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Everything posted by chek-kalem

  1. <#include life.h> //To have the life of your dreams and avoid regret, consider ; If no one else is doing it, echo "It might be the thing to do" Else If it defies practically, echo "It might be the thing to do" Else If you fell afraid, echo "Assess the risk" Else If there is danger to your health, echo "Move on" Else echo "Keep exploring your curiosities" Evaluating the results; && Building on your progress. End If. p/s: dont know what kind of programming language is that.. hahaha [Mood] : Boring - Piss off - Erghhh [Musique] : Shizuka - RedLine [Need] : A Gurl [Do what] : RTFM [What i Want] : Change all the machine here according to my idea. [Piss off what] : Someone who dont know im disappointed of her
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