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Posts posted by Blue_Soul

  1. Well Gears Of War 2 is out and after playing through it........Well done Epic!!!!The game is almost exactly like the first in terms of game play, which may sound a negative but no, it's a great sight.There's no need for new training as is so common with the sequal to FPS due to new additions.Marcus hadles exactly as he did in the original, the wit and conversations are back, and funnier than ever.There are new weapons, enemies and vehicals but these come with a sense of familiarity which any GOW fan will love.Overall opinion:Gab the game, put it in the console and jump right in!Awesome! :lol: What does everyone else think?

  2. I thought the game was very good.Very enjoyable to play from a gamer point of view in that the game play was smooth, the ai was actually very tough at times and the story was excelent.The ending however, i found a little annoying in that i really want to play the 2nd one, which i don't think is even in production yet!Overall, i really enjoyed it, and a game i will most likely go through again.

  3. I found a few substitues for my FF addiction:Legend Of Dragoon - PS1Great game where you play as a young man named Dart on a quest to save the world from a race of magic wielding beings.Has a whole FF feel to the story along with some interesting fight mechanics involving transforming into a Dragoon (Dragon Warrior) and the ability to pull of attack combos with well times button pressing.True to the FF format there isn't much vocals in this and at the final scenes the voice acting borders on hillarious, but with an excelent story, beautiful music and well developed characters you'll certainly go back to this.Kingdom Hearts - PS2Made by Square-Enix and Disney, and as surprising as it may sound, it works unexpactedly well.The game is very graphically pleasing and the music is soothing to play along to with a mixture of fast paced battle themes and full orchestra scores as you'd come to expect from Square.The game looks, at times, very childish but the game's difficulty seems to be set a notch or two higher than the visuals would suggest it should be.As much as i enjoyed this game i never found myself playing it longer than a few hours once i had completed it.The Elder Scrolls IV -Oblivion - POC/Xbox360Perhaps the biggest sandbox RPG released.The sheer amount of things the player can do is incredible.You can play as any combination of skills you wish from a stealthy Theif or nimble Archer to a powerfull Mage or brutish Warrior....or even a combination of them all.The game allows for complete character customisation not only with the abilities you use but how your character looks.Pick a race, gender and you're free to choose any look you like, including a large green mohawk on an Orc :lol:The story is a little short but is none the less excelent and setting the difficulty a little higher only makes the game better, rather than more difficult.Although the main story is quite short there are an enormous amount of side quests to keep you going for weeks whether it be rising to the head or the Fighters Guild, becoming Arch Mage in the Arcane Academy or becoming the land most notorious Theif...the choice....is 100% yours...Fable - PC/Xbox360A beautifully simple little RPG that will leave you feeling warm and fuzzy after playing.While not as large or as free roaming as Oblivion this game has things Oblivion lacks.In Fable you are free to love, marry and even have sex, and unlike almost every other game Fable caters for all sexual orientations and personal alignment.You are free to upgrade your skills using experience gained from killing which can be used in 1 of 3 pools, Strength, Skill and Will.Strenght increases damage done while reducing damage taken, Skill increases damage done with bows and increases speed while Will deals with all things magical.The graphics are smoothe and simple, musical scores are pretty and soothing and gameplay is so uncomplicated you could play blind folded.The games story isn't short but when finished you feel dissapointed that it has ended, although there is no real replay value other than to play through in the opposite alignment.These are just a few games that i have enjoyed, hope you find something you enjoy too ^_^

  4. How about these?


    I play Guild Wars, WOW and Conquer Online at the moment.


    World Of Warcraft is good but is a monthly subscription type game, currently with a main game, 1 full released expansion (The Burning Crusade...TBC) and a 2nd expansion (Wrath Of The Lich King....WTLK) due to be released in the next few months.


    Notable features:

    Nice graphics

    Friendly players from various countries

    Very good support from ingame staff and Blizzard staff

    Customisable User Interface

    Customisable characters

    Mix of Player V Player, Player V Environment and Role Play servers to fit every kind of player (also combinations of the 3).



    Guild Wars is as good as WOW and the graphics are much better imho and once you've bought the game it's free to play.

    They currently have a main game (Prophecies) and several expansions (Factions, Nightfall & Eye Of The North...in that order) which add other playable classes and more skills.


    Notable features:

    Free to play once bought

    Wide variety of classes

    Easy to level up to a maximum of 20

    When you leave a town or outpost you are given your very own peice of game world, you will not encounter any other players other than those in your party. To interact with other humans you need to visit outposts, check points and towns.

    Fully customisable characters from physique to armour.



    Conquer Online is a completely free to play game.

    Once you have downloaded and installed the client you are free to set up an account, choose a character and play.


    Notable features:

    Free Player V Player (PVP) environment on every server. The only times this rule does not apply are on certain maps where either PVP is forbidden or where PVP cannot be done until your opponant is above a certain level.

    To improve the quality of your equipment and weapons you need to use Dragonballs which are gained in 3 methods, Buying from players or NPC's ingame for ingame currency (prices range from high to ridiculously high), Buying from TQ (came owner) for real money or from ingame quest rewards or dropped from killed monsters (VERY rare).



    Out of the 3 i play Guild Wars the least as i feelthat although it is free to play and not difficult to level a character to maximum, it does get very boring very quickly and there is not enough to do.

    Conquer is played the next least as i still find it fun to go and do Guild Wars ingame and PVP is always fun :)

    WOW is my current game of choice.

    Although i have to pay to play, it is by far the most enjoyable. The staff are helpfull, the players come in all shapes and sizes making some interesting dungeon experiences and aboth all, you get the choice to pick the "Good" side or the "Bad" side, each having it's own in-depth history making it a very deep world of lore.


    Hopefully this helps any of you guys out who are looking for an MMORPG, 1 free to play, 1 free after a one off fee and 1 subscription choice.




  5. Like alot of people have said, every girl is different.With me, i generally find it's a bit of "Hit or Miss".The best advice i can give is don't think about it.Girls don't like to see a guy try to force his personality on them and are much more attracted to guys who's personality shines through on it's own.Try to think of what makes you, you.For example, i'n my circle of friends i normally come across as being the strong, silent type and i don't really talk alot about myself but i do like to joke about things and always tend look at the lighter side of things.This makes me seem cheery and upbeat with a good sense of humour (which alot of girls seem to really like in a guy) but still reserved enough to prompt any girl that's interested to ask more about me.Again, just relax, be yourself and don't think about trying to impress people, you should be doing that already without you even realising it!!

  6. Thanks for the warm welcome folks.I'll make sure if i need to look up something to use the search function first as i can imagine the numerous duplicate questions can become rather irritating at times lolAnd again, thanks for the welcome and if i do have any problems rest assured, i will pick you guys' brains, though i promise to be gentle :)

  7. Wow!I haven't been on Conquer for months, not since i started palying Warcraft.I do have to admit the game is kinda addictive but i think i'll stick with WOW for the time being.I do occasionally log in now and again to catch up with recent patches, events and the like but nothing too major.My main problem is all the bugs and the fact that to get any kinda good gear you need to either hunt for months or buy Dragon Balls from TQ.Also that TQ ignore any customer service question unless you've purchased so many Dragon Balls....which is kinda lame IMO.I play on Nature > Meteor as Deadron a lvl 105 Warrior (Non RB) and on Nature > Lightning as Dark~FanTaSy a lvl 110 water-Archer (1st RB).Actually, now i have a little craving to play....i may just log on for half an hour........or 5 :)

  8. At the end of the day the hosting service is free and the fact that you can keep the hosting going just by making posts i can't understand why you'd be so mad...If you were paying a site for hosting then i'd agree, a wait of 2 weeks without hearing anything would be a little much.If i were you i'd still look into other options but waiting a little longer before doing anything can't really hurt.

  9. As BordaForx suggested, i'd have to go with Breaking Bnjamin also.One of their songs i've used as backing music for a Halo FMV i made a while back called "Blow Me Away" was perfect and it has that kind of fighting edge to it.HAve a listen to some of thier stuff and see what you think, you can also pick up some of their songs as a Kareoke version without the lyrics should you feel the music fits but the lyrics are all wrong :)

  10. After trawling through the net whilst bored one afternoon i came across Xisto and after reading all the "Read Me's" and all the info on site hosting i decided to sign up and give it a go........so here i am!My name's Chris and i live in Scotland and i work part time in the I.T department of a Call Centre whilst studying Computing at college.I enjoy Reading, Music, Playing Guitar (both Elecric and Acoustic but mainly Acoustic) and Web Design and the ocasionaly movie at the cinema...like Batman: The Dark Knight.Seriously, how good was that film.Is it just me or does anyone think that Heath Ledger stole the eintire film??Sorry, i get pretty distracted sometimes :) I hope to get to know a lot of you guys over the next little while and help everyone out as best i can with any litte nuggets of wisdom i may have.If anyone has a problem with any of my posts and feels the need to, feel free to drop me a PM, i'm really a pretty nice guy (even if i do say so myself :P).Anyway, i'm sure i'll see you all around at some point :P

  11. I know you said PS2 and Xbox 360 but to me my favourite RPG on the consoles has to be one of 2 games.


    Morrwind IV: Oblivion on the Xbox 360 for it's sheer size and what you can actually do. To date, along with its TES construction set on the PC, it's the biggest and most comprehensive sandbox style RPG around.




    Legend Of Dragoon on the original Playstation (i play it on the PS2 so does this count? :)) for it's music, character design and serious but at the same time very comical storyline.


    I am however a big fan of Square Enix and 99% or all RPG style games they have released have sat very highly with me...other than Unlimited Saga........oh how i hate that game....."Hi i'm Kurt Burgandy".....*Shudders*......

  12. Last book i read was "The Elves Of Cintra" by Terry Brooks as part of his Genesis Of Shannara series.If anyone isn't familliar with Terry his books are along the same lines as Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings in that they are set in a land with Humans, Elves, Gnomes, Trolls and Magic although there are a few twisted differences.His latest series is a prequal to the original "Sword Of Shannara" series and is reccomended to anyone who loves the fantasy genre :)

  13. I have both Eragon and Eldest on loan from a friend but like the early Harry Potter books, i found Eragon a little childish and difficult to get into.I've tried but i jsut can't seem to get into it and i don't want to force myself to read it as i'll only hate it....but i do want to get onto Eldest as i've heard it's better.I even considered skipping Eragon as i've seen the movie now (even though it wasn't all that good) i just get the feeling i'll be missing out on quite a bit of the story if i did that.Can anyone advise if it's really worth trying to read through them?At the moment i'm reading through all of Terry Brooks' Shannara books while i await his latest in the current series being released on the 26th August so it's not as if i'm short of anything to read.....what do you think?

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