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Posts posted by foru2

  1. You two guys are ever try make some cash from internet ?


    This is always take much time :rolleyes: no one get millons, even if trust in evry text like 1 000$ per month, 50$ per clilck :lol:. Me, personnaly, try not smile when i see offer like this.


    The truth treasure in web is Cents :D cent by cent and half cent  :(  + patience.


    This lottery is for fun. And players decide is he wanna winn evry day 0,001 Cent :] or One person once on week 5$ B)


    I know online earnings are cent by cent, but at least with PTR your earnings don't depend on the roll of dice.

  2. A totally free lottery with true prizes. Not possible ? This is why i need webhosting with MySQL. So if you guys can win 5$ time to time playing on free lottery do you guys play ?



    Just what I need! Another free lottery that I can't ever win. Sorry but that has been my experience with free lottery and game sites.

  3. When I read the terms on 4Daily, it looks like he'll get 4% of my upgrade, which isn't much, so he's betting his $3.84 (plus fees) that I'll either upgrade again or bring in a good downline, right? So this strategy would only work on a program that has several levels. I also noticed that they're closing a loophole. After July 1, they won't pay referral fees on upgrades from earnings--only on upgrades for real money, so that might take some of the fun out of it.


    I guess the hint, here, is to check the forums before signing up for any of these to see if any of the members are offering deals.




    That's the thing to do. Right now CobraPay is having a referral contest and a couple members are offering free upgrades. It's nice to be able to try a site out without risking your own money.

  4. I just signed up for GreenZap. It looks like the best deal so far. Get paid $5 for each signup. The folks you sign up get $25. It's all free. GreenZap is an online payment processor that works a lot like PayPal, but it also offers a good downline community for affiliates (GreenZappers) "Storez" and "Auctionz" features coming soon. It appears we'll soon be able to sell as well as buy with their new programs.


    PayPal offers a $5 one-level referral fee.


    StormPay I think goes down 5 or 6 levels.


    eGold also has an affiliate program.


    I belong to all of these but haven't made any money on any of them except GreenZap. I got my $25 for that one, instantly. I'd love to have y'all sign up under me for that one--it looks like fun. They really encourage the community thing.


    PayPal pays for signups, and they must be verified, which is a pain.


    e-Gold only pays a % of actual deposits, which is also a pain.


    I can't remember how StormPay works. I'm too new to this stuff and haven't done much promoting.



    But is it real money that you can use? From what I've heard it's some kind of e-money. How can I use it or turn it into real cash?

  5. I've been looking for autosurf programs where I can use my earnings for upgrades and not have to pay in. I went to the 4Daily forum and found several members posting that they'll pay for our upgrades if we'll join under them. Some offers are for double upgrades and all sorts of other creative marketing.


    Has anybody done this? How can they make out by paying for our upgrades? Does this go on all the time? I never saw this type of thing on StudioTraffic or other programs (but maybe they were there and I just didn't know enough to look for them).  :lol: Somebody please clue me in. :rolleyes:





    Well, the more your downline earns the more you earn, so it just makes sense. Besides, once you have a decent balance $4 is not too much to give. Some people make many times that amount each day just in 4daily. The idea is to keep the program growing so it can survive.


    I just upgraded my most active referral in another autosurf program (even though I'm not actively promoting that program anymore until some payout issues are sorted out).

  6. I've decided to start a website for all of this make-money-online and GPT stuff. There will be no hype and no scams. I'll have links to all the best Make Money Online forums and websites, articles about different programs, and my own referral links, naturally.  :rolleyes:


    If any of you have good websites about Internet marketing or good programs to recommend, including 2-tier affiliate programs, please post here or send me a PM with your referral links.






    The MoneyList is good. Many different earning programs offered, but best of all, a single downline is all you'll ever need to build.

  7. yes, those 'pay to surf' programs were popular, but the problem was, that even if they paid, they paid very little money for the time you had to invest to them. The only who was earning bug money were people who were running these programs.


    and about those 'pay to read emails'. there are many programs that 'pay' you to read email advertisings. but again, most of these programs dont pay you and even those who pay will pay so little for the time you have invested, that it relly is waste of time.



    Everyone's experience is a little different, but I've found a few that can really earn you some spare change if you're good at recruiting referrals. The earnings from GPTR programs are small, but can earn you some good advertising for your major money earning programs. Give it a try - they're free to join, so what do you have to lose? Just check my signature for more details.

  8. After a long search for "big-bucks" on the internet, i realize that it wil never be the case, that said, I have found some programs, although no "quick money earners" still provide a somewhat fair amount of money, (for the amount of work that you actaully do).


    Here are three programs that I joined, and sends you emails daily with links each worth around 0.25 cents to 0.75 cents. (Yes, not even one whole cent). Although this is a dimunitive number, they realy do pay you money, and aren't about to scam you.


    You get around 30 - 50 links a day, and for each link you click in that email, you get 1/4 of a cent to 3/4's of a cent. although the sound of getting such little money is stupid, if you do the math, it really does add up:


    50 links a day x 0.75 of cent each = 37.5 cents a day.


    put this into weeks:


    37.5 cents a day x 7 days a week = $2.62 Dollars a week


    put this into months:


    37.5 cents a day x 31 days = $11.62 dollars a month


    put this into one year:


    12 months x 11.62 dollars = $139.44 dollars a year


    And if you join all three programs, then you get $418.32 dollars each year.


    Not bad for just clicking links.


    of course, you will get more money depending on how long you've been a member and for what kind of links you'll get, so here ends my talk about money earners, as i've found that there's no such thing as a free lunch, but you can always pickup a few pennies.


    When you see these websites, the page designs will be so horrible that you'd think of leaving, but, you'll grow to adapt to them. :lol:


    So here are the three programs:






    And if you're feeling freindly to mr.moderator here, you can use these referal links :rolleyes:





    Have fun,




    edit:added bold





    One of the best ideas out there I think, is the MoneyList program. It teaches you a coordinated approach to earning from multiple paid email programs. I've learned to approach this as a business, with hard work and realistic expectations. So far my downline has grown beyond expectation and I expect the earnings to follow suit.


    Give it a try, click the GPTR link in my signature.

  9. Internet is an oportunity to make money, thats for sure. You just have to find the way you want to earn. You want to make living of internet? Than you can try adult webmastering. You can believe me that in that bizz you can make BIG money. But you will have to learn it and that will take time. And there is the problem. You may think that you can make quick money on internet, but that is impossible. Everything takes time, but if you are patient, then you will make those money. Just work hard.



    I started in January and have earned about $150 with 4daily. See the $4 link in my signature. Also working on promoting my MoneyList website and hope to earn from that soon. Have picked up a few dollars along the way from other programs, but it takes time. The fastest way to earn is with autosurf programs, but there is some risk. My advice, upgrade with the minimum and don't compound for too long - above all, never spend what u can't afford to lose!

  10. hi i started to work on making money on web one  year ago and i continued about 6 months i got to all webs i worked hard i tried to get a trusted website .


    from my exceprince in making money THERE IS NOOO REAL MONEY ON WEB all webs are trying to make the limit cash out too big like 100 $ so you willll never get them ... i regret wasting my time on that soo i advice alll there is no money on net alll that was a big lie ... al webs are working for cents  :( .


    al that i get from the 6 months is 0.78 cents opppssssss


    the only way to make money is too make a good webSITE and add the google adsense tool


    plz if any one make money on net fastly inform me ...and say how he make it


    thx .. plz discuss here :lol:  :(


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