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Everything posted by HelpRuben

  1. Hello, Thank you for the advice! I am using Google Adsense and so far I made a couple of dollars because of you guys! someone click on the ads which made me some money. I guess it is better then nothing! But I would like to thank everyone in here for aleast giving me a chace to posts my information. I don't wanted to beg for money but I need to keep the money coming in! so I don't know what else to try! I also don't wanted to rip people off because this is WRONG! I see all these scam online on how to make money but it all seem like a scam. I am just tell everyone that I need money! I am not going to hide and try to scam anyone, I am just going to tell them the truth! I need some money to pay off my bills, I hope this don't piss people off but again I will like to thank everyone for coming to my website.Thank YouRuben
  2. I love your posting!!! Yes it is all true! but one thing! I do have a education and so does my wife but times are very hard. Sometime in life you need that extra little hand out but don't think you are going to get it everyday. I wanted visitors to come too my website and just look and it is up to them if they wanted to donate or not? You don't have to give me anything! just visit my site from time to time and see what progress I did, this is all what I am asking for. You will never know?? I might get all the money I need? If you have a website I will post a link to it if you wanted? just to have your backup on this?Thank You Ruben
  3. Hello, I do have a FULL time job! if you look on my website under FAQ's you will see some of question people asked me before. I work sometimes about 12hrs a day and sometimes I work on Saturday but not all the time. I been working since I been 17yrs old and when it seem that I am on top of the world that is when it goes up side down! This F**ken Prident that we have in the White house mess things up alot! so this is another reason why I am asking for money. The gas prices shot up and I drive back and forward from work and it is 114 miles a day! I was doing great! until the gas prices went up. Now I have to go too work! I make good money but I can not find a job near where I live that pays me the same amount. This is why I am asking for money, also because I have 4 kids! a house, a car payment, and credit cards! like I said before I was doing great! now ever time I worked overtime at my job it goes for GAS! all I am asking is to come to my website so I can get some hits so I can make some money and if you wanted to donate? it is up to you! You don't have to give me money! Just visit my website. Thank You Ruben
  4. Hello, Well I hope I get a lot of people with the title! I been looking on ways to make money online and have try some of the programs here but it seem it will take a long time to make the money. So I am trying to sell myself! To see if this will make some money? I have made a website all about me begging for money. The reason why I did this was because of the bills I have and plus I am getting tried of doing all these programs and not making a lot of money at all. I though maybe if I worked on my own website? I can make the money because it will not be a wasted of time. Please visit my website: http://www.moneyhelpsout.com/ and TELL me what you guys think? I am still working on this but it is worth a try too see if I can make some money. Thank You Ruben http://www.moneyhelpsout.com/
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