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Posts posted by HelpRuben

  1. Hello, Thank you for the advice! I am using Google Adsense and so far I made a couple of dollars because of you guys! someone click on the ads which made me some money. I guess it is better then nothing! But I would like to thank everyone in here for aleast giving me a chace to posts my information. I don't wanted to beg for money but I need to keep the money coming in! so I don't know what else to try! I also don't wanted to rip people off because this is WRONG! I see all these scam online on how to make money but it all seem like a scam. I am just tell everyone that I need money! I am not going to hide and try to scam anyone, I am just going to tell them the truth! I need some money to pay off my bills, I hope this don't piss people off but again I will like to thank everyone for coming to my website.Thank YouRuben

  2. Of all the people in the world, beggars rank near the top of my hate list.

    This is a rather common phenomenon. It might interest you to know that, here too, in my country, people are blaming the government, the president, specifically. They claim that they have no food on the table because the president is doing such a fine job of... Well, their reasoning stops there. They can't quite outline why the government is to blame but they know that the soaring prices of goods and poverty is, somehow, the direct result of the president's doing.

    Y'know, that reminds me of the time when I wanted a third sibling. My other siblings and I asked our mother and she looked at us in the eye. To my sister, she asked, "Will you help me wash and bathe and maintain the baby?" To my little brother, she asked, "Will you share your toys with him and be a good model?" To me, "Will you help me raise the funds for the kid's college years?" And to my dad, "Will you work for an additional mouth to feed?"


    What's the point, you ask? Well, for starters, let's just say that some people do happen to breed like crazy. I dunno, perhaps some rabbit genes from the genetic pool have somehow wormed their way into the DNA. Over here, we have families with 7 children and, guess what? They blame the president too! Isn't that such an amazing coincidence?


    I've also read an article in the New York Times, how a little plastic led to a load of credit. There was this woman who juggled two credit cards. For that, she worked two jobs, but she seemed happy anyway. She can buy what she wants, which tend to be expensive clothes, she's not hungry and she manages to pay for her house. However, an unexpected illness of a family member and the loss of one job had her eating into her savings and selling her possessions. Now, she's forced to move out of the house.


    What's the point on this story? Too many people are too complacent, thinking good times will last. Thus, they live life on the edge, with little margin for error. Never mind that you are not an extreme cyclist; I don't mean that edge. It doesn't take a sportsman to make a financial blunder. Oh, how Prometheus would have wailed at some people's lack of foresight.


    My Mama, I am proud to say, was a rather pessimistic person. She imagined the worst-case scenarios, financially, and adequately prepared for it. Hard times have befallen us when we had to renovate the house, pay for a new vehicle and, well, study. We didn't go begging, though. My dad didn't take a new job, my mom did not seek employment. What happened, eh? Well, my mom loaned our savings to business people for a small interest and, eventually, we did return to a, comparably, opulent lifestyle. We don't have maids or household help because, in our opinion, we can do the work ourselves. What's the point? Money does not necessarily come from working hard; sometimes it comes from working smart.


    So, you have a wife. What does she do? Is she also employed? Does she manage to make money from home? Does she have any talent, like cooking or crocheting? Even blogging?


    Oh, scratch that. Where do you live? Do you have any possessions that you don't really need? Some furniture that have outlived their usefulness? Do you have a TV? How about cable? Do you need cable?


    Y'see, there are tons of ways to make money and begging is just about the most despicable and dishonorable of it.

    You know, that is another problem. People want a lot of other people to visit their site. People want traffic, people want clicks and hits and page impressions. And yet the site has absolutely nothing of value to its visitors. By "hits" we're not giving money, right? Or are we? What of our bandwidth? Our time? The electricity used by the CPU? And what for? A beggar's site? If you want people to flock to your site, you have to offer them something else. Something valuable enough for them to spend some of their time to check out. People just don't go to a website for nothing. Maybe you could make something that is not available elsewhere.


    Prayers for hurricane victims? That's humanitarian, but not valuable. Every other site is also exhorting others to pray to their respective gods. The Bears lost? Over a hundred blogs have something to say about that too. Thanks to Jim Reagan? Who is he and is he worth knowing? Of what use will it be to your visitors knowing you have manages to weasel 2 bucks out of someone?


    If, on the other hand, you weave out your sorry tale for the world to see, like, how you suddenly decided to have 4 kids, buy a house and a car all at the same time, then perhaps you might get a few visitors like me. If you can, post tips and hints on what you're doing to cope with the rising prices (aside from begging) that will, somehow, be of value to other who are also experiencing difficulty dealing with reality. What I want to say is that if you're going to have the audacity to beg people to come to your site, you should, at least, offer them something worth their time.


    You might wanna check out this site. It has Google ads but it doesn't beg. It's content is far from original but it does have some traffic.

    If you're going to stuff your site silly with advertisements (as if it's not far too loaded now) then you might as well have killed your visitors. People don't randomly go to sites simply because they wanted to see advertisements. Likewise, advertisers would not want to pay for an ad space in some obscure, unvisited corner in the Internet. Also, have some professional ethics, man; you just casually say that your ad space is 2 cents per impression then just as suddenly blurt out it's a good deal. Why don't you let your advertisers determine for themselves if it's a good deal. Imagine what would happen if every company out there had adverts like "Wanted: Web Developer, willing to work at least 10 hours a day for $583.28 per month." It's not an effin' McDonald's menu that you have to shove the figures up front on people's faces. Then again, I guess beggars are beyond the bounds of professional ethics.


    I am so trying to control myself from ranting but, seriously, dude, if you're still going with what you're doing, here are a few useful advices, unsolicited but also much needed:


    1. DON'T F*C<!NG BEG!

    2. Offer some content. Jokes, stories, anecdotes, heck even insightful blog posts would do! Anything but a poor excuse for a blog. There's too much advertisement and barely anything sensible.

    3. Fix your layout. It's really crowded and the advertisements are overwhelming the viewer.

    4. Don't present your poor excuses for your current predicament. However, if you really have to, have the decency to present it in detail. Everyone's having problems with gas prices, why should your current situation stand out?

    5. I loved the picture of you living on the streets of Chicago, superb roleplay! It looks almost realistic, until you realize "Here is a man with 4 kids, paying for a house and a car. And credit cards! God, how could I forget?" It would probably have been enough to make President Hillary Clinton weep blood and give you a blank check :lol:


    Peace, brother. I'm not implying that I think you are detestable to expect to earn something from nothing. I'm saying you're lamentably pathetic ^_^

    I love your posting!!! Yes it is all true! but one thing! I do have a education and so does my wife but times are very hard. Sometime in life you need that extra little hand out but don't think you are going to get it everyday. I wanted visitors to come too my website and just look and it is up to them if they wanted to donate or not? You don't have to give me anything! just visit my site from time to time and see what progress I did, this is all what I am asking for. You will never know?? I might get all the money I need? If you have a website I will post a link to it if you wanted? just to have your backup on this?

    Thank You


  3. Hi ruben, can you tell me if you have some kind of disabilities that prevent you from have a normal life, like for instance, searching for a job and then actual work to get money, then it seems that you do not have a girlfriend, she would not let you do this, ask for money is not a beautiful thing ruben, is ugly actually, do not do it anymore, your image goes to the ground in 1 second or even faster, you must work and then invest the money you earn in your day job in the internet business, but do not invest it too much, invest it wisely, get a girlfriend, she will help you get on your feet and put your feet in the ground, both in th ground, you really need that.
    You need to get in touch with reality, i do not know how old are you, where do you live, how is you life and what was your life untill now, but my advices above are the best you can find, and i am not even your friend, but just because i does not hurt me nor it does not cost me to help you, so i did helped you with good advices which i really think you must follow to the letter or you will never succeed in life.

    So, get a girlfriend fast, very fast, a very good one, that likes at least, better if she loves you, and at the same time search for a job, if that is not avalable a job that you like nor that it suits your capabilities, do not bea full, get another job that you do not like so much, you must start from below, af ter you have a job, it is easier and faster to a job that you really like, that you need, that is fit for you, then when you have money go live with your girl.

    If you already have done this things, i am sorry, butyou can not ask for money anywhere, you need a job, get one even if you really do not like, if it is respectable, nobody can say a word to you, if you have a girl, it is all that matters, you are happy, and if you have kids, you are double-happy, i do know what i am talking about.

    I do have a FULL time job! if you look on my website under FAQ's you will see some of question people asked me before. I work sometimes about 12hrs a day and sometimes I work on Saturday but not all the time. I been working since I been 17yrs old and when it seem that I am on top of the world that is when it goes up side down! This F**ken Prident that we have in the White house mess things up alot! so this is another reason why I am asking for money. The gas prices shot up and I drive back and forward from work and it is 114 miles a day! I was doing great! until the gas prices went up. Now I have to go too work! I make good money but I can not find a job near where I live that pays me the same amount. This is why I am asking for money, also because I have 4 kids! a house, a car payment, and credit cards! like I said before I was doing great! now ever time I worked overtime at my job it goes for GAS! all I am asking is to come to my website so I can get some hits so I can make some money and if you wanted to donate? it is up to you! You don't have to give me money! Just visit my website.
    Thank You

  4. Hello,
    Well I hope I get a lot of people with the title! I been looking on ways to make money online and have try some of the programs here but it seem it will take a long time to make the money. So I am trying to sell myself! To see if this will make some money? I have made a website all about me begging for money.
    The reason why I did this was because of the bills I have and plus I am getting tried of doing all these programs and not making a lot of money at all. I though maybe if I worked on my own website? I can make the money because it will not be a wasted of time.
    Please visit my website: http://www.moneyhelpsout.com/ and TELL me what you guys think? I am still working on this but it is worth a try too see if I can make some money.
    Thank You

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