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Posts posted by ychael

  1. What is a hacker?


    Contrary to what you might think, and what the media and the Internet have told you, a hacker is not one who cracks a security scheme, or breaks into another's computer. These people are called crackers, and they should not be associated with hackers, who are a far different type of person. Hackers are those who adjust computers and its programs to their needs - Technological wizards, you might say.




    It is wrong to stereotype hackers. For example, many hackers are stereotyped as Unsociable. However, this is not true. Just look at one of the greatest hackers in history, Linus Torvalds, creator of the popular operating system Linux. He has a wife, and several children. This shows that hackers should not be stereotyped.


    Hacker Culture


    The Jargon File is a very good resource of information about hacker culture. 1337 5p34k has been created by hackers, as a way to get around BBS censoring systems. Also, there are many symbols of the hacker culture - Tux, the Linux penguin, the BSD Daemon, and the Perl Camel stand out as examples.


    I hope this got you a better understanding of what a hacker is. For more information, look to this wikipedia article.

    hack are some techniques that full of constructivity ,everything has

    knacks,hacker is who has ablility to use them

  2. Posted Image


    The Xisto forums have a whole subforum devoted to those amongst use who have failed to remember their passwords, and have locked themselves out of their free web hosting account. If you forget your password, you can go to Free Web Hosting, No Ads > FREE WEB HOSTING > FREE WEB HOSTING REQUESTS > Free Web Hosting : Password Reset and ask the friendly admins there to reset your password for you.



    Posted Image


    Remember the days when your password on the Internet could be something like andrew18? And you could use that same password on all three websites that you visited regularly? Well those days are long gone, and we need to not only create and remember much more complex passwords, but for security reasons we are advised to use different complex passwords for each site we visit, and also we are expected to change those complex passwords regularly. So, here is an example that you can do for yourself. Try memorizing this....

    Xisto forums password: c?.3\FeO/q),%:!Sg%Uv

    cPanel Login: 3J'hP6#eg&!(%>QS8AwJ

    FTP access password: C%l3`V:?h*F!1myt^!kl

    Login for your Blog: P3lq!5mLtGio;8i*F3%K

    Login for your MySpace or other network profile: WNvd;IiB2jORSY'%?6FF

    As you see, that is only five example passwords. Most people that I know use many more than five passwords. So, imagine having to memorize 20 or so passwords similar to the ones above. Each of the examples is only 125 bits, 20 characters long, including upper and lower case characters, numerals, and special characters. They are good, complex passwords that would be considered complex enough for most users. But how do you remember them? And, most importantly, how to you learn and remember new ones, perhaps once a month, as you dutifully change your passwords regularly? Surely this is enough to fry the brain of anybody who doesn't have a photographic memory!? How the heck are we supposed to memorize all these complex passwords, without keeping the admins employed in resetting our forgotten passwords all the time?



    Posted Image


    One suggestion that I have seen on the internet is to develop an interleaved password system, which uses two less complex passwords weaved into each other to create a much more complex password. For example, here are two relatively low-security passwords...

    rubyonrails (11 characters, 48 bits)

    ANDREW18 (8 characters, 42 bits)

    Now, let's try interleaving them, as follows....

    rAuNbDyRoEnWr1a8ils which makes a great password of 19 characters, and 108 bits.


    This can be done fairly easily with any two passwords, and can give some really complex results. Try adding some punctuation too!


    Posted Image

    Another good idea is to use a password manager. There are plenty of good password managers out there these days, such as the examples above. Many of these packages have the facility to not only store and retrieve your passwords, but also to generate complex random passwords for you on the fly, and even to autofil online forms with your username and password details from their database! Now you will never need to remember another password again! Well, not quite. They will most likely have a single sign-on password that you will need to remember. Your passwords should be stored in such password management programs in an encrypted form, and will need to be decrypted with a key, which you will need to remember!



    Posted Image


    One of the failings with all of the systems above is that they need to be installed on your local computer. They are not really all that portable. You may need to start thinking about ways to synchronize the password management database, such as emailing the database file between your work computer and your home computer, or making use of a USB thumb drive. But what happens in a situation, such as I have at work, where you are forbidden from attaching anything to your work computer, and plugging in a USB thumb drive could mean that you violate your company's IT policy, and you could get fired! And, whats more, installing a password manager package, even a freeware one, is impossible due to the software distribution policies enforced on the company network. Even if you could access the data on the USB thumb drive you couldn't decrypt it without the password manager application being installed also.


    So, here is how I overcome this situation. I use a program called KeePass Password Safe, which not only does not need to be installed, and can run directly from a USB thumb drive, but also they have a PocketPC version which can read the same database as the desktop PC version! What I do is I keep my password database on the miniSD memory card of my smartphone, and either access it though a card-reader on my desktop PC or laptop, or I access the passwords directly on the touch-screen of my smartphone. This means that in situations where you cannot get access to your passwords in any other way on the desktop PC, at least you can still view them and type them in manually from the smartphone. Total portability! The only thing that I can think of that would be better than this is an enterprise grade password management token, such as MandyLion, starting at $US269 for a 5 User Workgroup. One of the best things about KeePass Password Safe is that it is free!



    Posted Image


    So, there you have it, my solution to the problem of how to remember all those complex passwords. In short, don't! You only need to remember one complex password, which you could create using the interleaved password system outlined above. This password then gives you access to the rest of your passwords, that are stored in a password manager, which can create complex passwords for you, can remember and retrieve them for you, and can create new ones regularly, (even backing up the old ones when it does). This meets most of the expectations of a secure password system. And doing this will take the workload off the Xisto administrators, so that they don't have to keep on resetting your password for you because you forgot it again!


    So, download KeePass Password Safe today. Go on, what are you waiting for?

    i'v always used passwd like Liverpool+gerald

  3. Well I pickup this movie the other day or more like on Monday after splurging on some new shoes and some sandals and what not, and so yesterday I watch this movie and boy I feel sad for missing this on the theaters. Basically Javier Bardem's character Anton Chigurh (sugar) is what made this movie. Put it like this we all believe killer's to be insane but I think Anton was actually sane the whole time during this movie as he killed off most of the main cast, and yes that is a spoiler since this movie has been out for awhile now. Of course Brolin was big in this movie I am surprise he didn't get an award for this movie. Anyway basically it was a drug gone bad and someone was not supposed to know, and so between Texas and Mexico as bodies start piling up right from the beginning with what I believe to be the most ingenious way to kill someone.


    Anton had a tank of pressurized air attached to a nozzle which had a square piece of metal in that metal, and when you pressed that handle that square piece of metal came out, and well you can kill someone with in and bust locks to doors to it. Of course after that he had a shotgun with a silencer on it I think or a canister that kept the shotgun pellets from spreading and thus they would act more like a bullet then anything else. Then of course we had our assortment of sniper rifles, uzi's, hand guns and so on and so forth.


    You can see that shotgun here, and the air gun picture


    Great dialog, great pace for the movies, awesome jobs from the actors, including the ones that got shot up pretty badly. However, I wasn't to fond of the ending even though the car crash was awesome with broken bones sticking out and what not. It was just the way it ended though with Tommy Lee Jones. Either way I give this more a 10/10 just because it has 4 Oscars and the fact they are well deserved Oscars for this movie.

    ihave no much sense about it,i'd rather like 'The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford"

    than it,but idon't know why the film got four award in Hollywood ,老无所依

  4. eh ill probably regret typing this.. but okay; lately i've just been feeling like everything is pileing up and nothing seems to go the right way, im just not myself anymore; its gotten to the point where i constanly feel ill, i feel like passing out, tired, have annoying headaches.. im just pushing everyone away.. and the stuff that used to make me feel better or "happy" just annoys me now.
    i cant stand listening to music at points.. my headaches just take over.

    idk.. what makes you feel "happy?"

    Don't talk to anybody,stay in my room,no voice ,no noise.nothing beyond void
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