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Posts posted by TerroR

  1. Why not use VirtualBox or VMWare?



    1) Install WinXP, but the partitioning should be done manually at install-time. Leave about 20gigs free for linux, and 1gig for a FAT32 partition (optional, to share data between the systems)

    2) Install all the drivers, but do not install any bootloaders

    3) Install linux on the free space left from the WinXP installation

    4) Depending on what *nix system you have, you might have to install a bootloader separately, if it is not done automatically during installation


    To set up GRUB/LILO, google it.

  2. That is good, so you found portable delphi? Can you write here the download url or project url? Thanks...

    I'm not sure whether it would run, i somehow managed to get it working, but then it started showing errors at the start :)

    Here is a link to the discussion of legality of this thing, so I'd suggest u get it fast and mirror it somewhere.
    Here is the link to the archive. I suggest using WinRAR to unpack it.

  3. I think no, delphi should be installed to save the components to the registry. However I search for portable delphi in google and,

    perhaps this can be your interest: https://sourceforge.net/projects/portabledelphi/


    If you can find a portable delphi compiler, please reply here to inform us, it can be useful.


    Good luck.

    Thanks, man

    The link works, but the page is knida empty. I googled for "portable delphi", the first result is what I was looking for. I wonder why I did not see that before O_o

    BTW, the D7 Personal is 50 mb, and the portable app is 0.7 mb. So i'd say it is portable compiler AND editor

  4. I would say start small, having a great idea for a project doesnt mean you can start right away. I am not a programming person but i have worked with one before on a mobile phone game.


    Put the huge idea aside and try on a smaller idea where you and your friend could work on side by side. Yes, a LAN-only game is a great start as you can test out the game remotely through hamachi client.


    Back in the high school days where i was so interested in Visual basic, i started by writing a 2D side scroll shooting game and slowly moved on to 2.5D (isometric) game. Maybe you could do that as well.


    I am not sure what others would give you as advice but for me, start small and simple, once you get the hook on the game developing architecture then start going something big.


    Many hobbyist programmers fall due to instead of crawling, they start to run and jump. All the best mate :)

    Thanks onscreen,

    Yeah, that's what I was suggesting to him just a few minutes ago :P. I've checked with him on what he wants to do, but he is overly enthusiastic person. In everything. So yeah.

    If anyone here knows how to set up an efficient LAN-based communication between the clients, please post, preferably in-detail. Thanks!


    And, more specs:

    *2D-based graphics would be used

    *LAN multiplayer would be controlled by either:

    -client-to-dedicated server through basic UDP sockets, or

    -client-to-client through DirectPlay


    Only 8 players would be able to connect at once, but it will be made dynamic when we sort out the network stuff)

  5. No way. I think skipping class is just too risky in my school with such high discipline standards, and would put myself at stake of possibly being severly punished. Besides, since we're blessed with a chance of having education, that millions of children and youth around the world do not have, and we have to invest that time in school anyway, so why not put it to full usage and learn, rather than skip lessons and end up with possible discipline cases and learning nothing at all. Though I agree, sometimes lessons are boring, and the lecturer or teacher just bores you.

    Yes, I support your opinion. It is too risky, but, most importantly, only about a half (I think I am wrong, but anyway) of the kids have normal education.

    However, even in modern countries like Australia, there still are problems with education. Especially with aboriginal people and their families. Not only that more than a half are unemployed due to unfulfilling the qualifications, but they even do not understand WHY you have to learn. I cannot remember the community, (I think it was "Tiwi", in Australia), it was sad to watch the video about them.


    Sorry for offtopic

  6. Hello people,


    Me and my friend are kinda noob programmers. I have more experience, but it is hard to comunicate with him -- we live in different countries... yeah.

    He has some knowledge of programming method, eg BFS, DFS, sorting etc. He uses Delphi

    I have a huge pile of stuff that I know (it is called "my brain"), that I use when I fee like it :) I know lots more than him, but, being modest, I'd say, I know some basic C++ as well as lots of Delphi/Pascal.

    We are eager to learn.


    So, we both know Delphi, and we use DelphiX for the graphics engine. But, he has that massive idea of making a huge MMORPG, a LAN-only one for the start.

    Where do you suggest we should start?

  7. As funny as it may sound, but once I have gone to the wrong class. As in, COMPLETELY the wrong class. And spent the whole lesson there, watching a movie with other peeps.And, now that I am studying at James Ruse AHS, when someone suggests to skip...HELL NO! Unless I want to get expelled later on :)I have missed out on about 40 days in 3 years altogether, as I have spent 2 weeks travelling, and other times I had to see a dentist or was sick.

  8. May I add a few more points?Ok, programming is quite cool, I agree to that. But it not a perfect idea for a career.Yes, you would get $50k a year at the start, but if you are an _excellent_ programmer, you _could_ get $100k per year.And, excellent, as in, compete in the IOI and get a medal. It is not easy, but those people, who are excellent, get it relatively easy.Myself, I consider a career in medicene. Probably as a surgeon, as I am quite good with my hands. And I have an excellent platform to start on -- I study at James Ruse AHS in Australia.So, for those who can't get their head working in other, more "expensive", sectors, I would suggest to stick with what you like to do.By the way, try programming non-stop for a week or two. On the holidays. 8 hours per day. Plus logs, records, communication with friends-codevelopers. Plus scheduled (!!!) breaks for lunch, even though you are at home.[/negatives][advices]OK, try yourself out on several sites. Firstly, register at USACO or any simialr ones, like TopCoder. Try to ocmplete problems there. They are quite challenging for those who are relatively new to programming. Also, I would suggest sticking to one or two languages and studying them in-depth.HF

  9. However stupid that may sound, but http://www.cplusplus.com/ is worth to have a look at.
    It has some basic tutorials, as well as some reference manuals for different code includes.

    I'm a high school student myself (yr 9, grade 9 or whatever you call it), and I've been programming since year 4. So, a friend who is very good with C++, or any programming language, is a MUST.
    I also suggest looking at online training sites that provide problems for you to solve and post up the source code. USACO is one of those. I live in Australia, and I'm registered on this training site, which is quite good for pros and beginners. TopCoder is also a good one, but is harder.

    Also, look for as many problems as you can find -- write programs and tools for online games, try challenging stuff.

    PS: How i have studied:
    *LOGO years 4-5
    *Delphi years 4-9, and still studying
    *C and C++ since year 7
    *Assembly (MASM) since year 8
    *PHP + SQL since year 8. Not really a language, but is a must for this hosting :)

  10. I had avast installed on my WinXP, but it failed hard.My fried has brought an external HDD with one(!) virus on it. It was detected, avast was supposed to successfully clean it off... but no. Even after it reported several infections, all on the HDD, the virus was not removed. So, I did a full-scan the HDD twice(!!!), and it said that all of them were removed. Then I scanned the PC as well, nothing was found.Reboot, and... I have the virus-infected system... explorer, IE, FF, QIP, plus other 230 infections in diff parts of the system.Now I do not use anything apart from Norton and ZoneAlarm, they provide just basic alerts that tell me if I am screwed or not))PS: Kaspersky has been known to crash systems. AFAIK, the ones made before 2006 were highly unstable.

  11. pointers


    Array Pointers Can Be Backwards

    How do you input a word/string from the keyboard then print it and it's reverse using pointers? help me please!


    -question by ishi

    Hopefully this is what you meant:

    #include <cstdio>using namespace std;int main() {	char str[200];	for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++)		i[str] = 0;	gets(str);	int i = 0;	while (i[str] != 0) {		putc(i[str], stdout);		i++;	}		getchar();	return 0;}

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