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Posts posted by roym

  1. I have comments on a page and i want them to be viewable by everyone but only registered members are allowed to post. What else i was toing for was when a member posts it inserts the usersname into the post automatically.


    I have my member login made and my comments, i'm trying to get the IF and the ELSE right to combine the comments with the member login.


    I hope what i explained is understanding Posted Image


    I could also display my cookies i have at the top of my script as well if it is needed.

  2. im trying to allow users to comment only if they are registered. this is what i got for my code but somewhere i went wrong and it doesnt show you must be registered to leave comment, and when logged in it wont show the comment box... i know i went wrong at the if user logged in =1 but i cant find.

    <?php  require_once ('database_connect.php');//query comments for this page of this article $inf = "SELECT * FROM `comments` WHERE page = '".stripslashes($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])."' ORDER BY time ASC"; $info = mysql_query($inf); 	 if(!$info) die(mysql_error());    $info_rows = mysql_num_rows($info); if($info_rows > 0) {    echo '<h5>Comments:</h5>';    echo '<table width="95%">'; 	while($info2 = mysql_fetch_object($info)) {	 echo '<tr>';	echo '<td>"'.stripslashes($info2->subject).'" by: <a href="'.$info2->contact.'">'.stripslashes($info2->username).'</a></td> <td><div align="right"> @ '.date('h:i:s a', $info2->time).' on '.$info2->date.'</div></td>'; echo '</tr><tr>'; echo '<td colspan="2"> '.stripslashes($info2->comment).' </td>'; echo '</tr>'; }//end while echo '</table>'; echo '<hr width="95%" noshade>'; } else echo '<br>'; if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {   if(!addslashes($_POST['username'])) die('<u>ERROR:</u> you must enter a username to add a comment.');   if(!addslashes($_POST['contact']))  die('<u>ERROR:</u> enter contact method in contact field.');   if(!addslashes($_POST['subject']))  die('<u>ERROR:</u> enter a subject to your comment.');   if(!addslashes($_POST['comment']))  die('<u>ERROR:</u> cannot add comment if you do not enter one!?'); //this is for a valid contact   if(substr($_POST['contact'],0,7) != 'mailto:' && !strstr($_POST['contact'],'//')) { 			  if(strstr($_POST['contact'],'@')) 				$_POST['contact'] = "mailto:".$_POST['contact'].""; 			  else 				$_POST['contact'] = "http://".$_POST['contact']."";    } //end valid contact //try to prevent multiple posts and flooding... $c = "SELECT * from `comments` WHERE ip = '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."'";   $c2 = mysql_query($c); 	 while($c3 = mysql_fetch_object($c2)) { 	  $difference = time() - $c3->time; 	 if($difference < 300) die('<u>ALERT:</u> '.$c3->username.', You have already commented earlier!<BR>'); 	  } //end while //add comment $q ="INSERT INTO `comments` (article_id, page, date, time, username, ip, contact, subject, comment) VALUES ('".$_GET['id']."', '".$_POST['page']."', '".$_POST['date']."', '".$_POST['time']."', '".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['username']))."', '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."', '".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['contact']))."', '".addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_POST['subject']))."', '".addslashes(htmlspecialchars(nl2br($_POST['comment'])))."')"; $q2 = mysql_query($q);   if(!$q2) die(mysql_error()); //refresh page so they can see new comment header('Location: http://link to page' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_POST['page'] . "#comments"); //user must be logged inif($_SESSION['logged_in'] == 1) {?><h3 id="respond">Leave a Reply</h3><br><form name="comments" action="<? $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="page" value="<? echo($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="date" value="<? echo(date("F j, Y.")); ?>"> <input type="hidden" name="time" value="<? echo(time()); ?>"> <table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">    <tr> 	  <td><div align="right">Username:   </div></td> 	   <td><input name="username" type="text" size="30" value=""></td>    </tr> 	<tr> 	  <td><div align="right">Contact:   </div></td> 	  <td><input type="text" name="contact" size="30" value=""> <i>(email or url)</i></td> 	</tr> 	<td><div align="right">Subject:   </div></td> 	<td><input type="text" name="subject" size="30" value=""></td> 	</tr> 	<tr> 	  <td><div align="right">Comment:   </div></td> 	  <td><textarea name="comment" cols="45" rows="5" wrap="VIRTUAL"></textarea></td> 	</tr> 	<tr> 	  <td></td> 	  <td colspan="2"><input type="reset" value="Reset" style="background: #2c2c2c; font-family: vrinda; color: white; border: 0; width:80; height= 20;">	  		<input type="submit" name="submit" value="Add Comment" style="background: #2c2c2c; font-family: vrinda; color: white; border: 0; width:80; height= 20;"></td> 	</tr>   </table> </form><?php} else {if($_SESSION['logged_in'] == 0) echo ('You must be a registered member to comment'); }}?>

    if anyone could help me please. this is the main problem im having with my page.
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