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Posts posted by ltc29

  1. i have tried many including the most famous ones.but i didnt earn much. better i use Google even though i am not being paid. (what if google starts paying for searching :lol:)

    I don't think so. Get paid two times.
    Just join it and do what you do daily. Then, you earn extra cash for free. No need to try. Just rush when u wanna earn much.
    I love their concept of search contribution and the power of three search engine.

  2. Sounds suspicious to me. We all know that adding third party browser search bars never lead to spyware infested machines.

    Hi. If you don't want to install the search box, just set their page as homepage. Then, you will be free to search and earn without concerning the security risk.



    i dont belive this kind of Business,

    lot of companys dont Send money and you got OWNED :)

    If you criticized just by looking around their home page, there was only a small FAQ section which will never weight enough for your decision. However, if you sign up, you'll know much more about them. I thought like you before but now, my opinion has changed a lot.


    The site doesn't look very professional, I don't really trust this. If you do decide to try out something like this, use a junk email address (but has to be real) and ALWAYS make sure where you are sending your personal information (check privacy policies, etc). Be careful when installing browser add-ons or software, they may contain spyware or viruses.

    Thanks for the caution! This is a guideline for making money online.

    To protect your computer, please spend for good anti-virus application. If you can't afford, I advise you to use AVG 8 free.



    You know, I could swear that I've seen a site nigh on identical to this one previously, even the wording of the paragraphs is the same, except for the styling of the page but it used Google instead of Yahoo! (or at least used something other than Yahoo).

    You're right. They have two website: whitedotbox and the site I wrote about. Whitedotbox is for charity. The rest, where we can earn money with, is for Yahoo search revenue sharing.


    That doesn't strike a particularly favourable chord with me, but ah well. Either way, I'm not going to bother signing up myself. :P

    Yes. You had made right decision. Accepting calculated risk is one key for success. Good luck.

  3. I'm all for it since it may eventually lead to the adoption of the close sourced networks to be open about XMPP. I love the XMPP protocol and hope it will become widespread in the not too distant future.

    Hope so! XMPP should become a standard. Conforming to standard should be a must for the open web 2.0. The story of IM application will be the same as that of the browsers. Now, Firefox, Safari and many other browsers but IE now support many standard of W3C. I hate the uncompatible mode, especially in coding.

  4. help designing a logo





    I am starting my business up and funds are SHORT! Wondering if any of you would have some good concepts for a logo. Very simple..Zen like.


    Photography By Lorissa


    Thanks in advance...So appreciate it


    -reply by Lorissa

    Can you tell me more detail about your company, the industry you're doing business, the theme/ colors you like? I think I can help you.

    In marketing, logo and brand are very important. With small business, you may not recognize the effect of marketing materials but when your company gets bigger, they may decide your business success.

    There are many applications specific for logo design but I've never used them. And I won't advise you to buy them because they are just templates. A great logo is always unique, descriptive and sometimes a work of art. Please be creative when designing

  5. I love both laptop and Desktop PC. When I design and code or do anything at home, I use desktop PC. When I meet my clients or travel, I use laptop. However, as you know, technology is changing daily. So, normally, you need to change your computer every year. You bought your laptop at the price five times higher than your desktop PC and now you sell it the same price as your old Desktop PC. What a waste! :) If you are about to buy a new laptop, remember to buy the newest tech one. Otherwise, you will find no one to sell it one year later or you may sell it and buy a load of bread! :P

  6. Hi everybody,

    If you use Dreamweaver, you should visit this website. This site offer many free plug-ins for Dreamweaver.
    Here is the link to this website: WebAssist.com.
    At this site, you can download:

    1. Communication Toolkit for Skype
    2. Dreamweaver Recipes Extension
    3. Dreamweaver Tools for Googleâ˘
    4. Eric Meyer's CSS Sculptor for Expression Web (Beta)
    5. PalettePicker (Adobe Kuler palette)
    6. PayPal eCommerce Toolkit Recipes
    7. PlayStream VideoLaunch

    All are free and very cool.
    Take time to explore!

  7. Hi buddies,

    Is this a good news for you? I've got paid for the first month from this site.

    Here is how you can earn:

    After you sign up, they ask you to set their page as homepage and install a search box.Everyday, when you search once, you will earn up to 3p. How much you can earn depends on where you live. I earned 1.5p per search. So, if you search 40 times per day, how much you will earn a month? It's very easy, right?

    In addition, when you refer friends, you will earn more. They offer 4 referral levels: 50%, 10%, 5% and 2.5%.

    If you are interested, sign up and start searching. But remember: Just search as usual, don't just search in order to generate big revenue. It will end up cheating yourself.

    If you want to thank me, just sign up under me. Here is the link: Sign up here.

    Otherwise, sign up here.

    Don't ask me for payment proof. I've never worked for scam sites.

    Happy searching!

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