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Posts posted by veesyn

  1. Hmmm... seems like u brokeup with a guy who was looking for a temporary relationship.. well i can tell you onething probably its fault frm yourside .. very often it love just happens and wen it comes to an end you will feel the pain... think watever happens is all for good.. wen someone is out of a relation once .. the next time he will make sure if the partner is lookin for a temporary realtion or a long term committment.

  2. Hmmm... dude.. frankly speaking mine is on the same kinda story..we were in love and brokeup.. it even dint go till parents,, she used to tell me her parents are not gonna accept.. and i told her i shall talk to them.. i look smart, earning good enough in the US,,, and wat else does a gal or her parents need,nice guy(i feel like) ... but she finally left, she told me she needs a breakup, and reason she gives all the time is her parents are not gonna say yes.... after all the pain/torture i had... now i feel like... if she is the one who was here on the earth for me.. she would have been mine by now.. time heals all wounds.... a gal who has either much attachment with thr family OR if she is afraid of thr family OR someother reason who is concerned about her family... will never come ... hell lot of story about me.. coming to you.. seems like even u go talk to ur/thr parents and convince them and marry i dont think no one is gonna be happy.. you will have a feeling tat you hurt your parents and she will have the same....and tat too you are too far and you cant go now ... hmmm... i better suggest u to go have some beer and if you trust in god.. go to him and say take care of the gal and just dont look back... u dont need to worry about her if she will forget you r not... dont worry about that... a gal will easily forget her love in just one year some say this as a curse to a gal and some say its a gift to a gal... i knew it would be hard for you... but time heals all wounds.. thr is good enuf world waiting for you .. go for it.. dont look back.am suggesting this way bcox she is asking you to forget you... but if she cant live without you she will do watever she can for you.... i mean she will even be ready to hurt her whole family , her family i mean her father and mother who brought her up for 20+yrs who had so many hopes on her.... would you like to give the same pain to thr/ur parents who love thr kids so much... are u that kind of person.. think about it.. .. finally i knew its hard... but thr is good enuf world waiting for you... think about it.. time heals all wounds... beer/pubs/places circulate urself... you will soon forget her probably you will find an other one who can make you forget your past OR may be the new one is your gal.. think about it.. hope you will get out of it soon... and be the same real guy who you were earlier .. good luck dude.

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