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Posts posted by nutkitten

  1. I recently got a new puppy, a Chihuahua mix, 7 mos. old. Here is the problem. We put a collar on her and she freaks out. She runs and hides, either in a dark place or cuddles next to you scared to death. I kept the collar on her for two days. She would not move. I had to pick her up to take her to eat. She refused and ran and hid. I even had to pick her up and take her out side to due her business. She did her business as quick as possible and ran back inside and hid. I finally took the collar off and she was back to normal. Now, if she even sees the collar she runs. We really need to have a collar on her for her tags. What should we do? I do not know much about her past, but I do not believe she was kept tied up. Any help?Thank you,Nutkitten

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