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Posts posted by _Hybridized

  1. Apparently, this latest book isn't as good as the first two. Personally, I haven't read it, but some of my friends who have bought it are complaining about it haven't too many unnecessary details, with the plot being all over the place.But it's probably just them. Hoping for some positive responses from people who HAVE enjoyed it.

  2. Awesome stuff there OpaQue. I might be using it but I don't think so but Unmetered Parked & Addon-Domain Support, 250 Sub-Domains, 250 FTP Accounts & 250 MySQL Databases and 250 MB of Bandwidth is overkill. Really overkill. Amazing how you guys can just put these up for free when you would normally pay a buttload of cash in real life per month [and even then, not with better support than the ones at Xisto - Support].

  3. Interesting. I've never heard of those "waking up before you actually die in a dream and therefore actually dying". I personally don't think dreams can kill you directly but maybe experiencing certain things in a dream can induce different emotions or something and triggering a health condition? Maybe. We might never know.I find the sleepwalking off a roof more believable though. And more likely.

  4. So I'm going to get a PSP soon (no arguments over why other consoles are better or whatever) and I'm wondering what games you guys would recommend on the PSP console. I don't care about the cost, as I'm only going for a selection of games. Perhaps personal experiences on each game would be nice?

  5. Haha yeah. It was soo fun back in the old days *sighs*. [i sound like an old fart]


    They should update the official Starcraft 2 site though. Progress is hideously slow according to the official site, and I have to use unofficial sources [which I don't know whether or not to trust then] to see what some of the newer updates are like.

  6. Sorry. Looking back I just realised how vague I was being. Thanks for being patient anyway.Anyway. I live in Australia, so I'm not sure how you'd treat grades in other countries but I'm in Grade 9 at the moment, and I have not received the project yet [but I KNOW it will have to be completed next year] so I cannot say what the other students are doing for their project.I'm simply open to suggestions. I have no particular areas of interest for this Science project. The project will be both practical and theoretical. Basically I have to come up with a theory and then perform a scientific experiment and write up the usual reports etc. I will need to write a journal on everything I do during the duration of the project and then orally present it to the class [most likely with a PowerPoint Presentation or something].Well, for options, it's basically anything that's not related to dealing with animals/plants and not dangerous [so nothing like testing bombs or something], so yeah, my options are a bit restricted.

  7. Yeah that. I'm just simply wondering what those three options do.Do they add credits to your account on Xisto/Xisto for a specific amount of myCents? If so, why do you require registering a domain/registering a subdomain/transferring your domain? It's kind of confusing. Hopefully someone can explain?Sorry. I'm a very curious person.

  8. I've wanted a PSP for such a long time, as there are some games I really really want on the PSP, and it's only available on PSP.I think the main reason why people prefer the DS over the PSP is because BOTH systems were intended for gaming, although PSP has multimedia capabilties, therefore skyrocketing the price of the PSP. The high cost is very unappealing to many gamers, and therefore they would opt for a Nintendo DS instead.Personally however, I'd rather a PSP =P.

  9. So over here in school I have this little thing named the Student Research Project. It's basically where each student comes up with an idea of what to do for their project [hence, "free choice"] and the topic must be registered with our teacher before actually doing the task. The experiment/project cannot involve animals or plants, so there goes plenty of ideas down the drain.I have just ran out of ideas. Can anyone suggest something viable for the project?

  10. You haven't? *is in shock* Nah just joking =].It's a real time strategy game, similar to how Command and Conquer or any of the Age of Empires games play out. Basically you start off with your main building and several workers and you have to earn resources and build an army to destroy your opponents.The game is created by Blizzard Entertainment, and it is set in the future (I can't really remember which years... 2500-ish?), revolving around three races: Terran [part of the human race], Zerg [insect-like infesting creatures], Protoss [what we might refer to as those "high technologically advanced and evolved aliens].You should try it out, it's good fun.

  11. I highly doubt they'll release Starcraft II by the end of this year. They'll probably be releasing all three games by the end of next year.And starcraft2.com doesn't contain some information you might want to know, such as the fact that Blizzard is not releasing Starcraft II as one game, but as three seperate games (one core game and two expansion packs) named Terran: Wings of Liberty, Zerg: Heart of the Swarm, Protoss: Legacy of the Voice.I agree with khalilov. I think turning the game 3D and changing so many things from the original will severely unbalance the game, but we shall see. After all, it's Blizzard.I am also very very interested in this new Map Editors of theirs. It'll be more powerful than the ones used in Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne (which was already damn powerful) so I think I'll enjoy twiddling with some functions =]. Hopefully they'll keep the mission briefing types of loading from the original Starcraft games.

  12. ^ Haha. Amusing video.What he says in that video is, although greatly exaggerated, is actually slightly true.I myself own Super Smash Brothers Brawl, and it is one of the most played games on my Nintendo Wii. It's much more fun to be playing against other people, especially against 4 players, as it starts to become extremely chaotic and more fun at the same time.I don't like adventure mode though. It takes way too long.

  13. Sorry if this sounds like I'm complaining but:


    In the first post by OpaQue it says you need to wait approximately 4-5 hours before your account gets linked and the myCents appear on the left sidebar, but I have already waited for approximately 22 hours and it has not changed at all [i remember on Xisto it activated in about 3 hours]. Should I just wait a bit longer or has something gone wrong? There shouldn't be though, since I received an email from Xisto confirming the activation.

  14. Heheh. Ditto that Maxfelgar. I don't play as much as I did before, but I'm certainly looking forward to the release of this game (at the end of next year?). I think loads of people would buy it on the day of release simply because of the name. As for me, I'll be buying it anyway, even if it is worse than its predecessors.Of course, I'll be needing a new computer I think, since this one's getting ridiculously old.

  15. Yeah. One thing I noticed about 2142 is the retardedly high system requirements in order to run the game at optimal settings, particularly in the graphical department. That is remedied, of course, by simply turning down the amount of detail in the game. But obviously, one would prefer the game when it looks awesome but without distracting effects [which I add, 2142 does quite a nice job at].Beware of the titan mode though. When two of the commanders move the titan near each other, brace yourself for large amounts of lag when nearing the titans. I was literally playing through choppy gameplay of 10fps or so.

  16. The second game(s) in the Starcraft franchise is about to be released. Starcraft II, the sequel to the original Starcraft and its expansion Brood War, will once again center around the three races, Terrans, Zerg and Protoss [contrary to popular belief, there will be NO other races available for playing, although some special units will be available for use in campaign modes)It was originally planned to be one whole game you could just purchase, but decisions made have caused the game to be split into three seperate games: Terran: Wings of Liberty, Zerg: Heart of the Swarm, Protoss: Legacy of the Void and will be released for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Mac OS X (as usual, Blizzard will offer support to Mac Computers). The Terran section of the games will form the core files, while the other two games [Zerg and Protoss in that order] will serve as expansion packs, although there is enough content in there to form their own games and feel like an entire game themselves.Personally, I'm excited about the release of Starcraft II. I wonder which way the campaigns are going to head and what will finally happen to the creations Duran made and the Xel'Naga. However, for multiplayer, I'm kind of concerned which way Blizzard will be heading, as with so many significant changes to the original game, it will probably unbalance the game quite badly, as balance was one the best things about the original Starcraft and Brood War.

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