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  1. What is your favourite console? Heres my opinion: PC cost the most (but its my fav), XBox sucks, GameCube and Playstation are alright.
  2. Ah yeah that was one thing I liked about it, how you didn't have to go and do missions all the time and it didn't have a seperate free ride mode.Where can I find info about the new one if its so good?
  3. Well I can probably help you out here.Half-Life 2's Source Engine, it's not out yet, but when it comes out, that'll be the day!It's a FPS engine yes, but the new RPG game Vampires: Bloodline is built on the Half-Life 2's Source Engine.Yeah and I'm gonna be making some Total Conversions for Half-Life 2 and I'm gonna try to get a publisher or whoever to buy me a license so I can realease it.
  4. Well I'd say if you wanna make games its best to do PROGRAMMING to do it. Even if you use the simply DM language which BYOND (check it out! @ http://www.byond.com/ ) uses, its alot better than RPG Maker because you created everything, you have more control, and more flexibility over your games.BTW if you like RPG Maker and wouldn't mind learning a simple programming language and want to make tile based MMORPGs or just RPGs, check out BYOND (Build Your Own Net Dream) you can check it out at http://www.byond.com/ (as I said before).
  5. Well I'd like to state my opinion. I think the GTA series is pretty crappy. GTA 2 had good multiplayer deathmatch, but I think the lack of multiplayer in GTA 3 and Vice City made it sh*t. The graphics are pretty bad, the physics are arcade and so is damage and stuff. If you want a good car game go play Mafia, that game seriously rocked! The shootouts in Mafia where so much better, because if you get shot, your probably gonna die! Also the car chases in Mafia where much better because of the good car physics.Also Rockstars excuse for not putting in the multiplayer was because it wouldnt fit in the story. Why didnt they just make it that Liberty City Survivor game? Thats good enough for me!Oh and that mod for Vice City which puts in multiplayer aint too great. If I run someone down in my car, I want them to frickin die, not get back up!Anyway thats my opinion, I haven't seen much about San Andreas but I don't think it could be TOO good.
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