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Posts posted by hammer90

  1. Okay, I'm tired of all this nonsense about Global warming.
    Why you may ask? Because there is NO OVERWHELMING EVIDENCE THAT GLOBAL WARMING EXISTS. What you see is propoganda! And Al Gore is a hypocrite!

    In the past century, global tempratures have only increased by about one or two degrees. Yupp one or two. And anyway, did you know that the earth is actually on the tale end of an ice age? Yes. It is. So DUH there is going to be tempratures increasing.

    And honestly, do you think WE have any say in the earth's atmospheric conditions? Maybe a very very very small one. Actually all that heat you feel is an existance of smog and humidity, plus the Earth's weather patterns change in a cycle.

    I live in Texas, and it's AUGUST right now. Do you know how hot it's supposed to be here today (during the hear of the day)? About 90 degrees. And it's been like that for a while now. The temprature is usually in the tripple digits by now. Oh yeah, global warming.

    And have you noticed that there haven't been very many hurricanes? Atlantic Hurricanes start as thunderstorms in Africa that start spinnig after they cross the equator and/or prime merridian. But they NEED hot water in order to not disapate. And don't get me wrong, there have been a few tropical storms, but they weren't much more than thunderstorms. If a tropical storm can't even get enough hot water to turn into a level 1 hurricane, then why do you think we are all going to die because of a little heat?

    Seriously people, stop following what the media says. THINK FOR YOURSELFS! I mean, for God's sake you live in America! You don't have to follow everyone else.

    That's what I think.

    Man, I don't know why i am having so much trouble posting a reply--Please disregard duplication of your post ? But anyway I noticed that you mentioned the hurricane season--every year they practically predict the end of the world just to try to bolster their global warming claims. But....did you know that they actually changed the criteria for what strength the hurricane is? They reduced the wind speeds needed to designate a class 5 for example--They are pulling out all the stops to try and justify the propaganda--This is just the tip of the iceberg-no pun intended- of some of the propagandized issues facing Americans today.
    " It'll make blood shoot out of your eyes" ( Glenn Beck 2008) Have a nice day Later--Hammer
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