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Posts posted by maylx

  1. I recently purchased this phone with Rogers on a 3-year plan. I was wondering if you guys had heard anything bad about it-- the Rogers guy was quick to suggest this phone because he said it was one of the best phones in that store (taking into account that there were at least 15 different phones from me to choose from right at that moment).Apart from the front of the phone easily smudging, I don't think I've seen any problems with it yet-- can you guys help me out here?

  2. I'll not be ashamed to admit that I love alot of the gaming consoles on these lists. I enjoy Microsoft's computer games (like Age of Empires, etc.). I'm straight out Nintendo from this point on, though, I'd much rather own Nintendo products than I would any other. Of course, that doesn't stop me from liking other consoles, as well. I own a lot of their consoles... heh.

  3. For all intensive purposes, google the details of the site that I'm telling to you. I'm not sure as to the exact URL, but I know it exists-- I've been on it before.You'd load up the page, and the background is rainbow colors. What's worse is there are like 900 advertisements on the page, including those annoying text ads (hover over them and this ad pops up). It didn't help that the text was all out of the place and the menus didn't even work, and even those were ugly.What was worse is that there was this annoying MIDI background sound that made me want to cry and turn off my speakers. ;_;

  4. You can always change the default program used to open certain types of files by right clicking any file with the extension you're trying to change (for example, .doc files). Right click, Open With, and finally Choose Program. Select your program from the list, tick the 'Always use this program to open...' box and click ok.That should get you on the right track.On the other hand, I didn't know myself that you could change the default open program settings from the registry. :)

  5. It would be your decision. I mean-- I've been thinking about switching to mac myself. Seeing as you already have a mac, upgrading to the latest version, I'd assume, would give you a few more features and whatnot? I'm taking into considering the price you're looking to pay for the upgrade. Go right ahead, if you're up to it. :)

  6. Hah, thanks for the warm welcomes guys. I'm not one of the dudes that will register and post stuff like "lol" and "wtf lmao" that make up a single post. Coming from a few forums that I administrate, I know what it's like when people do that, and I don't like it one bit. Although, I must note-- I'll avoid using those abbreviations as much as possible.Again, thanks for the welcomes, and I'll be sure to ask if I have any questions. :)

  7. Hi there! My name's Daniel and I registered here in hopes of getting a free hosting account. After going through so much trouble with the host I'm at right now, I think registering here and posting for free hosting is a great idea!I hope to become an active part in this community! =D

  8. I could never have asked for a better high school to go to. The staff at my school are so caring, and will jump at the chance to help a student in need with academics, or other things as well. Unfortunately, we're not the cleanest school in the province of New Brunswick, we've got those idiots who will leave garbage around the school property, but the janitorial staff does all that they can to ensure that our classrooms and corridors are clean and sanitary.As for staffing, like I said, they couldnt've done better. Although there are a few questionable teachers in my opinion, I think that our teachers are the best out of all the high schools in my area.We also have a wide variety of extra-curricular activities that students can participate in. We also have sports teams, such as Football, Baseball, Rugby, Wrestling, Swim and Track, just to name a few.I don't think many more words can express how awesome my high school is. =P

  9. Being a coder (PHP/SQL/etc.), I have the popular browsers installed to ensure that styles and whatnot that I use are compatible with each and every browser that the individual is using. One day, I went for a change of pace and used Google Chrome for a while, browsing a website that utilizes the 'Smartfox' server (also has a flash chat).Several times, browsing the parts of the site with flash on it will cause my browser to give 'A script in the movie is causing Adobe Flash Player to behave slowly' or something along the lines. It gives me an option to terminate the movie/script, which upon doing so will cause my browser to crash.Does anyone know why it does this, and if Google actually knows about the issue?

  10. Hi there,I recently uploaded a copy of phpMyAdmin to my site, and everything works fine, except for one problem. I logged in as one user (I'll call him hostacct_dbuser), got through to the good stuff, and now I have a problem. When I log out, it automatically enters that DB username into the username field. Whenever I try to login as a different user, it will assume hostacct_dbuser and will give me the "Password incorrect".But the strange thing is, it only happens on one computer that I use. Unfortunately, the computer I am using does not allow me to access internet settings (at my educational institution), and I cannot empty my cache/delete my cookies, which I'm sure are causing the problems that I'm having.I was wondering if there was any other way to solve this issue.

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