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Posts posted by ARNEL

  1. Your right most religion are almost the same, they believe in one GOD but in different ways.If you try to compared religion from one to another you might get confused, many religions exist especially today, don't want to mention any but there are many of them... All I know that going to church is a mandatory for the christian catholic, I know that because I am a christian catholic, Attending sunday mass is part of the 7 sacrament I'm not wrong,. but honestly sometimes I don't go to church, I believe in GOD for all of my heart, my soul and mind mind. but I am a sinner, If you were ask me if I will go to heaven, well I am hoping and pray, but because of those sins and all of those wrong doing, I hesitate I'm not... But still hoping and trying to do my best to become a good christian...Aside from christian catholic there are religions that almost the same as christian catholic, the worship GOD, they believe to GOD but they do it in different way the christian did.In my opinion I don't care about what religion you do have right now, the most important things is how to become a good son of GOD. and you do believe in GOD for all of your heart, soul and mind. Especially you must follow the 10 commandments of god... that's more important... no matter what religion you are...Some religions don't follow these commandments. :unsure:

  2. If I were I will personally do my research, because If your going to ask me all I can give is only those junks I know, but there are more laptops on the market with is very high power, I mean laptop that almost support everything... IBM centrino is only an example of the best laptop I know, but there are more better than centrino...so, I suggest you search the net for the new technology, and then try to compare, compare and compare until you found your ideal laptop that fits your expectations...:unsure:

  3. I absolutly love these free font sites people are posting, there are so many to chose from  :unsure:  I have downloaded a few and am wondering how to use them in word or frontpage. I didnt see anything like import font or anything. is it possible?


    You should add the new font into your font folder. this folder can be fount under control panel... you open the folder and paste the new font inside...


    after you done pasting your new font... restart your computer if needed to register them....


    just try it and you will see them the next time you open your word or other programs...:D


    hope this will help you...

  4. My freind and i were talking the other day (we both know very little about computers, but im trying to learn  :D ) and he was saying that he thought u could put two video cards on one pc.  He also stated that you could sorta mix and match i told him he really had no clue what he was talking about and there was no way you could ever put a radeion with a nividia even if you could put two cards on one comp.  was he right? it dosnt really make sense to me. I thought you could just have one  :unsure:


    Actually you can put two video card in one computer regardless of the brand. I use to setup a multi-video card with mulitiple monitor before, but now there are devices that almost replaced this function.. a year ago ATEN manufactured a so call KVM switch wherein you can put 4 monitors with one display each or all of them having one display only... but this port was in DVI type.

  5. Well, it's up to your if you want a highest setup the you must spend nough money for that, but if you think the one you posted earlier will fits your need or passed already to your own requirements then go for it... You can't asseble very nice PC with small amount of money.

  6. Well some people afraid to say something about themselves, maybe they're just scared or just having scary teachers why some of his/her student can't say anything.. he he he...Me, I like to do funny things and bring happiness to all my crazy friends... I like to play basketball, valleyball, swimming, and cutting classes... Oh.. aside from that I like cheating also....that what I've said when my teacher asked my when I was in high school... and my classmate almost cried for joy.... I don't want to do this to dishonored my teacher but when times comes when everythings goes serious, you must do something to make things okay...:unsure:

  7. That what other says, microsoft is very wise when it comes to programs, this part of their business to stay in all MS program when you are using Microsoft Platform... There are no options to remove IE inside your computer and when you do so, your pc will crash, right? so IE will still there all the time eventhough you are using other browser,, be patient when it comes up, and up and up even you don't call IE... some or Most MS programs call IE by default and you can't never change that unless you debug the entire programs.. but how... Keep in mind that IE is always part of your life when you are using Microsoft operation syste....:unsure:

  8. i wanna learn VB but i know that it costs money. for someone like me who justs want to learn, experiment, and make some basic (no pun intended) programs, what are my best and cheapest options? and where can i buy it?


    if i can get VB bundled with a book tutorial that would be great!


    Well, If you really want to learn visual basic 6.0, off course you need to spend for books and read the basic there. when you know the basic of visual basic 6.0 then try this link:

    Free Source Code for VB6.0


    You can find many source code there and try to read and understand each lines of code...


    If you want to become a good programmer you should read, read and read... thats the only cost you need to spend...:rolleyes:


    Hope this will help .

  9. i will :rolleyes:


    I still get the debug. I tried everything but nothing


    Here is the code:


    Private Sub Form_Load()

    lblTime.Caption = ""

    Timer1.Enabled = True

    Timer2.Enabled = False

    End Sub


    Private Sub txtStatus_Change()

    If frmMain.WindowState = 1 Then

    Let Timer2.Enabled = True


    Let Timer2.Enabled = False

    Let frmMain.Caption = "AdCache Remover"

    End If

    End Sub


    Private Sub cmdQuit_Click()


    End Sub


    Private Sub Timer1_Timer()

    Let lblTime.Caption = Str((lblTime.Caption) + 1)

    Let lblStatusTime.Caption = Str((lblStatusTime.Caption) + 1)

    On Error Resume Next

    x% = Len(Dir$("c:\Windows\System\AdCache\*.*")) 'If you have a different directory for the AdCache change it.

    If Err Or x% = 0 Then fileexists = False Else fileexists = True

    If lblTime.Caption = 1 Then

    If fileexists = True Then

    Kill ("C:\Windows\System\AdCache\*.*") 'If you have a different directory for the AdCache change it.

    Let txtStatus.Text = "Deleting AdCache"

    Let lblTime.Caption = 0


    Let txtStatus.Text = "Removing"

    Let lblTime.Caption = 0

    End If

    End If

    If lblStatusTime.Caption = 1 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 2 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & ".."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 3 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "..."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 4 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "...."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 5 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "....."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 6 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "......"

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 7 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "......."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 8 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "........"

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 9 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "........."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 10 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & ".........."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 11 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "..........."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 12 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "............"

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 13 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "............."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 14 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & ".............."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 15 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "..............."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 16 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "................"

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 17 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "................."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 18 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & ".................."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 19 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "..................."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 20 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & "...................."

    ElseIf lblStatusTime.Caption = 21 Then

    Let txtStatus.Text = txtStatus.Text & ""

    Let lblStatusTime.Caption = 0

    End If

    End Sub


    Private Sub Timer2_Timer()

    Let lblCaptionTime.Caption = Str((lblCaptionTime.Caption) + 1)

    If lblCaptionTime.Caption = 2 Then

    Let lblCaptionTime.Caption = 0

    End If

    If lblCaptionTime.Caption = 0 Then

    Let frmMain.Caption = "AdCache Remover"

    ElseIf lblCaptionTime.Caption = 1 Then

    Let frmMain.Caption = txtStatus.Text

    End If

    End Sub


    John_cena just try to check your code under Timer1 function...

    and also when you do coding you can indent each block of codes for you to be able to trace easily the code especially those syntax error. your code are almost done it just a miss matched of using "IF" and "END IF" command...

  10. Can you picture a room of a home that you can controll everything by a remote? Turn on computer or make me lunch. It could be pretty cool if you think about it.


    I don't think that is a nice Idea, work and setup everything with remote control can take your one year allowance but still not enough,,, he he he,, ,That was good but obviously expessive setup for you, even bill gates spend too much money for his setup at home, he has a remote control gates with lots of cameras on each corner, magnetic door, and with lots of cameras inside his house wherein almost every corner can be seen in the monitor, he also has a data center at home just for his setup to maintain... see how expessive is this?


    Your Idea is possible because money can do lots of impossilbe remember.


    How about voice recognition inside your room... I think that was more interesting and possible and less cost... like for example when you are asleep and have a bad dream then off course you make unnecessary sound that trigers you computer to awake your mother.. ha ha ha... :rolleyes: just trying to imagine the impossible.. :lol:

  11. MOBİS, new city security system noe activate in İstanbul. Now watchig, 5200 camera is istanbul, then MOBİS watching center.


    Cameras in the street do nothing when crime is about to happen, if they saw crimes happening along the way what should they do? It should be a camera with policeman that works together, I think the policeman can do more than the camera can do.


    It helps somehow but still not safe for the passer by. Maybe there is a more security aside from camera because camera alone is not the answer.

  12. Yes I saw that. But they will be even more cheaper further on. Everyone wants an LCD monitor now, so noone buys CRT monitors and so their price is dropping down fast.


    But the same is happening also with the LCD monitors. They are also cheaper and cheaper.


    This affects new ones as old ones.


    You're all correct, here you can have monitor for only PHP2,000 that was 36 dollars something...


    CTR monitor was become cheaper and cheaper as new flat screen and lcd monitor become higher and higher...


    what do you think 2 years from now? is there any manufacturing will manufactured the ctr monitor or just let it gone in the wind...


    For me I think they should continue manufacturing CTR monitor because some can't afford to buy plasma or TFT monitor eh...


    What yours? :rolleyes:

  13. You're right, when I was in high school I dont even know or visual the computer, I am just using manual typewritten in my school, we don't have computer classes also, that is why when I came in to college, I feel that I am a late bloomer.... that was really annoying. But off course it doens't mean also that you can't learn computer even if you are in late age, as long as you a decied and willing to learn...I have a daughter now and she's about turning to 4 next september, I you know what... she can draw using powerpoint program I am so very proud because during my time, I started college and yet don't know how to draw ha ha ha.. that was so funny,... I keep on teaching her everything I know in computer as possible because I want her to become succesful someday... as you said,, if you dont know how to used computer at this age... well, you totally disabled....I think the kids today should learn computer also and include the computer subject as part of their study... we are almost in the computerized world so young should learn how to adopt this kind of world we have right now...:rolleyes:

  14. I was just wondering, have any of you heard that if you leave your computer on too long, it's easier for viruses to get in?  One of my friends mentioned it, but it didn;t seem to make much sense.  And I leave my computer on a LOT, so... :rolleyes:


    Leaving your computer doesn't mean virus will come next... It depends, virus and computer user is not semilar like cats and mouse. Maybe is just so happen that when your friend leave his/her computer virus was executed, but it is not the reason because he/she leave it open. maybe the virus was there for a long time and just waiting until it's trigger point was reached and executed the command. There are many times I leave my own and yet no virus was in when I was out...


    Maybe one of the trigger point of some virus is when you leave the computer and no activity was detected. it could be one of many...


    anyway, what's the name of that virus?:lol:

  15. A totally free lottery with true prizes. Not possible ? This is why i need webhosting with MySQL. So if you guys can win 5$ time to time playing on free lottery do you guys play ?


    Well, Why not! as long as there is a real prices for every bet. You will be hosting a free online lottery? wow, that was cool, but it requires a lot of work for you, I know it is possible but you should do it perfectly, he he he... hope to play lottery soon.. :rolleyes:

  16. What you should do

    if you are constantly connected and surfing the web u should use all of these:


    Microsoft Anti-spyware


    Spybot s&D

    and a Content filtering server if you can!


    You don't have to run all of those program even if you are connected to the internet, Microsoft anti-spyware has an auto scan works like a realtime scanning... os eventhough you are connected or not in the internet it's there and running.


    AdAware and SpyBot S&D should be run not so often, it's up to you when and where would you like to run the programs, maybe when you feel something strange from your computer run the spybot and adware. Adware and Spybot don't have the auto scan program that scan all files inside your computer. so for you to do this you should manually run the program unlike Microsoft Anti-spyware.


    what do you think.???

  17. Well, the goverment has the right to do this kind of job but as long as no rules is violated, I mean with the permission of the higher court. Still, if the goverment is trying to collect private information from other computer it called hacking right? But hacking can be in many forms, legal and illegal purposes, if the goverment is advised to do the job for the sake of many, well it is ok as long as they have the blessing from the authority, but doing this chore without permission should be punishable by the laws since we have the law for anti-hacking. "The law applies to all other wise none at all. "However, many goverment agency especially today, used computer to track down all the illegal activity that they can used also in tracking down violators but with permissioin to do so...For me, as an ordinary citizen I don't care if they got many info from may computer, they don't find any vital info but only those of collections of mp3 songs and XXX movie.... do you think that is illegal?Hacking can be dangerous for firm and other business that have vital information relating to their activities. So I think they more concerned and focus hacking company's computer rather than the private computer, so what should I scared for? If they can do hacking do you believe other can hack them as well? :rolleyes:

  18. :rolleyes:

    The french get to research and experiment on making a new kind of nuclear reactor! they get to make the reactor called the ITER

    (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor).


    "It aims to mimic the way the sun produces energy, potentially providing an inexhaustible source of low-cost energy using seawater as fuel."


    Japan and France have argued over where the reactor should be built while other partners have clashed over funding. interesting i think!


    Notice from snlildude87:
    Errors fixed


    Wow,,,that was really interesting but, where is the location? I think this is one of the big project for them, do you think it will help us if we have this nuclear reactor?


    I think for that...

  19. I just heard many switches before but talking with 3 and 2 Layers switches, well, no idea yet.


    Somebody there tell me what is 3 layer and 2 layer switch?  what are these function and what is the difference between the ordinary switch and these 2 types of switch.




    I donot know much about 3 and 2 layer switches all I have in my mind is that 3 layer, 2 layer and other switches is the same but in different speed, maybe 3 layer is a gigabit card with a very fast dtrps. I do search for that for you...

  20. Okay for all you dating noobies, here are some tips to asking a girl out and  stuff.


    1. Don't be afraid of rejection, the more nervous you are the worse it is. I have a friend who asks girls out just to be an a-hole, he's been rejected 617 times and counting, no joke. He's pretty good at dealing with it :lol:


    2. Make sure you know the person. Most relationships come off of friendships; that's where most of mine have come from.


    3. If you want a girl to go out with you, you're going to have to look pretty prepared most of the time. None of that nerdy crap, if you have glasses, get contacts, ect.


    4. Make sure she has at least some interest in you, my friend asks out random people and he gets rejected 99.9% of the time lol


    Now for some ways to tell if a girl likes you (remember these don't always mean she likes you):


    1. She will laugh at corny jokes you make


    2. She makes fun of you ever so often


    3. She will look at you when you're not paying attention


    4. Flirts with you

    That's all for now, correct my ladies if this offends you, I don't intend any. If you want to give advice go ahead, noone's stoping you :D


    Well I agree with you rejected, most of the girls look for the guys that makes her laugh all the time, and those who makes the girl feel so comfortable and safe...


    I used to have a friend I mean a very good looking friend who started corting a good looking lady, I thought that it will easy for him to get that pretty chicks 'coz he almost have everything, nice face, nice muscles, money for dating, car and etc. but to tell you honestly my friend was rejected by the girl he was corting twice... he he he....


    I know poor guy also with a lots of girl friends... I don't know how he do it but somebody tells me that he got the big blessing? I still can't understand what blessing is that.. :rolleyes:

  21. I have 47 archives to extract, in order.








    each archive makes up one hige one, no idea what the person who did it split it up, there are two files in the archive ***.bin and ***.cue


    In each of the 47 parts in a part of each of the two files, I need to know ow to extract these properly. I tried doing it one by one, I extracted part 1, then part 2, but the files in part 2 overwrote the fies in part 1, as they have the same name.


    Any help will be great,




    The files you have right now was splitted. maybe the person who did it wants to transfer big files into a floppy drive that is why he or she split it during the archiving processed.


    You can extract the files by following the steps below.


    1. If the files is in the floppy drive insert first the disk 1 usually it is the Part01.rar and extract them, it will prompt you to insert the next disc then do it until you done extracting everything. but there is an easiest way to do this is just one process.


    Copy first all the files from part01.rar up to the last partXX.rar in the same folder. If all the files are already been copied extract the files files usually it is the part01.rar then it will extract everything for you..


    NOTE: you must used winrar program to do this...


    The file was came from a single file and just split it into many just to fit to the storage disk like floppy disk.


    hope this will help you...


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