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  1. In some aspects, Orwell’s vision will become reality, by the sole facts that the government uses technology to spy on us, distracts us with inaccurate subjects, and by manipulating history, all of these just to “protect” us and slowly take away our privacy, without us knowing it. This leads me to assume that if the course of humanity does not change and continues to flow in the same direction currently, then they will be the end of us. Orwell might be dead, but his vision could have never been clearer.Technology today has changed many lives for the better. Although these advances have made every day life more enjoyable, not everyone is aware of the constant dangers that lie behind them. Today, we can see cameras virtually everywhere. In restaurants, traffic lights, satellites, rooms, hospitals, and even in public restrooms. The telescreens in 1984 are probably an identical symbol of the cameras and televisions that the government had planted on us and are used to keep constant surveillance on us. The government also uses satellites to orbit around the world and capture or every move. In 1984, the walls are covered with cameras behind posters saying “Big Brother Is Watching You”.(pg.2) This in some indefinite way, represents the same meaning such as the commercials on TV, in which they say that no matter where you go the police will find you and give you a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt. If this keeps going, all even our undeniable rights will be take away and seize to exist and “unless the course of history changes, men all over the world will lose their most human quantities and they will not even be aware of it” (pg.313). By doing this, they expect to create a perfect society.In 1984, Orwell describes in much detail that soon if humanity doesn’t change its ways, we will end up like the “irrational and injustice” (pg314.) that is 1984. Just like in 1984, people today also manipulate history. A writer might purposely re-animate history to make a movie or a cartoon to make it look more realistic or more “fun”. By doing this the viewers (that are unaware of the real history), pick up this false information into long term memory. They live their entire lives in many cases believing that what they saw is actually true. Another example of this particular case, the way history is written into textbooks. Whoever was the victor at the end of the ballet or war writes the outcome. The winner, most of the time, describes how they were courageous enough to defeat the evil (opponents) just like in a “chess game” (pg.289). In other words “the dead men have become martyrs and their degradation was forgotten” (pg.254).The only ones that actually know the truth are the brave souls that actually experienced it.As time passes by, the world becomes more immoral and rotten. People begin to become more and more selfish,ignorant "and will become soulless automatons"(pg.313). This is the perfect chance the government waits for any vulnerability to get inside our heads. In order to “protect” us the government became more and more invasive, to secure its civilians from various multiple threads. In doing this they interpose aspects of doublethink or “the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them”. (pg.322). A simile could be a puppet master controlling a puppet. The puppet master manipulates the puppet and controls it’s every move and has no will of its own. So, in other words the government wants to tell us that they need to do everything for us, so we can be “safe” an eventually let our guard down, after that its all over.In 1984, “the mood of hopelessness about the future of man” (pg.313) makes me assume that if the world continues on the same road for power, it will become even more cold and rotten. Our once contemporary society does not listen and will soon fall and crumple in front of the entire world. The once so called U.S.A will be looked down upon just like any other nation, and no one will be able to trust anyone. In some aspects, Orwell’s vision will become reality, by the sole facts that the government uses technology to spy on us, distracts us with inaccurate subjects, and by manipulating history, all of these just to “protect” us and slowly take away our privacy, without us knowing it. Orwell might have been a few years of, but his vision still today looks extremely promising.Copyright 2007-2008This is just a way i view his book called 1984
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