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Posts posted by Donegal

  1. Meh, I own a laptop, though, I'd rather a good desktop due to expandability and better performance. Plus I like a desktop.. my laptop heats up like crazy, its got 1tiny fan, 129mb geforce go6200; 1.7ghz Pentium M; 2X512 ram.. NEC i-Select M5610i. I really need to build myself a decent desktop.

  2. Why do so many people have WMA's, I personally, think Wma's are of lower sound quality than mp3, anyway, I am getting an iPod.I do have quite a lot of music, though, I also think, I more than able to sort out a quick play list of albums to take with me places.. I will probably buy this mythical 4th generation iPod when it is released, people are saying it will play games;.. be a phone.. be wireless.. :D some guy tried to say it flies in the air.. these all seem rather bizare.. >_>; Also, I like the iPod mini's size.. :P >_>

  3. :D I'm being dragged into the 21st century, by my need of carrying more music around.. currently I have a mini disc, it's cool and all, but I'm limited with the amount of musik I can carry around.So, my birthday is coming up.. and I'm planning on getting a mp3 player. I just need to figure out which one.. so far I think either Creative Zen or iPod.. The iPod mini looks really cool, but 4 gigs isn't enough for me.. ( I have a lot of music) so I'm thinking about iPod 20's, is the battery still as bad as people used to complain about? Are they better than Creative Zen's?Any idea's on either would be good. Trying to find good unbiased information is hard.. >_> since.. Creative and Apple seem to have large number of fans.Yes, the creative holds more different types of formats and is a radio.. but.. I can live with out these, as the majority of radio isn't actually any good in ireland.

  4. "touching is good" what the frick?


    The slogon "Touch Me" Is nintendo's attempt to break into the adult market. Over hear in ireland and england, Nintendo sponsor a lot of adult comedy programs for Channel Four, all with Excellent Original Comedy. Last night they sponsored Dylan Moran, and they sponsor a topical show each night called "FAQ U" which also kicks much *bottom*.


    So, yeah, nintendo have sort of figured out that promotion outside of Nintendo Magaizine's is a good idea.. >_>

  5. Look, the games systems don't matter, it's the games you do with what they are. 3D graphics, Has there been many Innovative games in 3d? Hmm? Back when things where in 2D you could get away with anything, and you had to make do with what you had. These days, games can sell simply by having a character walk around a finly crafted wonderland, doing fupp all. I'm happy with what I've heard of the revolution so far, and think that nintendo just might be getting back on track with its rocky period.. of 3D consoles (n64 and snes) truth is, the best games on nintendo systems all allways by themselves, they need more 3rd party people, and they need ot soften up on relations. Crystal Cronicles SUCKED *bottom*. I'd love to see Square Enic release the ps1 and ps2 FF's on nintendo.. but instead, it looks like I'll be buying a ps2 soon, just to play FF games and GTA games.. >_> My Ps1 died..

  6. Well, it will get new customers into gaming, it looks cool, small, tiny, sexy. It's got the best screen on any gameboy so far. Assuming that nintendo sell it cheaply, or release some new functions for it, it should be good. It's compact, people in this day and age want smaller and smaller things. >_> I may buy one. Far more easier to carry than a DS, since I carry a other things like mobile phone, mini disc player and torch around with me.. Cell phone = mobile phone. >_> they say the world is such a small place thanks to technology, yet we have different names for mobile phones around the world.. Okay, germans say Handy's, they speak german. But, England and Ireland say Mobile Phone's, while america says "Cell Phone".. Cell phone..psh... okay, I'm just rambling on now. But, yes, the GB micro wont appeal to main stream console gamers, but, people will see this tiny machine, read that it plays game's, and buy it. And of course, Midgets.. will like it. >_> That's not being biased to midgets in any way.

  7. Nintendo are really keeping silent about their console, unlike microsoft who couldn't wait for e3.. ?_?So, far we know that..1. The design we've seen isn't final but the only actual change is likely to be the size, as they get it smaller.2. It uses some kind of 12cm discs for Revolution games and 8cm GameCube discs for GameCube games.3. Rev controllers, whatever they end up looking like, will be wireless. The system has a flap hiding 4 GameCube ports and 2 GC memory card slots. So, the Revolution controller must be SERIOUSLY different if you need a GC controller to play GC games.4. The system can download old NES, SNES and N64 games, for some kind of fee. It looks like they'll be stored on 512MB of onboard flash memory, which will be upgradable.5. It will be online, and we wont have to pay fees to nintendo.. like Xbox Live.6. The latest rumours say it'll use 4 2.5GHz cores based on the G5, with 128KB of level 1 cache and a 512KB shared level 2 cache, and an ATi graphics chip. The type of CPU and HPU are confirmed but the actual power of either are not. It looks like the system will have 512MB of RAM like both of the others.We'll probably hear a lot more about the revolution over the rest of the year. And we'll also be finding out what the big secret behind Mario 128 will be. I'm betting it's tied to the secretness of the control pad.

  8. I still say, and will continue to say, it looks like some form of next generation George Foreman Grill. Either that, or a Scanner.. Either way, though, the controller also looks rather exceptionaly large.. >_>The controller also looks od to me, ionno, while the silver is the same as xbox's default silver, xbox have said that the 360 will have covers you can change.. probably at a price.Ionno, with these crazy curve'd designs, it's pretty weird to see Nintendo come along with a box.. They just crave to be different.nintendo : "So.. you maky maky boxes for Ps2 and Xbox? HAH! we make a CUBE!"few years later Nintendo : "so, you make a curved design?, HAH we make a tiny box."

  9. At present, probably, South park or Family Guy, the simpsons is okay, tv shows too many repeats.. and too much of the simpsons.. Though, more cartoony cartoons I like would be, Tom and Jerry, not the new one.. "tom and jerry kids" wtf is up with that... it sucks..I also liked all the loony toons, except loon toons babies.. .what is the world's obbsession with making cartoon characters younger? Frankly, I'd love to see Bugs Bunny and Daffy duck, sitting beside an open fire drinking Sherry, and smoking Cigar's talking about how the drastic new human rights laws have forced them to shut down their illegal law practices in China.. of course, Bugs would be sleeping with daffy's wife.. and stuff.. stuff.. Meh, today's cartoon's are like bloody advertisments. Seriously, Bay blades.. what IS that? You frigging watch people battle bay blades.. I mean, whay's next? Yoyo? psh!Ionno, Batman stood the test of time well, the cartoon still looks good today, unlike.. Spiderman from the 60's.. XD his head warps shapes every frame.. at one point, one eye was 5 times the size of his other eye.. I guess, as you get older, these things look different, I'd hate to see half the stuff I thought kicked *bottom* when I was small today. I'm more into the Anime these days. 2D kicks *bottom*, and will, for ever kick *bottom*, 3d is just.. boring..

  10. Yep, the internet is like international watters. There are laws on how you use it.. but these depend on which country you live in.. China for instance bans a lot of websites. Each country has laws, some poorer countries may not have set laws... Normal Copyright laws apply the same on the internet though, for instance, downloading a album for free is copyright infringment, because, you paid no money. Just the same as getting a free album from a friend is illigal. All though on the internet this sharing of illigal copied elements is at a much larger scale.Just ring up your government and ask them.. surprise them, heck, record the phone call, if you get a stupid person..you - So, can I download music for free?Them : Yes, I'm doing it riight now..you - whatcha using?Them : Kazaa Lite X3you : x3?them : ....crap....I shouldn't have told you I'm downloading illegal porn.you : Porn?Them : Oh.. crap.. I certainly souldn't have said it's illigal...porn. -phone goes dead-

  11. Hmm... I want to hate google.. but..their web search and gmail are just too damn good. And the alternatives (msn and yahoo!") are doing the same as google. I mean, Look at the xbox360. It's the start of msn's attempt to take over. Pretty soon, they'll give us 200 gigs web hosting to store files online. And access them via Xbox.. and Broadband.. In one way, this would mean, the internet stops being one single element, and would be devided into google land, msn land, and free land.. o-O Though, you'd have to haxxor to get free land internet.. ionno.. I suppose less credit card theft.. but you'd have no freedom.

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