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Posts posted by lissagolightly

  1. Oh my gosh, there have been so many times that I just wanted to skip my classes! Like gym or math or science, which all happen to be my least favorite classes ever. I've never actually skipped, but I've definitely wanted to or seriously thought about it. If I forgot about an assignment or had a big test and wasn't prepared, then I'd fake being sick or pretend like I had a really bad headache. In Spanish class, right before really big presentations, I've wanted to stay home because I wasn't ready to present. I actually may have skipped Spanish once or twice.

  2. I know exactly what you mean! I was looking online to find FREE Web Hosting (which was how I found Trap 17), and everything said that it was free, but that I needed to pay $15 as a simple annual registration fee! But then, some of my domain names required extra money to publish. One site wanted to charge me $40 a month to put the website on the Internet! How outrageous.

  3. I'm not sure on this; I really have mixed opinions. There's part of me that says that the photographs are real, but nowadays you can fake almost anything using Photoshop or other photo editing software. But also, if the Lock Ness Monster was real, how could it have gone this long without being spotted? And why hasn't it died yet? There are so many possibilities that it is very hard to figure out the truth. I guess time will tell, when we find it's body on the shore or when the pictures stop being taken.

  4. That is really weird. I've heard all of this before, but I never really thought about it in-depth like that. If you really wanted, you could record the sound files and not even pay a thing. The same would go for a video--you could just get out your video camera and tape it, then put the file on your computer. I guess that really shows that you can pretty much cheat your way out of anything online. I'm definitely going to be more careful with what I put on the Internet! Thanks for the update :]

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