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Posts posted by ka.

  1. I'm not that great with Linux, but it sounds like you should change the owner of the file. As root, you should issue the command:

    chown user music
    Where "user" is your user name. You may also have to go through the files in the folder as well. The way to change all the files in your music folder (assuming you have no other folders), would be:
    chown user music/*
    That would change all the files' owners in the music folder to the username "user." Well, I hope I helped you with your problem.

    you did indeed :)
    Thanks so much, Hamtaro, that was exactly what i was looking for.

    I've been resorting to changing permissions to 777 for all my files just for the sake of my listening pleasure,..but the idea of it alone was driving me mad -> there's a reason why we aren't using window-z ;)

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