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Everything posted by tugboat255

  1. It is evident that Marapets has countless problems. I have played in both Marapets and Neopets for a long time. A little over a year in Marapets and I have to say, ZacN is not at all far from the truth. You only need to go to Yahoo Answers and search for the words "Marapets Down" to see how many results come on. The site might be free to play on but with the large amount of players on it there needs to be a reliable (paid for) TEAM of administrators to take care of errors and glitches. I have seen obscene posts in the public forums go for hours and hours without being deleted because even though they are reported, the post can not be deleted unless a staff member is present. I have seen people advertising other pet sites in the forums, and the user and posts were not removed. People violate rules in a massive way and as long as they are not too obvious they can get away with it for days, weeks and even months! I have found that their pet name filter is very lame, very often can pets be found with obscene names just as well. Don't say that Ian does not need to hire people to work if he doesn't want to, according to the laws a site where there are children playing on there needs to be the proper team of administrators to keep them safe otherwise the site could be in jeopardy with the law.The site is free to play on, but so is Neopets and so is Kuepets, Powerpets, Zetapets, etc. There is such thing as people who pay "upgrades" or "donation" packages to keep the site going. I wish I could say the site is a reliable place to play on. The staff is lazy, so lazy that they engage in gossip in the adult forum and they slack on their duties. They often get into "cat fights" in the adult forum rather than tending to their responsibilities. The staff (admins) in Marapets are not being paid for what they do. So technically they do not have to work if they don't want to. Meanwhile they keep the blue star and harass members as they please. Such is the case that someone was posting offering help in a forum and he was told his post was negative and that it was a pain to deal with in the public adult forum. Such thing could have been said in a private message to the user. The person then asked if the admin had something against him, and the admin said she was tired of all the havoc he created in the boards. However the most I remember were mostly complaints usually no different from what I am saying here: server errors, glitches, people losing marapoints here and there, etc. If a troublemaker is friend's with the admin, the admin takes that person's side forgetting that they have a job to meet. I do not have a problem with them being staff but if they were given the privilege of holding the admin tag and a blue star which gives them freedom to generate points in the game as they please what are they doing goofing off in the forums? Nobody has ever come forward to talk about how petty the situation is with admins in marapets but it is. They basically run the place and Ian is usually in the background letting them do whatever they please and he doesn't get involved. As a matter of fact they violate users privacy by reading their messages, to the point of the fact that my account is at this point in jeopardy because I am opinionated. If you want your account in good standing, do not question staff (admins) but if you do, be ready to lose something like a very powerful pet, a large sum of marapoints or expensive items you may have gathered for a long time.There is such LONG list of things that need improvement in Marapets, in which 1/2 of them call for a reliable team of paid for specialists that this page is not even long enough to list them but if you don't believe me, create an account, be there for at least one year or so. Try to see if you're going to go beyond questioning a staff member about anything they do, specially when it involves punishing or banning someone they plain just don't like. You'll see why there are so many people who leave the site really angry.
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