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Posts posted by laker

  1. Here is MY review of this fantastic little clock that I got from China.


    I was a little worried buying from a company that was all the way in China, http://liangdianup.com/ but everything went real well and may new clock was delivered in less time then they had said. I had first emailed them a few times with a bunch of questions and they answered every one of my emails quickly. This clock is really neat, every time you flip it on a different side it changes what it tells you and lights up and starts flashing in different colors. It is built very well and it is not cheap junk. It takes triple A batteries (three of them). The alarm is a little soft for me because I am a hard sleeper so I will be using it in my living room and not in my bedroom. I bought the pink one cause I'm a true girl :)


    Here is a link to the clocks section of the website [url="http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    If they ask how you heard about them tell them Heather sent ya. Yeah like they would remember me.

  2. I need to show this led finger light with a white background. But the light needs to be on and show a little color on that white background. If I just use a brush and white out some area around the light hitting the table then it does not look very good. I want to make a great looking photo to put on the front of this website. I would appreciate any help at all. There is a photo now on the front of this website http://liangdianup.com/ of the finger light but they want me to change it to have a white back ground but show the color light. Thank you.

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