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Posts posted by sabrina0708

  1. Notepad is great, but sometimes I will use Dreamweaver if something isn't working right because you can preview your work. With notepad you would have to save it, upload it, and then go to your site (it gets annoying). Some HTML editors are just a little more convenient. If I'm just doing a quick change or something I'll use notepad.

    I like Dreamwaver.

  2. heya Trapsters ,


    Well .. i have come across this term many times but never had a clear idea about this . i always had a vague idea about it ..

    So could u plzz help me what is SEO Outsourcing (Search Engine Optimization) .

    There are two essential parts of SEO.

    1. Optimize the website: includes build internal links and keywords.

    2. Develop the external links: building more and more external valued links could help your site higher up in search engine.


    There are many good sites help you know more about SEO, such as seochat, blackhat, and so on.


    Hope it helps.

  3. Is there a way to remove security from a pdf file so that I can copy its contents to a word document?

    Hi leiaah,


    There are two ways to solve this PDF problem.

    1. Remove the PDF restrictions and then copy its contents to a word document.

    There are many PDF Password removers in the market now, but most of them are not free.


    2. [Free] Convert the PDF file to Word document directly with the function of removing the pdf password.

    As I know, there is a Free PDF to Word Converter converts PDF files with restrictions to word in one click. It can remove the restrictions after conversion.


    Hope it helps!

  4. I think thats a little hard. That would be easier with flash or something prolly. I am still learning php and I can do all this stuff lol. Anyway thanks for all the completments. I should have that mod by tomorrow because im kinda busy today. Posted Image

    Hi maddog39,


    Thanks for your great script. But it's a little difficult for a non-technical guy as me lol. For the multiple choices, as I know, there are many Flash tools such as QuizCreator, QuizMaker to create the multiple quizzes in minutes.


    Hope it helps!



  5. Hello guys,


    I want you to talk here about what the best thing that you can study online, I know that there are so many stuff available on the networks, but there are so many people need to know if there some thing can study it online and have a diploma, take me as an example, I want to study language java and I want to have a diploma...

    Hi unys,


    In my opinion, study online has two conveniencies for me.

    1. Save big time. The research shows that the online education saves up to 30% of time than the traditional education.

    2. I can learn it in the time by myself. I could arrange the learning schedule by meself.


    Welcome for your advices!



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