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Posts posted by bedstorfromAP

  1. Hello!
    Well, eventually it is good to be a donator and donate a lot of blood as much as you can to help peoples out that needs it, like O - can donate to everyone, but in another way of thinking, imagine that you actually need blood to get donated to you and you need only O-, so I think it is much better to keep all O- donations for strictly O- peoples that needs blood otherwise, it would be some kind of waste for those peoples and they might die before they get the chance to get the transfusion done.

    Personally, I am B+, so I guess it is fine.. I donate as much as I can and when ever I can =D :)

    I just hope more peoples do it also!

    Poor AB+ peoples, so rare and can't donate haha

    anyways cya for now!


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