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Posts posted by TheJester

  1. I never really thought about that topic. But one night bored of a computer I read a post almost exactly like that and I kept thinking about all those werid cycles that would happen like you killing the person who causes you to be born. It's almost scary to think people are really trying to make a Time Machine and you know someone would take advantage of this. I personally think we should just leave the topic alone and let HollyWood make all the science fiction. XD

  2. I love Windows Media Player, I think it's everything I need and very easy and quick to get too. I wouldn't waste putting another program on when I got this and chances are one way or another you will end up just having Quicktime, and real player on there too.I just think it orginizes files to much into all these weird sections, I get lost. >.<But that's my opinion people probley agree though..XD

  3. Being someone who wants to join the army when I turn 18. I think going to war with Iraq was a great idea, The last thing we needed was a terrorist controlled country. How do we know what he was planning to do? He knew we were going to go into the country, He could of gotton rid of any WMD in a heart beat. If saddam didn't have anything to hide, he wouldn't of hid in a hole.. There's a big givaway for you. We might not have proved to the world that Iraq was as bad as we were informed. But we did "and still" helped out a developing country out a very deep hole, a bad leader dug them into.Take my opinion or leave it..XD

  4. I spent most years having a T1 connection and until a year ago I was grounded from the computer for bad grades, it's been a year now and I still don't have it, Now I live with my other parent and I have to use a 1996 computer with AOL internet.. Try going with that swtich.. My Ipod has more gigs than this pile. I can barely run visual basic without getting all this low disk space warning! It's what i'm using right now too type this message. I almost want to cry just looking at it...:'(

  5. The minute I left the movie theater I told my friend, "That movie could of been ALOT longer!" I mean it normally doesn't take a guy who spends over 10 years training to be in the jedi counsole, 1 and 1/2 days just to join the darkside.. I mean please.. If he would of delayed the movie for it too be alot longer, just as many people would of seen it. But I guess there's nothing anyone can do about it now, other than wait for a bunch of features on DVD.. >.<XD

  6. I think the biggest problem in the world today is drugs, people are getting poorer every day because they want temporary break there drug habbit. If you have seen the movie Scarface you know what i'm talking about, people are getting chainsawed, shot etc.. From mistrust in a drug deal, If the world knows where these drug labs are, Why don't we stop them? I know everyone would agree with me on this knowing alot of countires would be richer when there residents have the money to pay taxes insted of living off streets.. I hope you feel as strongly as I do on this.XD

  7. I've been all over North America, And my favorite state is MN the one I live in. :DI think it's a perfect state, It's got very cold winters and very hot summers. I'm the person who Fishes/Swims in the summer, Deer hunts in the fall, and Ice fishes and snowboards in the winter, And MN has the weather for all of those. When I spent a year in florida I think it was to humid to do anything.XD

  8. Well I never bought Halo 1, I borrowed it and beat it thinking it was kinda of a boring game, then I bought UT2k5 opening day, And I HATED IT! I didn't think the game was fun at all. All the games seemed so similar.. So I stopped playing computer games for a long time. Then for my birthday I received Halo2 thinking sarcasticly, "OMG THIS WILL BE SO FUN!" I tried it out on Xbox Live, and i've been playing the game everyday since, I LOVE HALO2!! It has changed my gaming life for the much better..XD

  9. Why would they want to plan on releasing a system, then work on another one right after? That's probley the last thing nintendo is worried about, They need to make this system be everything it can be to make up for that GameCube. >.<But hopefully nintendo will crush sony in the market aiming for a new system if even "The Nexus"

  10. ROFLMFAO!!! I hate to break it too you, but that's not the Xbox360 someone tried to make a pic of it. The xbox360 will stand up and it is white, not see through. It's going to have a disk trey And built in wireless controllers. If anyone watched the MTV premiere of the new console, you would of gotton to see it. and if there was a Halo3 it won't be out for at least 2-3 years. But the big game to hit the stores with xbox is "Perfect Dark Zero" Hope I helped you. XD

  11. Well, my best choice making programs is 'Microsoft Visual Basic' It's pretty easy too understand and alot of good tutorials on it. I have to admit, it is a very spendy program to get but I have alot of fun with it. When you finish all you're coding you can just compile it too be an .EXE and that's almost as basic as it gets!-Jester

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