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Everything posted by LuciferStar

  1. JUST put your script on where your other html files are.no need to configure anything of your website.
  2. I found it on a site from Yugoslavia. Still don't know what it is.
  3. I'm a teacher of English in a primary school.
  4. I'm Chinese,I read 'int' as /'int/
  5. You can try to find another text,make the MD5 result the same to what you want,but it's impossible to find the original text from MD5 result.
  6. try: <form method=POST action=search.php>[/br]<p>Search:<br>[br]<input type=text name=search size=20 class=textbox size=15 value= [/br]<? if (isset($_POST['search'])){ echo $_POST['search']; } ?>[br]><input type=submit value=Submit>[/br]</form>[br]or <form method=POST action=search.php>[/br]<p>Search:<br>[br]<input type=text name=search size=20 class=textbox size=15 value= [/br]<?php if (isset($_POST['search'])){ echo $_POST['search']; } ?>[br]><input type=submit value=Submit>[/br]</form>
  7. You can try: getenv[/br](PHP 3, PHP 4 )[br][/br]getenv -- Gets the value of an environment variable[br]Description[/br]string getenv ( string varname)[br][/br][br]Returns the value of the environment variable varname, or FALSE on an error. [br][/br][/br]$ip = getenv ("REMOTE_ADDR"); // get the ip number of the user[br] [br][/br][br][/br]You can see a list of all the environmental variables by using phpinfo(). You can find out what many of them mean by taking a look at the CGI specification, specifically the page on environmental variables. [br][/br]注: This function does not work in ISAPI mode. [/br]
  8. like this?c code English Chineseint integer zheng shuchar character zi fufloat float fu dian shudouble double shuanglong long changshort short duan& and/address di zhi* star/point zhi zhensome of them are short forms.
  9. Nothing can be easy to anyone.We may keep on learning,doing,and coding.
  10. Do you mean this: [/br]function change(var x)[br]{[/br]var forumheight = x;[br]document.write("<iframe src=\"http://tim.trap17.com/forum/\" width=\"99%\" height=\"" + forumheight + "\"></iframe>");[/br]}
  11. Here is my last script: My Homepage I rewrited it from C, which is made by myself,too. You can try to enter into the website by your power. Can you? Some of the pages contains Chinese Characters,charset=GB-2312. first select the month then the day.
  12. I have no idea about that.But even though you've got 128MB RAM,no one program can use up all of them.It's impossible to let one program control all of the RAM, the operating system controls this.In old time,DOS mode,It's only 64KB,or even less.
  13. Group: [==::HOSTED::==]Posts: 45Member No.: 743Joined: 9-August 04Reputation: 2 pts Warn: (0%) can anybody tell me what the warn means?
  14. these codes come from the server application what you need is just the client application source code. you need to modify hMessage sent by client application.
  15. <p align="center"><input type=button onclick="java script:print(body.document);" value="Click to Print"></p>
  16. in php,try int dl ( string library)in c,try int system( const char *command );in WIN32 API,try 1HINSTANCE ShellExecute( HWND hwnd, LPCTSTR lpOperation, LPCTSTR lpFile, LPCTSTR lpParameters, LPCTSTR lpDirectory, INT nShowCmd);2UINT WinExec( LPCSTR lpCmdLine, // address of command line UINT uCmdShow // window style for new application);
  17. If the client version is 1.003,not 1.004,the sever will kick you out.is that?Well,I think you may search where the version information is stored,and modify it.But 1.004 may have more new functions not existed in 1.003.Maybe You should rewrite 1.003 ,or find 1.004.
  18. change what to C++OR change C++ to what?
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