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Posts posted by longer

  1. Some pages may need users to input date values. It would be nice if the users just need to click and pick and done. This way we may also eliminate the possible input errors. Below is the code I used to implement this. You may want to save it as datepicker.js for other web pages to use. I also attached 3 files for you to download. All you need to do is unzip the 3 files to a directory under any web server and start trying it.

    If you are using jsp, you can refer to the submited field by adding something like request.getParameter("date1") to your page. If you're using php, you may try $_REQUEST["date1"] to get the value out of the submited form field. Of course you have to rename the html file to .jsp or .php.

    var winCal;var dtToday=new Date();var Cal;var docCal;var MonthName=["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June","July", 	"August", "September", "October", "November", "December"];var WeekDayName=["Sunday","Monday","Tuesday","Wednesday","Thursday","Friday","Saturday"];	var exDateTime;//Existing Date and Time//Configurable parametersvar cnTop="200";//top coordinate of calendar window.var cnLeft="500";//left coordinate of calendar windowvar WindowTitle ="DateTime Picker";//Date Time Picker title.var WeekChar=2;//number of character for week day. if 2 then Mo,Tu,We. if 3 then Mon,Tue,Wed.var CellWidth=20;//Width of day cell.var DateSeparator="/";//Date Separator, you can change it to "/" if you want.var TimeMode=24;//default TimeMode value. 12 or 24var ShowLongMonth=true;//Show long month name in Calendar header. example: "January".var ShowMonthYear=true;//Show Month and Year in Calendar header.var MonthYearColor="#cc0033";//Font Color of Month and Year in Calendar header.var WeekHeadColor="#0099CC";//Background Color in Week header.var SundayColor="#6699FF";//Background color of Sunday.var SaturdayColor="#CCCCFF";//Background color of Saturday.var WeekDayColor="white";//Background color of weekdays.var FontColor="blue";//color of font in Calendar day cell.var TodayColor="#FFFF33";//Background color of today.var SelDateColor="#FFFF99";//Backgrond color of selected date in textbox.var YrSelColor="#cc0033";//color of font of Year selector.var ThemeBg="";//Background image of Calendar window.//end Configurable parameters//end Global variablefunction NewCal(pCtrl,pFormat,pShowTime,pTimeMode){	Cal=new Calendar(dtToday);	if ((pShowTime!=null) && (pShowTime))	{		Cal.ShowTime=true;		if ((pTimeMode!=null) &&((pTimeMode=='12')||(pTimeMode=='24')))		{			TimeMode=pTimeMode;		}			}		if (pCtrl!=null)		Cal.Ctrl=pCtrl;	if (pFormat!=null)		Cal.Format=pFormat.toUpperCase();		exDateTime=document.getElementById(pCtrl).value;	if (exDateTime!="")//Parse Date String	{		var Sp1;//Index of Date Separator 1		var Sp2;//Index of Date Separator 2 		var tSp1;//Index of Time Separator 1		var tSp1;//Index of Time Separator 2		var strMonth;		var strDate;		var strYear;		var intMonth;		var YearPattern;		var strHour;		var strMinute;		var strSecond;		//parse month		Sp1=exDateTime.indexOf(DateSeparator,0)		Sp2=exDateTime.indexOf(DateSeparator,(parseInt(Sp1)+1));				if ((Cal.Format.toUpperCase()=="DDMMYYYY") || (Cal.Format.toUpperCase()=="DDMMMYYYY"))		{			strMonth=exDateTime.substring(Sp1+1,Sp2);			strDate=exDateTime.substring(0,Sp1);		}		else if ((Cal.Format.toUpperCase()=="MMDDYYYY") || (Cal.Format.toUpperCase()=="MMMDDYYYY"))		{			strMonth=exDateTime.substring(0,Sp1);			strDate=exDateTime.substring(Sp1+1,Sp2);		}		if (isNaN(strMonth))			intMonth=Cal.GetMonthIndex(strMonth);		else			intMonth=parseInt(strMonth,10)-1;			if ((parseInt(intMonth,10)>=0) && (parseInt(intMonth,10)<12))			Cal.Month=intMonth;		//end parse month		//parse Date		if ((parseInt(strDate,10)<=Cal.GetMonDays()) && (parseInt(strDate,10)>=1))			Cal.Date=strDate;		//end parse Date		//parse year		strYear=exDateTime.substring(Sp2+1,Sp2+5);		YearPattern=/^\d{4}$/;		if (YearPattern.test(strYear))			Cal.Year=parseInt(strYear,10);		//end parse year		//parse time		if (Cal.ShowTime==true)		{			tSp1=exDateTime.indexOf(":",0)			tSp2=exDateTime.indexOf(":",(parseInt(tSp1)+1));			strHour=exDateTime.substring(tSp1,(tSp1)-2);			Cal.SetHour(strHour);			strMinute=exDateTime.substring(tSp1+1,tSp2);			Cal.SetMinute(strMinute);			strSecond=exDateTime.substring(tSp2+1,tSp2+3);			Cal.SetSecond(strSecond);		}		}	winCal=window.open("","DateTimePicker","toolbar=0,status=0,menubar=0,fullscreen=no,width=195,height=245,resizable=0,top="+cnTop+",left="+cnLeft);	docCal=winCal.document;	RenderCal();}function RenderCal(){	var vCalHeader;	var vCalData;	var vCalTime;	var i;	var j;	var SelectStr;	var vDayCount=0;	var vFirstDay;	docCal.open();	docCal.writeln("<html><head><title>"+WindowTitle+"</title>");	docCal.writeln("<script>var winMain=window.opener;</script>");	docCal.writeln("</head><body background='"+ThemeBg+"' link="+FontColor+" vlink="+FontColor+"><form name='Calendar'>");	vCalHeader="<table border=1 cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 width='100%' align=\"center\" valign=\"top\">\n";	//Month Selector	vCalHeader+="<tr>\n<td colspan='7'><table border=0 width='100%' cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td align='left'>\n";	vCalHeader+="<select name=\"MonthSelector\" onChange=\"java script:winMain.Cal.SwitchMth(this.selectedIndex);winMain.RenderCal();\">\n";	for (i=0;i<12;i++)	{		if (i==Cal.Month)			SelectStr="Selected";		else			SelectStr="";			vCalHeader+="<option "+SelectStr+" value >"+MonthName[i]+"\n";	}	vCalHeader+="</select></td>";	//Year selector	vCalHeader+="\n<td align='right'><a href=\"java script:winMain.Cal.DecYear();winMain.RenderCal()\"><b><font color=\""+YrSelColor+"\"><</font></b></a><font face=\"Verdana\" color=\""+YrSelColor+"\" size=2><b> "+Cal.Year+" </b></font><a href=\"java script:winMain.Cal.IncYear();winMain.RenderCal()\"><b><font color=\""+YrSelColor+"\">></font></b></a></td></tr></table></td>\n";		vCalHeader+="</tr>";	//Calendar header shows Month and Year	if (ShowMonthYear)		vCalHeader+="<tr><td colspan='7'><font face='Verdana' size='2' align='center' color='"+MonthYearColor+"'><b>"+Cal.GetMonthName(ShowLongMonth)+" "+Cal.Year+"</b></font></td></tr>\n";	//Week day header	vCalHeader+="<tr bgcolor="+WeekHeadColor+">";	for (i=0;i<7;i++)	{		vCalHeader+="<td align='center'><font face='Verdana' size='2'>"+WeekDayName[i].substr(0,WeekChar)+"</font></td>";	}	vCalHeader+="</tr>";		docCal.write(vCalHeader);		//Calendar detail	CalDate=new Date(Cal.Year,Cal.Month);	CalDate.setDate(1);	vFirstDay=CalDate.getDay();	vCalData="<tr>";	for (i=0;i<vFirstDay;i++)	{		vCalData=vCalData+GenCell();		vDayCount=vDayCount+1;	}	for (j=1;j<=Cal.GetMonDays();j++)	{		var strCell;		vDayCount=vDayCount+1;		if ((j==dtToday.getDate())&&(Cal.Month==dtToday.getMonth())&&(Cal.Year==dtToday.getFullYear()))			strCell=GenCell(j,true,TodayColor);//Highlight today's date		else		{			if (j==Cal.Date)			{				strCell=GenCell(j,true,SelDateColor);			}			else			{	 				if (vDayCount%7==0)					strCell=GenCell(j,false,SaturdayColor);				else if ((vDayCount+6)%7==0)					strCell=GenCell(j,false,SundayColor);				else					strCell=GenCell(j,null,WeekDayColor);			}				}								vCalData=vCalData+strCell;		if((vDayCount%7==0)&&(j<Cal.GetMonDays()))		{			vCalData=vCalData+"</tr>\n<tr>";		}	}	docCal.writeln(vCalData);		//Time picker	if (Cal.ShowTime)	{		var showHour;		showHour=Cal.getShowHour();				vCalTime="<tr>\n<td colspan='7' align='center'>";		vCalTime+="<input type='text' name='hour' maxlength=2 size=1 style=\"WIDTH: 22px\" value="+showHour+" onchange=\"java script:winMain.Cal.SetHour(this.value)\">";		vCalTime+=" : ";		vCalTime+="<input type='text' name='minute' maxlength=2 size=1 style=\"WIDTH: 22px\" value="+Cal.Minutes+" onchange=\"java script:winMain.Cal.SetMinute(this.value)\">";		vCalTime+=" : ";		vCalTime+="<input type='text' name='second' maxlength=2 size=1 style=\"WIDTH: 22px\" value="+Cal.Seconds+" onchange=\"java script:winMain.Cal.SetSecond(this.value)\">";		if (TimeMode==12)		{			var SelectAm =(parseInt(Cal.Hours,10)<12)? "Selected":"";			var SelectPm =(parseInt(Cal.Hours,10)>=12)? "Selected":"";			vCalTime+="<select name=\"ampm\" onchange=\"java script:winMain.Cal.SetAmPm(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value);\">";			vCalTime+="<option "+SelectAm+" value=\"AM\">AM</option>";			vCalTime+="<option "+SelectPm+" value=\"PM\">PM<option>";			vCalTime+="</select>";		}			vCalTime+="\n</td>\n</tr>";		docCal.write(vCalTime);	}		//end time picker	docCal.writeln("\n</table>");	docCal.writeln("</form></body></html>");	docCal.close();}function GenCell(pValue,pHighLight,pColor)//Generate table cell with value{	var PValue;	var PCellStr;	var vColor;	var vHLstr1;//HighLight string	var vHlstr2;	var vTimeStr;		if (pValue==null)		PValue="";	else		PValue=pValue;		if (pColor!=null)		vColor="bgcolor=\""+pColor+"\"";	else		vColor="";		if ((pHighLight!=null)&&(pHighLight))		{vHLstr1="color='red'><b>";vHLstr2="</b>";}	else		{vHLstr1=">";vHLstr2="";}			if (Cal.ShowTime)	{		vTimeStr="winMain.document.getElementById('"+Cal.Ctrl+"').value+=' '+"+"winMain.Cal.getShowHour()"+"+':'+"+"winMain.Cal.Minutes"+"+':'+"+"winMain.Cal.Seconds";		if (TimeMode==12)			vTimeStr+="+' '+winMain.Cal.AMorPM";	}		else		vTimeStr="";			PCellStr="<td "+vColor+" width="+CellWidth+" align='center'><font face='verdana' size='2'"+vHLstr1+"<a href=\"java script:winMain.document.getElementById('"+Cal.Ctrl+"').value='"+Cal.FormatDate(PValue)+"';"+vTimeStr+";window.close();\">"+PValue+"</a>"+vHLstr2+"</font></td>";	return PCellStr;}function Calendar(pDate,pCtrl){	//Properties	this.Date=pDate.getDate();//selected date	this.Month=pDate.getMonth();//selected month number	this.Year=pDate.getFullYear();//selected year in 4 digits	this.Hours=pDate.getHours();			if (pDate.getMinutes()<10)		this.Minutes="0"+pDate.getMinutes();	else		this.Minutes=pDate.getMinutes();		if (pDate.getSeconds()<10)		this.Seconds="0"+pDate.getSeconds();	else				this.Seconds=pDate.getSeconds();			this.MyWindow=winCal;	this.Ctrl=pCtrl;	this.Format="ddMMyyyy";	this.Separator=DateSeparator;	this.ShowTime=false;	if (pDate.getHours()<12)		this.AMorPM="AM";	else		this.AMorPM="PM";	}function GetMonthIndex(shortMonthName){	for (i=0;i<12;i++)	{		if (MonthName[i].substring(0,3).toUpperCase()==shortMonthName.toUpperCase())		{	return i;}	}}Calendar.prototype.GetMonthIndex=GetMonthIndex;function IncYear(){	Cal.Year++;}Calendar.prototype.IncYear=IncYear;function DecYear(){	Cal.Year--;}Calendar.prototype.DecYear=DecYear;	function SwitchMth(intMth){	Cal.Month=intMth;}Calendar.prototype.SwitchMth=SwitchMth;function SetHour(intHour){		var MaxHour;	var MinHour;	if (TimeMode==24)	{	MaxHour=23;MinHour=0}	else if (TimeMode==12)	{	MaxHour=12;MinHour=1}	else		alert("TimeMode can only be 12 or 24");			var HourExp=new RegExp("^\\d\\d$");	if (HourExp.test(intHour) && (parseInt(intHour,10)<=MaxHour) && (parseInt(intHour,10)>=MinHour))	{			if ((TimeMode==12) && (Cal.AMorPM=="PM"))		{			if (parseInt(intHour,10)==12)				Cal.Hours=12;			else					Cal.Hours=parseInt(intHour,10)+12;		}			else if ((TimeMode==12) && (Cal.AMorPM=="AM"))		{			if (intHour==12)				intHour-=12;			Cal.Hours=parseInt(intHour,10);		}		else if (TimeMode==24)			Cal.Hours=parseInt(intHour,10);		}}Calendar.prototype.SetHour=SetHour;function SetMinute(intMin){	var MinExp=new RegExp("^\\d\\d$");	if (MinExp.test(intMin) && (intMin<60))		Cal.Minutes=intMin;}Calendar.prototype.SetMinute=SetMinute;function SetSecond(intSec){		var SecExp=new RegExp("^\\d\\d$");	if (SecExp.test(intSec) && (intSec<60))		Cal.Seconds=intSec;}Calendar.prototype.SetSecond=SetSecond;function SetAmPm(pvalue){	this.AMorPM=pvalue;	if (pvalue=="PM")	{		this.Hours=(parseInt(this.Hours,10))+12;		if (this.Hours==24)			this.Hours=12;	}		else if (pvalue=="AM")		this.Hours-=12;	}Calendar.prototype.SetAmPm=SetAmPm;function getShowHour(){	var finalHour;	if (TimeMode==12)	{		if (parseInt(this.Hours,10)==0)		{			this.AMorPM="AM";			finalHour=parseInt(this.Hours,10)+12;			}		else if (parseInt(this.Hours,10)==12)		{			this.AMorPM="PM";			finalHour=12;		}				else if (this.Hours>12)		{			this.AMorPM="PM";			if ((this.Hours-12)<10)				finalHour="0"+((parseInt(this.Hours,10))-12);			else				finalHour=parseInt(this.Hours,10)-12;			}		else		{			this.AMorPM="AM";			if (this.Hours<10)				finalHour="0"+parseInt(this.Hours,10);			else				finalHour=this.Hours;			}	}	else if (TimeMode==24)	{		if (this.Hours<10)			finalHour="0"+parseInt(this.Hours,10);		else				finalHour=this.Hours;	}		return finalHour;	}				Calendar.prototype.getShowHour=getShowHour;		function GetMonthName(IsLong){	var Month=MonthName[this.Month];	if (IsLong)		return Month;	else		return Month.substr(0,3);}Calendar.prototype.GetMonthName=GetMonthName;function GetMonDays()//Get number of days in a month{	var DaysInMonth=[31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];	if (this.IsLeapYear())	{		DaysInMonth[1]=29;	}		return DaysInMonth[this.Month];	}Calendar.prototype.GetMonDays=GetMonDays;function IsLeapYear(){	if ((this.Year%4)==0)	{		if ((this.Year%100==0) && (this.Year%400)!=0)		{			return false;		}		else		{			return true;		}	}	else	{		return false;	}}Calendar.prototype.IsLeapYear=IsLeapYear;function FormatDate(pDate){	if (this.Format.toUpperCase()=="DDMMYYYY")		return (pDate+DateSeparator+(this.Month+1)+DateSeparator+this.Year);	else if (this.Format.toUpperCase()=="DDMMMYYYY")		return (pDate+DateSeparator+this.GetMonthName(false)+DateSeparator+this.Year);	else if (this.Format.toUpperCase()=="MMDDYYYY")		return ((this.Month+1)+DateSeparator+pDate+DateSeparator+this.Year);	else if (this.Format.toUpperCase()=="MMMDDYYYY")		return (this.GetMonthName(false)+DateSeparator+pDate+DateSeparator+this.Year);			}Calendar.prototype.FormatDate=FormatDate;

    And below is an example of html file that uses the script:

    <html><head><script src="datepicker.js"></script></head><body>Pick a Date:<form><input id="date1" type="text" name="date1" size="8" maxlength="10"><a href="java script:NewCal('date1','mmddyyyy',false)"><img src="cal.gif" width="16" height="16" border="0" alt="Pick a date"></a></form></body></html>


  2. I recently installed PEAR into a PHP environment on a Linux machine, and as I did the installation I wrote down the steps for future use. I thought it might be useful for others.

    PEAR stands for PHP Extension and Application Repository. Basically I just use it for replacing php database connection functions.

    Download the go-pear.php script from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.
    Open a command line shell and run the script:

    php go-pear.php

    Welcome to go-pear!Go-pear will install the 'pear' command and all the files needed by
    it. This command is your tool for PEAR installation and maintenance.
    Go-pear also lets you download and install the PEAR packages bundled
    with PHP: MDB2.
    If you wish to abort, press Control-C now, or press Enter to continue:
    HTTP proxy (http://forums.xisto.com/), or Enter for none:: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    Below is a suggested file layout for your new PEAR installation. To
    change individual locations, type the number in front of the
    directory. Type 'all' to change all of them or simply press Enter to
    accept these locations.
    1. Installation prefix : /usr
    2. Binaries directory : $prefix/bin
    3. PHP code directory ($php_dir) : $prefix/share/pear
    4. Documentation base directory : $php_dir/docs
    5. Data base directory : $php_dir/data
    6. Tests base directory : $php_dir/tests
    7. Temporary files directory : $prefix/temp
    1-7, 'all' or Enter to continue:
    The following PEAR packages are bundled with PHP: MDB2.
    Would you like to install these as well? [Y/n] : Y
    Loading zlib: ok
    Downloading package: PEAR-stable......ok
    Downloading package: Archive_Tar-stable....ok
    Downloading package: Console_Getopt-stable....ok
    Downloading package: Structures_Graph-stable....ok
    Bootstrapping: PEAR...................(remote) ok
    Bootstrapping: Archive_Tar............(remote) ok
    Bootstrapping: Console_Getopt.........(remote) ok
    Downloading package: MDB2.............ok
    Extracting installer..................ok
    warning: pear/PEAR requires package "pear/Archive_Tar" (version >= 1.3.1)
    warning: pear/PEAR requires package "pear/Console_Getopt" (version >= 1.2)
    warning: pear/PEAR requires package "pear/Structures_Graph" (version >= 1.0.2)
    pear/PEAR can optionally use package "pear/XML_RPC" (version >= 1.4.0)
    pear/PEAR can optionally use package "pear/PEAR_Frontend_Web" (version >= 0.5.0)pear/PEAR can optionally use package "pear/PEAR_Frontend_Gtk" (version >= 0.4.0)install ok: channel://pear.php.net/PEAR-1.5.4
    install ok: channel://pear.php.net/Archive_Tar-1.3.2
    install ok: channel://pear.php.net/Console_Getopt-1.2.2
    install ok: channel://pear.php.net/Structures_Graph-1.0.2
    install ok: channel://pear.php.net/MDB2-2.4.1
    MDB2: Optional feature fbsql available (Frontbase SQL driver for MDB2)
    MDB2: Optional feature ibase available (Interbase/Firebird driver for MDB2)
    MDB2: Optional feature mysql available (MySQL driver for MDB2)
    MDB2: Optional feature mysqli available (MySQLi driver for MDB2)
    MDB2: Optional feature mssql available (MS SQL Server driver for MDB2)
    MDB2: Optional feature oci8 available (Oracle driver for MDB2)
    MDB2: Optional feature pgsql available (PostgreSQL driver for MDB2)
    MDB2: Optional feature querysim available (Querysim driver for MDB2)
    MDB2: Optional feature sqlite available (SQLite2 driver for MDB2)
    To install use "pear install pear/MDB2#featurename"
    The 'pear' command is now at your service at /usr/bin/pear
    You can now use PEAR to install PHP extensions. See http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/.

  3. We actually use both Windows and Linux. The reason is obvious - Linux is free so we use it for all the servers and Windows is convenient so we put it on all workstations and laptops. Linux means endless compilation and installation to me though. I'd like to thank those who contribute to all the build files...I don't have to pay a cent for that.

  4. Usually I only write my code in my local box and upload to the remote box to test using some kind of pscp batch script. My local machine is Windows box and the remote server is Linux so the configuration is different. I prefer this way because I have too many apps installed in my local box and it's getting slower and slower. I will have to upgrade my box soon...

  5. I always use classes to hold constants instead of interfaces. Recently my co-worker started using Interface to hold constants for the same project.I think it's good to share with him some points of view from the following books which justify why should you avoid 'Constant Interface':Philip Heller and Simon Roberts, "Complete Java 2 Certification StudyGuide":"In the first place, to say that a class implements an interface really means that the class exposes the public methods listed in theinterface. Interfaces are for defining types and should be used exclusively for that purpose. Constant interfaces only contain data, so they definitely don?t define types.The second disadvantage is a bit more complicated. Suppose someone you work with writes some code that uses an instance of Scales. This person can legally reference that instance with a variable of type Conversion, even though doing so would be quite inappropriate. Later, if you wanted to eliminate the Conversion interface, you couldn?t do so, because your misguided colleague would be relying on the existence of the interface."Joshua Bloch, "Effective Java - Programming Language Guide":"The constant interface pattern is a poor use of interfaces. That a class uses some constants internally is an implementation detail. Implementing a constant interface causes this implementation detail to leak into the class's exported API. It is of no consequence to the users of a class that the class implements a constant interface. In fact, it may even confuse them. Worse, it represents a commitment: if in a future release the class is modified so that it no longer needs to use the constants, it still must implement the interface to ensure binary compatibility. If a nonfinal class implements a constant interface, all of its subclasses will have their namespaces polluted by the constants in the interface."Although it's like preference for different people, Interface is for defining types, and not solely for holding constants.Further more, we can use import static in Java 5 so we can type as less as using interface. Finally he accepts the changes and move to his code from interface to class:)

  6. Hello,
    Synchronizing methods is the simplest way to solve this problem. But if your system performs many I / O operations is better you use the class SynchronousQueue.
    Check out this link SynchronousQueue to use a LIFO for waitingTakes and see if it´s what you are expecting.

    Best Regards.

    This is pretty good option. We don't have too many I/O operations in the app that's why we decided to use LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>. Maybe we should try synchronization statement and SynchronousQueue to see the performance difference. Thanks for your suggestion.

  7. So we have a web based application running on JBoss on several clustered servers. The front end of the application is using jms to communicate with the middleware MDB, which communicates with other backend application servers. The application runs well when only a few requests are submited. However, when requests boost to couple thousands, the app starts to crash. The log files shows a concurrency issue with the ThreadPoolExecutor. When we set the core size pool to one the issue was solved. Looks like we have concurrent issue of multiple threads accessing same resource simultaneously. We have to look into it for a better solution. Maybe synchronizing the method that accesses the same resource will be a better solution. Any suggestions?

  8. For me, I would prefer to be a programmer than to be a coder. It is because i am more interested in algorithms of the programs. I like to be the one who create the algorithms, logic of the program than just modifying and editing codes. I like it more to be the brain cause you have the control of everything...hhehehe But as what dimumuray said that most programmers started to be a coder, so for you to be a good programmer you have to learn from other programmers and also share what you have learned.

    I like your idea of being a programmer. So I was a programmer ananlyst then a system architect. I'd rather be fishing some days so I don't have to sit in front of the computer the whole day.

  9. What kind of hard drive would I need for a lap top?
    I just got this lap top from a friend of mines dad and the hard drive only has 27gbs of memory.

    I was just wondering what size of hard drive I would probably need to buy?


    27 GB is OK if you're not installing too much stuff. If you're a gamer, I guess you need one with at least 80GB space.

  10. You've touched on some of the basic principles of OOP, but you need to round out your article with a discussion of encapsulation and polymorphism. If you plan on making this a series of articles on Object Oriented Programming, you will want to look at discussing Design Patterns and Frameworks when you start on the more advanced topics. All in all not a bad job.


    P.S. Consider supplying a list of must-read books on OOP (Anything from the Head-First Series gets my vote :))

    Agreed. They're only some of the very basic concepts. Also something like multithreading could be a topic as well. It's not possible to include all aspects in one article though.
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