By these terms, that would mean that I'm a hacker.The network engineers are hackers.The word hacker isn't something that can be described by some online references or whatever.These days there are script kiddies who call themselves hackers, they pick up a coded vunerability script online then use it, This isn't hacking, the person who programmed it, made it so that it could exploit a fault automatically, that person is considered still a programmer, more notable a viral programmer.Hackers have really disappeared, and theres no sure way to know if anyones a hacker, but there are script kiddies, and well above that would be a group of script kiddies, which would be your hacking teams that you hear about online, Not updating your apache or php or whatever is the result of poorly managed servers, that's why you do not see websites like Youtube go offline to script kiddies because they have paid professionals to keep their servers up to date.What you have to do is be quick enough to update your servers to beat automated programs, thats it,and code your site properly so they can't execute code though $_GET or $_POST.