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Posts posted by shotgun

  1. When you create a filter in your Gmail account, a request is sent to Googleâs servers to be processed. The request is made in the form of a url with many variables. For security reasons, your browser doesnât display all the variables contained within the url. Using FireFox and a plugin called Live HTTP Headers, you can see exactly what variables are sent from your browser to Googleâs servers.
    Here is an example of a request url sent to Google to create a filter exactly like the one in the image above. Iâve broken down the url by variable so itâs easier to read:

    &ik=ad7df7dc23 *Unique Account Identifier*
    &at=xn3j35svndkg48yp2qgmpt99ivcqdc *Session Authorization Key*

    Through a process of elimination you can determine the role of each variable. The two most important variables, ik & at. The ik variable is the equivalent of a username, each account has one and it never changes. Obtaining this variable is tricky but possible. Iâm not going to tell you how to do it, if you search hard enough online youâll find out how.

    Obtaining the at variable on the other hand can be done by tricking a user into visiting a page that contains malicious code that subsequently steals a cookie from the user called GMAIL_AT which is the same as the at variable, just named differently. Once the cookie is stolen the malicious code creates a hidden iframe with a url containing the variables that authorize Gmail to create a filter for your account.

    Cnet News

    OS:Windows Vista Ultimate Sp1
    MD:Asus P5N-E
    CPU:2.40GHz/Intel Quad Core Q6600
    RAM:Corsair Dual Channel 4GB 800Mhz
    VC:XFX GeForce 9800 GTX/512MB

  2. Well today I bring you another google app, which can be very helpful for starting developing web applications with python, but I won't recommend on putting your company on google's hands.


    Google App Engine is platform for building and hosting web applications on google web servers. During its preview release, only free accounts are offered. With this you get 500 MB of persistent storage and enough CPU and bandwidth for about 5 million page views a month (that's what Google says).


    Probably in the future they will start charging if you want a best plan, but this plan should suit the most of you.


    One of Google’s newly announces is that this service is going to support Java, so that's good for us the JAVA lovers ;)


    I think that i'll stop talking, and give you the link so you can start testing it and making your own thoughts. Google App Engine


    Here are some of the restrictions:

    * Developers have read-only access to the filesystem on App Engine.

    * App Engine can only execute code called from an HTTP request.

    * No support for task scheduling in the traditional sense.

    * Users may upload arbitrary Python modules, provided they are pure-Python. C and Pyrex modules are not supported.

    * Users are unable to download or run scripts on their database information


    Fixed quotas

    Quota Limit

    Apps per Developer 10

    Storage per App 500MB

    Files per App 1,000

    Size per File 1MB


    Per-day usage quotas

    Quota Limit

    Emails per Day 2,000

    Bandwidth In per Day 10,000 MB

    Bandwidth Out per Day 10,000 MB

    CPU Megacycles per Day 200,000,000

    HTTP Requests per Day 650,000

    Datastore API Calls per Day 2,500,000

    URLFetch API Calls per Day 160,000




    OS:Windows Vista Ultimate Sp1

    MD:Asus P5N-E

    CPU:2.40GHz/Intel Quad Core Q6600

    RAM:Corsair Dual Channel 4GB 800Mhz

    VC:XFX GeForce 9800 GTX/512MB

  3. Hi , well first I have to say that I a know a lot of programming in java, but I had arrived to a point that I want to make new things. I decided to jump to J2EE platform and create Web-Based program, I have been investigating and I got to the result of using a MVC framework, the question is which is the best, in terms of learning it with the aim of not to change to other framework one year later, because it is not complete or good enough to accomplish a certain goal. I know i'm not giving any sample of what i am seeking at, but that's the problem, I need the best MVC so I can do what ever I want with it. I am wondering if I should change to RUBY ON RAILS ;) ...but I really don't want that, I love java. Well I hope that anyone can help me the soon as possible. Greetings, shotgun. ------------- OS:Windows Vista Ultimate Sp1 MD:Asus P5N-E CPU:2.40GHz/Intel Quad Core Q6600 RAM:Corsair Dual Channel 4GB 800Mhz VC:XFX GeForce 9800 GTX/512MB

  4. pre-beta Windows 7 build on october 2008

    According to new information on its Professional Developers Conference blog, the company is planning to distribute in late October a pre-beta build of Windows 7 to the people that attended.

    This will no be the same version that was leaked over the past few weeks, because Microsoft had added a bunch of other things(according to the themes that were treated on the conference) like:

    New APIs to Find, Visualize, and Organize

    New Text and Graphics APIs

    Design Principles for Windows 7

    Integrate with the Windows 7 Desktop Taskbar

    Welcome to the Windows 7 Desktop

    Deep Dive - Whatâs New with Win32âs user32 and comctl32

    Another thing that I know is that Windows 7, is not going to integrate a Mail Client, Picture Editing, Movie Maker software, making them as an option for you to download it. This is a part of the solution of microsoft of making a more light weight OS, and more reliable than Vista.

    As you can see this, all this things that is making Microsoft is for not doing the same mistake that they did with Vista, so they can give a more popular OS to the world.

    greetings, shotgun.

    OS:Windows Vista Ultimate Sp1
    MD:Asus P5N-E
    CPU:2.40GHz/Intel Quad Core Q6600
    RAM:Corsair Dual Channel 4GB 800Mhz
    VC:XFX GeForce 9800 GTX/512MB

  5. First Impressions: -Very quick to install and do not have to answer any questions in doing so. -The startup is extremely fast. -The interface is extremely simple, with the right and necessary to navigate sites. -The browser allows import your bookmarks, search engines, the key history from Firefox and Internet Explorer. -I visited nearly all Google services, Google Maps, YouTube, Gmail, etc… and have noticed an increase in speed as well. However, on several occasions we became stuck on Gmail. -By default, if you enter a search in the address bar, you Chrome strip results from Google, but you can change it to any other form. -The version for Mac OS X is not good(not yet ready). -It has a spellchecker very fast and like FireFox, you underlined in red with the words mistakes. Unfortunately you do not detect the language of writing. ------------- OS:Windows Vista Ultimate Sp1 MD:Asus P5N-E CPU:2.40GHz/Intel Quad Core Q6600 RAM:Corsair Dual Channel 4GB 800Mhz VC:XFX GeForce 9800 GTX/512MB

  6. Security plugin for joomla.

    It is easy for any web user to find if a site is created in Joomla. They just have to type



    This makes hackers hack easily your site when they crack out Joomla and find your username and password.

    To make this more difficult Ajay Lulia has brought to us a plugin, which prevents access to administration(back end) login page with out an appropiate access key that you choose.

    Avalailabre for Joomla 1.5.x and 1.0.x


    greetings, shotgun.

    OS:Windows Vista Ultimate Sp1
    MD:Asus P5N-E
    CPU:2.40GHz/Intel Quad Core Q6600
    RAM:Corsair Dual Channel 4GB 800Mhz
    VC:XFX GeForce 9800 GTX/512MB

  7. Try declaring a public variable so you can used with all of the clases, or a protected type so it can be used only by the clases that are in the same package. For example, public class startProgram{ public static int counter=0; ....... } Then when you want to call it from another class(adding 1): startProgram.counter++; This will be the same with a protected variable type, but you have to we aware that the classes were you are using the global variable are in the same package. Declaring it protected is better for security reasons(like I said before this variable is only reachable from the classes in the same package). If you need more help just write again in this topic I will review it in a time from now. Greetings, shotgun. ------------- OS:Windows Vista Ultimate Sp1 MD:Asus P5N-E CPU:2.40GHz/Intel Quad Core Q6600 RAM:Corsair Dual Channel 4GB 800Mhz VC:XFX GeForce 9800 GTX/512MB

  8. There are several IDEs on the market, but Eclipse and NetBeans are open source and so this is my choice In comparison to Eclipse from NetBeans is that NetBean is really platform independent. That means you can use the same files for windows and Linux. But that’s not all: all platforms has the same support (unlike Eclipse). Talking about NetBeans 6.1 NetBeans is easy to install and to use. There are several download-bundles so that you don’t need to go into the plugin hell, like in other IDEs. Simply download the Java bundle and get the rest later through the plugin manager. The NetBeans folks offer even a version for php development, where you can debug the code. I think the most important feature of all IDEs is code completion(After all this is the reason we use an IDE). In NetBeans you can do this via CTRL+SPACE. This will complete a variable, class or method name for you. I can accept that there are a lot more plugins for Eclipse than NetBeans at the moment. But the NetBeans community has some really cool plugins. If you didn’t download the full bundle you can add the plugins easily. And they will work, I never failed to install a plugin. In Eclipse this was not always true. Well I think that with this I had make my point that NetBeans 6.1 is a very good IDE, and why I prefered over Eclipse. Greetings, Shotgun. ------------- OS:Windows Vista Ultimate Sp1 MD:Asus P5N-E CPU:2.40GHz/Intel Quad Core Q6600 RAM:Corsair Dual Channel 4GB 800Mhz VC:XFX GeForce 9800 GTX/512MB

  9. There are lot's of Array sorting algorithm today, and there is no one best than the other, you will have to choose the one that fits to you depending on the type of data that you need to sort.

    In my case I use QuickSort most of the time, is a divide and conquer algorithmic paradigm.

    On average, makes O(nlogn) comparisons to sort n items. However, in the worst case, it makes Θ(n^2) comparisons(which is the typical case for other known algorithm like bubble sort).

    You can use java.util which brings a class with diverse types of algorithm including this one.

    Here you have the code also:

    1. pivot = list[sup];                                                                                                                                                                                                               2. i = inf;                                                                                                                                                                                                                   3. j = sup - 1;                                                                                                                                                                                                                   4. cont = 1;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          5. if (inf >= sup)                                                                                                                                                                                                                   6.      return;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         7. while (cont)                                                                                                                                                                                                                   8.      while (list[i] < pivot) { ++i; }                                                                                                                                                                                        9.      while (list[j] > pivot) { --j; }                                                                                                                                                                                        10.      if (list[i] > list[j])                                                                                                                                                                                                         11.           temp = list[i];   12.           list[i] = list[j];                                                                                                                                                                                                        13.           list[j] = temp;                                                                                                                                                                                                        14.      else                                                                                                                                                                                                                  15.           cont = 0;                                                                                                                                                                                                         16. temp = list[i];                                                                                                                                                                                                                  17. list[i] = list[sup];                                                                                                                                                                                                         18. list[sup] = temp;                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               19. QuickSort (list, inf, i - 1);                                                                                                                                                                                                20. QuickSort (list, i + 1, sup);

    OS:Windows Vista Ultimate Sp1
    MD:Asus P5N-E
    CPU:2.40GHz/Intel Quad Core Q6600
    RAM:Corsair Dual Channel 4GB 800Mhz
    VC:XFX GeForce 9800 GTX/512MB

  10. I have been using Nod32 since version 2.7, and it has never let me down, the real-time protection works like a charm, don't letting in any virus into your system and what is best is that it doesn't consume much resourses. I also used a time kaspersky, I don't have to say nothing about the protection that it brought me, but it slow down my computer remarkably. As I have told before if you are an experience user definetly NOD32 is for you. Now I'm running Eset Smart Security 3.0.672 - Virus Definition 3382 :mellow::D Greetings, Shotgun. ------------- OS:Windows Vista Ultimate Sp1 MD:Asus P5N-E CPU:2.40GHz/Intel Quad Core Q6600 RAM:Corsair Dual Channel 4GB 800Mhz VC:XFX GeForce 9800 GTX/512MB

  11. I have tried Download Accelerator Plus(DAP), I also tried Internet Download Manager which was slighly better.     Also i finded that DAP was full of spyware and the only thing that i got with it was less RAM. Finally I decided that all those programs were precindible, and now I use FlashGot integrated in Firefox 3. Which maybe don't "accelerate"(a thing that can be highly discused) but is much more simpler, and what is most important it accomplish it main feature perfectly, Download. Greetings, shotgun. ------------- OS:Windows Vista Ultimate Sp1    MD:Asus P5N-E CPU:2.40GHz/Intel Quad Core Q6600 RAM:Corsair Dual Channel 4GB 800Mhz VC:XFX GeForce 9800 GTX/512MB

  12. what I have just heard recently is that using the html tags <h1>Heading</h1>, can increase your google raiting, because this tags as you already know are used for titles, and when the googlebot comes into your page, he takes in count these things, I remember you to make you titles as decriptive as possible and try to use simple caracters. Greetings, shotgun.

  13. for my case, i think that firefox 2, is more complete than firefox 3, in terms of stabily.????[/tab]?????????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????I know that in most of the features firefox 3 is better than its predecessor, but i think that they hurry up the last version and did not take the time to fix some bugs that makes firefox 3 a pain in the neck sometimes.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Now I have firefox 3 installed in my PC, and its my default browser, but i have to admit that sometimes i have to go back and use IE7.??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????Greetings.????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????[tab]

  14. Well this will all depend if your are looking for payware or freeware software.Supposing you are looking for payware(because those are the ones I know), i could recommend you the one I use, Ulead VideoStudio 11.this software has a very user-friendly framework, making video editing a simple step by step process, whether you just want to quickly transfer a tape to a DVD or create an elaborate video production using multiple clips, custom soundtracks, and overlay effect. You can download it, and test it for 30 days, that enough to know if this program is suitable for you. The other edition software that i have been recommended is Sony vegas Pro 8, but I hadn't time to test it yet, maybe if you test it you could tell me if is best than Ulead VideoStudio. Hope this was useful for you, greetings shotgun.

  15. The best freeware for me is Spybot - Search & Destroy????[/tab]????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  
    This program can detect and remove a multitude of adware-spyware files and modules from your computer.

    Spybot also can cleans your browser, which is especially useful if you share your computer. It's gives you the possibility to make full system scan, and delete directly files with problems.

    For advanced users, it allows you to fix Registry problems related to adware and to malicious program installations.

    It includes and update feature that ensures Spybot always has the most current and complete listings of adware and spyware.

    Version 1.6 is last version


    greetings, shotgun. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????  

  16. I think that the variable that was not initiated was i(maybe others too but specially this one), but as it was written before the easiest and practical way to get an input is using java.util.Scanner. As you may know java.util.* brings many helpful classes to avoid the programmer waste time in simple things.[tab][/tab]? As you said before that you where learning java, it would be a good thing if you review some of the java code of the classes that are inside java.util. Greetings.

  17. Well i'm starting my website with joomla and the only thing that I can say is that is very good and I been getting use to it very quickly. The thing is I know there are many modules and components avalailable out there, and of couse there are for different things, but maybe you could recommend me what has been very useful for yourself. I'm working now this Joomla 1.5.6, and added the Forum component Fireboard, which I find it very handy because, it intregates Joomla with a forum, with out making a bridge like you had to do with SMF or phpBB. Well that's my recommendation. Greetings, Shotgun. :mellow:

  18. Microsoft Corp., weary of being cast as a stodgy oldster by Apple Inc.'s advertising, is turning for help to Jerry Seinfeld. The software giant's new $300 million advertising campaign, devised by a newly hired ad agency, has been closely guarded. But Mr. Seinfeld will be one of the key celebrity pitchmen, say people close to the situation. He will appear with Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates in ads and receive about $10 million for the work, they say. The new ad effort is expected to use some variation of the slogan "Windows, Not Walls," according to several people familiar with the ... From: New York Times It's amazing how desesperate is Balmer and his people to finish with the bad perspective that Windows Vista has generated(can be advertising so powerful?), but I think than instead of investing 300 million US dollars in advertising, they should be invest it in the new Windows 7, because after all Vista lets a lot to desire. Greetings, shotgun.

  19. This program can detect and remove a multitude of adware-spyware files and modules from your computer.

    Spybot also can cleans your browser, which is especially useful if you share your computer. It's gives you the possibility to make full system scan, and delete directly files with problems.

    For advanced users, it allows you to fix Registry problems related to adware and to malicious program installations.

    It includes and update feature that ensures Spybot always has the most current and complete listings of adware and spyware.

    Version 1.6 is last version


    greetings, shotgun.

  20. Hi, well i have been a windows user all my life, and I'm really satisfied with it. But from a time know as a good programmer/user, I want to know what I'm missing(or not) from not using linux, so for those who have a long time using it I would like you to ask a favor, if you could recommend me the version that I should test. I don't understand when someone says to a newbie in linux that is asking for a version to start, they say to them "well ubuntu(example) is a good version to start", what are the real diference between the different types of linux. Just to add something, I use Mozilla Firefox since a time now, with version 2.0.x.x I was much more happy than with IE, but when I updated to the 3v, I really have to say that I was dissapointed. I think that they didn't took the time to fix some bugs that makes Firefox 3, unstable. Well Thanks and greetings, shotgun.

  21. I think that Norton now a days is just the brand there are many Antivirus software today that are much better than Norton in many things. Now if you want to know which antivirus software is the best, there really is no answer.It is always a matter of opinion. In this case, Microsoft itself seems to trust Nod32 and so do I. I find it much better than the previous antivirus program I had been using in its various incarnations for the last 3 years. It has not missed catching a potential threat, updates itself easily and in the background, has great customer support and a variety of unique options. It's not a system consumer which is also great, so if you want a payware antivirus I seriuosly recommend it. If you want a free one, AVG is your other solution. Greetings, shotgun.

  22. I will definetly go for a laptop, setting apart the fact that a laptop with the same characteristics of a desktop is much more expensive, the things that you get being mobile, is priceless. I hate when I have to pass the information between two computers with a prendrive, or something similar. Well that's my opinion, I suppose that not everyone thinks the same, but is a view. Greeting, shotgun.

  23. For those who have just asked if they are doing something wrong, the answear is probably not, this "feature" does not depend of your Operating System at all, is your motherboard the one that can bring it or not. But not all is black at this point, what I recommend you is upgrading your bios to the last update, and maybe your motherboard manufacturers had added this option. Like I said before this a feature from you motherboard which brings a software included called BIOS, and when you turn your pc and press DEL, your are entering to de BIOS configuration. Hope this was helpful, Greetings.

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