. They're so ugly that they got boogers smeared on they're face and they wear excessive mascara ugly. You wanna tell them that they're ugly, right? But on the other hand, you don't want to hurt their feelings. Well, I happen to be an expert on these things :) ! Just follow my ways to nicely tell a person that they're ugly!


    1. For their birthday, give them a free makeover coupon for the local makeover store.


    2. Sing "The U.G.L.Y. Rap" for them at a special event, like a wedding, like this: "(Name of bride/person), you've been a great (whatever they were), but now that you're getting married to (name of groom/bride at wedding), I want to say to you what I've wanted to say to you since the first day I met you. U-G-L-Y you ain't got no alibi you UGLY, yeah, yeah, you UGLY!"


    3. Whenever something about ugly people is said, do a fake cough and say the ugly person's name, EVEN if the ugly comment wasn't made about them.


    4. Do a joke prank like this:

    YOU: Who wants to ride in my Ferrari with me?

    UGLY Person: I do!

    YOU: OOOOH..... Can't do that....

    UGLY Person: Why?

    YOU: Because ugly damages my vehicle. I've already had to fix my car for $5494.34 from the last time your ugly damaged it.... Sorry....


    5. The classic brown paper bag over the head always works :) .

  3. Ok...... Find an English computer...... go to a torrent site......download an english version of windows in an iso file..........burn it to a CD with ImgBurn........Put it in CD-Drive......turn off laptop....turn it back on.....it should boot from CD.....install windows english.... :) If it's not booting from the CD, try changing the BIOS settings. Also, try the Regional > Language thing. :)

  4. Yes....YES!!!!! This is the plan I've been looking for! I'll go to Michigan, slaughter my Uncle, and kill my Aunt, claim their money, and I'll be able to buy all the "FREE" NX Cash Cards that I could ever want! Plus I can get Runescape membership too :) !!!!!!!!!!! LOL. :) It's sad that you have to kill an old lady. What did she ever do to you? But whats even sadder is that he killed her over money so he could pay for a stupid MMO...... Probably a World of Warcraft addict...... :D Hasn't anyone ever told him about Prize Rebel?

  5. Actually, when it comes to choosing games, it's really up to you. Now this may be a little boring, but here it goes:


    What type of game themes do you like? (Racing, Shooters/FPS, etc.)

    Would you play super challenging games or easy, family exciting games?


    If you can answer that question, you can play any game you want and enjoy it. Here's my Top 10 list of games you SHOULD HAVE!!!!


    1. Grand Theft Auto IV

    2. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

    3. Call of Duty 5: World at War

    4. Assassin's Creed

    5. Project Gotham Racing

    6. Need for Speed Pro Street

    7. Resistance Series

    8. BioShock

    9. Halo 3

    10. Hmmmmmmmmm..... haven't decided. :)


    --> If you want a PS3 or own one, get Little Big Planet!!!!! :)

  6. The world is ending on December 21, 2012! Yeah, right. I\'m not a big fan of that myth stuff, but, I stumbled across a post on PSPMod with \"real\" proof that it was going to end. I had already known about some of this stuff, but I hadn\'t really thought about it. Though, when I saw it on paper, it kind of got to me, but I still don\'t really believe it...


    The Mayan\'s were one of the most intelligent tribal races in the early times. They made a calendar. This is one source of proof. The Mayan calendar goes all the way past A.D.\'s......but it ends on December 12, 2012, at 11:11 GMT. It could just be a coincedence, right? Maybe they just got really bad hand cramps and decided to quit.....RIGHT?

    This is a quote from a PSPMod post:

    my second thing about 2012 is a story having to do with saint malachy, well he predicted the last popes (in order btw) of the roman catholic religion and wrote them down... well soo far our current pope is the second to last on the list, which of course means that our current pope is (according to saint malachy) our second to last pope... the next and final pope on the list is supposedly named \"Peter the Roman\"... Yea i know im horrible at writing and everything so here\'s a link to a better explanation of saint malachy and his accurate list(read about pope John the roman at the end btw): St. Malachy - The last Popes

    Apparently, there is also something called a \"Web Bot\", which basically makes predictions. Now, I\'m not to sure about this, but apparently, it made some accurate predictions about the stock market crash, 9/11, and other natural disasters. Now it\'s decided the human fate. When it is used, one set of numbers are displayed by it: 12/21/12 (December 21, 2012).

    Ok, and Albert Einstein said:

    If bees were to dissapear, the human race would only have a few years to live...

    I haven\'t seen a decrease in the bee population lately, but it could be happening in different parts of the world.....This one, I don\'t really believe.

    Also, a scientist who has been studying the events of 2012 has predicted that, at that time, the planet (forgot it\'s name), sun, earth, and the mikly way will all line up and cause a north/south polar shift 45 degree.

    That is very good proof. I still don\'t really believe it, but the Mayan Calendar really gets me.............. :) . But, many people aren\'t really buying it because of the Y2K hype.... However, I think something big will happen on that day. Also, the Mayans predicted some ancient deamon called Quetzlcoatl will rise from the gates of hell or something........


    --Don\'t be afraid to debate!!!!

    Notice from truefusion:
    Quote all things copied.

    Apparent source: http://www.pspmod.com/forums/

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