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Posts posted by EdgabtheGreat

  1. Hi I was wondering if anyone knows how to query a large SQL database from an Infopath Form?I am able to connect to the SQL database from Infopath but it retrieves all the tables from SQL instead of only connecting to SQL and retrieving the required information in the tables.I see there is an option for a click function within a button but the code needs to be in C# , and I am only a beginner with Delphi.Does anyone have some sample code that I could insert into this click function to connect to my SQL database and retrieve the information from within multiple tables then display them back in the form?I am using Microsoft Office Infopath 2007, could this be done only using Infopath or would I need to use Visual Studio?Thanks in advance.

  2. I am looking into implementing an IRC Server but looking for something that is easy to set up and has a GUI. Does anyone have any advice on this as I'm not too familiar with IRC or linux for that matter :) I had a look at IRC servers and clients and have been overwhelmed at how many clients there are and which server to download. I am looking for something free to run on Fedora 9. It has to integrate with active directory and it should be completely managable from an administrator point of view ie. giving the clients access to only what they need (If there is a way to break it, users will find a way :P ) I would also need a way to roll out the client to all the Windows XP pc's.I know its a tall order but i'm sure something like this exists, so far the software that comes closest to my needs is Ignites Openfire and Spark.

  3. I remember playing Kings Quest III as a kid and it was awesome, it used to keep me busy for hours typing things in eg: get cup :) I think that Sierra had some awesome games out at that time like Space Quest and Police Quest (I didn't enjoy PQ as mich as the other quests though).Another really cool game was Goblins and then later The bazaar Adventures of Woodruff and the Schnibble (Maybe one of my Favorites)It's one of those point and click puzzle games that can keep you busy for weeks and even months, this must be the strangest game that I have ever come across. The creator has a really wild imagination.I'm not sure where to get these now but if anyone can point me in the right direction :P

  4. Does anyone know really good email marketing software. I am looking for something that will integrate with a SQL database?At the moment I am using a program called Send Blaster, it seems to work ok but it lacks in functionality.I'm also looking for something that I can manage my campaigns with, something that works together with landing pages.I have also had to set up a completely seperate domain to run this software on because the multiple bouncebacks from old subscribed users has caused the domain to become blocked sometimes.Whenever I have to do a campaign it takes up so much of my time exporting data from the SQL database and then import csv files into Sendblaster then making sure I don't send to any unsubscribed users. I have to do about 3 to 4 campaigns a month and I have over 50000 records in my database so you can just imagine the amount of work this is for me.I am hoping to find something for about the same cost as Sendblaster but willing to spend a bit more if it can save me huge amounts of time.

  5. I have installed WSUS 2.0 on a Windows 2000 Server, I originally wanted to install WSUS 3.0 but it is not supported on Windows 2000 Server and I don't want to buy another Windows 2003 license just for WSUS.My server is a little bit under the recommended specs but I'm sure it wouldn't have that much of an affect. I have 512MB Ram instead of 1024MB. I just want to make sure it's not something else before I go and spend money on memory.When I am checking update status' or filtering the updates by type on the web admin on the server or from another PC it is really unbearably slow, it takes almost 3 minutes to bring up the results.When I log into the server over remote desktop it seems to be running fine and it is really responsive.Has anyone got any ideas what could be causing this?

  6. This happened to me the other day, because our company sits behind a proxy server all the searches done on google are coming from one IP address. Google picks up on this and assumes you're a bot so it limits access by asking for you to type out letters given in an image (To prove you are not a bot).

    This is quite a huge issue as it is affecting alot of companies.

    Check out this blog and see how many customers Google is losing because of this.

    It only takes a few hours for the ban to lift but can you imagine how many support calls I got in those few hours.

    If this is going to happen more often I will go insane, maybe its worth changing to Yahoo???

  7. I am definitely converted after trying Opera for a couple of weeks. It's just so fast compared to Internet Explorer. I seems to do everything I want and haven't had any problems with any of the websites I use.I would recommend this to anyone. Give it a try, you'll be impressed at how fast your pages load compared to other browsers. :)

  8. Hi bluedragon,This seems to be a service that had a problem starting. If you have a look at your services in administration tools you will see that each service has a recovery tab. It has a 1st 2nd and 3rd failure and an action for each, it's possible that a service was failing and the last action was to restart the computer. This explains the restart countdown.Just a thought :P But I suppose we'll never know for sure :)

  9. Has anyone got their MCITP (Microsoft Certified IT Professional) Certificate?I have been looking at upgrading my MCSE Certificate to the new MCITP (Windows Server 2008). It seems as though Microsoft has made their exams more specialised and lets you choose different paths for your certification. I would need to take me 2 exams to be a MCITP Server Administrator or 4 exams to be a MCITP Enterprise Administrator.How did you find the exams?Does this Certificate increase the intrests of employers?

  10. I've just started using Google Adwords last week and it seems like there's an art too it.

    I takes alot of time to set up and to conjure up keywords that would attract business but not use up all your budget in a flash.


    The key is to be specific about what you are advertising and use keywords that are going to bring in people who are going to buy your product. It's very time consuming to set up new adwords and review reports especially when the product you are promoting changes very often.


    I recommend following the Adwords tutorials by Google for any first timer, there available at https://www.google.com/adwords/learningcenter/


    It helped me to understand how to use the whole system and not spend alot of money without any return.

  11. I have done some testing on this and it's not as easy as it looks, first of all I tried setting up conference rooms within openfire, that seemed to work fine until I tried to add user groups. I was looking to add users by groups instead of each user manually, but it seems as though there is no support for LDAP groups. There seems to be a way to group users in LDAP using Organisational Units instead of groups but this would mean that I need to restructure my Organisational Units to support Openfire and not the other way round.Also Spark cannot be configured as easily as using a group policy. Apparently there is a way to limit the user from changing settings but it means editing a config file then rolling it out to all the client PC's and then making that file read only so the users can't make any changes.It seems like alot of work at the moment that I don't have alot of time for. I had a look at the forums on ignite's website and they are planning on making openfire compatable with LDAP groups in the future but group policy doesn't seem to be on the list at the moment.Maybe it's worth waiting for, hopefully you still don't have to pay for it once all these changes have been made.

  12. Ok its now been a couple of hours and still no change.I had a look on my freedns.affraid account at the SOA and the TTL is set to 3600, I assume that means one hour so it should have updated by now.there is also and option for Allow AXFR to world? which is not ticked??? I have pointed my hostname to the ip address: in my dyndns account and ticked create wildcard alias. I'm not sure if these has anything to do with it?

  13. Thanks for your help.Yes it is the dynamic DNS domain and yes you where right, I hadn't added these NS records to my domain on freedns.afraid.org, it took me a while to find it though as it is in the Edit Secondaries section of the Domain menu. My website still comes up with the placeholder but I ussume it takes some time to replicate through DNS as you can only add these ns records after their affraid.org ns records.I'll give it some time and see if it starts working.Thanks :lol:

  14. My cpanel is working but I cant see my website I keep getting this placeholder:

    Great Success ! Apache is working on your cPanel? and WHM? Server

    etc...I have tried uploading my website files into the public_html folder in the cpanel but no matter what I do I can't get rid of this annoying placeholder.And yes I did copy index.html into the public_html folder. Am I doing something wrong or have I set up my domain incorrectly?I'm new to webhosting so if someone could help me I would really appreciate it.Thanks

  15. Hi All,I am looking for a free solution for instant messaging within an organisation, I would need to set up a server and deploy client software to the entire company. I have had a look at Openfire Server and Spark client it uses Jabber. I have started installing a Fedora Core 9 Server to run some tests on and see how Openfire and Spark work. I need the server application to stop users sending and recieving files externally and also set predefined groups within the IM environment. I was wondering if anyone has any experience with these or other Jabber server/client applications.I will post back here once my testing is complete.

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